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China likely to seek explanation from India over terror sponsorship

Not really?Why?Because Pakistan or Pakistani People were made from the beginning to survive through any sort of event,Indians on the other hand are kamzor dil k log,the will break in pieces if much strain is applied

Sorry but if you compare us with you,i will call you stupid in public

Inferiority complex is not good bro. Get well soon.

Don't try to be a saint. India is not a saint but a terror exporting nation from its birth.

East Pakistani Terrorists funded by you , Srilankan terrorists funded by you, Baloch terrorists funded by you, TTP is being funded by you and now China is seeking "Explanations".

If India continue to do so, China should invest in all of indian insurgencies. In India almost 19 states are demanding liberty from Union of India which is not actually a union.

East Pakistani terrorists - you maintain diplomatic ties with bangladesh. watch your words buddy
The only question the red communist dogs is to be asked how they gave nuclear weapons to a terrorist state

Second we need to tell them stfu we give camel fcuk to their concerns
One of the most hilarious aspects of this has been that it's something only reported on 1-2 Pakistani papers. I mean.. There's a limit to baseless propaganda.. :cheesy: Nobody in their right mind is going to take this seriously..:lol:
Start of the Indian terrorism being exposed to the world.

So what happened to Sharif's dossier on India? He gave it to the US government, right? Then why was he told to "do more" in terms of stopping terrorism, while no mention has been made of India? Do enlighten us.

East Pakistani Terrorists funded by you , Srilankan terrorists funded by you, Baloch terrorists funded by you, TTP is being funded by you and now China is seeking "Explanations".

East Pakistan - Not terrorists but freedom fighters.
Sri Lankan - Funded by Tamils in UK/US/Canada. Indian merely raised diplomatic concerns about human rights.
Baloch terrorists - Where is the proof? If the presence of a certain person in India is proof of Indian involvement then by that logic pretty much each and every major terrorist in the world has been present in Pakistan in the last 30 years, making Pakistan the fountainhead of all the terrorism in the world.
TTP - Where is the evidence? Oh, the fact that India has consulates in Afghanistan?! Being the first country ever to have consulates anywhere....
Pakistan says has eliminated Uighur militants from territory
World | Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:45am EDT
Related: WORLD
Pakistan says has eliminated Uighur militants from territory

Pakistan has eliminated all members of the Uighur militant group the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) from its territory, but must remain vigilant to ensure they don't return, the country's defense minister said in Beijing on Sunday.

China blames ETIM for carrying out attacks in its far western region of Xinjiang, home to the Muslim Uighur people, although many foreign experts doubt the group's existence in a cohesive group.

China, Pakistan's only major ally in the region, has long urged Islamabad to weed out what it says are militants from Xinjiang, who are holed up in a lawless tribal belt, home to a lethal mix of militant groups, including the Taliban and al Qaeda.

"We believe they're all eliminated," Pakistan Defense Minister Khawaja Asif told reporters on the sidelines of a security forum. "I think there (were) a small number in tribal areas, they're all gone or eliminated. There are no more there."

It is just as much in Pakistan's interests as China's to fight Uighur militants, Asif said, denying there was any difference of opinion between Beijing and Islamabad on Pakistan's efforts to tackle the problem.

"The fight against ETIM is our own fight. It's not only China's fight. It's a joint fight against ETIM, between Pakistan and China, so there is absolutely no difference of opinion on the elimination of ETIM from our tribal areas," he added

"We have to be vigilant for a long time that this menace, this infection, does not return."

Some Xinjiang government officials have said they believe Pakistan is not doing enough to prevent Uighurs from traveling there to become radicalized.

Hundreds have died in unrest in Xinjiang in the past few years. Exiles and activists say Chinese controls on the religion and culture of the Uighur people is more a cause of the violence than well-organized militant groups.

China and Pakistan call each other "all-weather friends" and their close ties have been underpinned by long-standing wariness of their common neighbor, India, and a desire to hedge against U.S. influence across the region.

China and Pakistan are getting ready to finalize a deal for China to sell eight submarines to Pakistan, Asif said, in what could be one of China's largest overseas weapons sales once it is signed.

"It's moving smoothly, it's going ahead," he said. "We are at the final stage. I think it won't take very long."

Pakistan says has eliminated Uighur militants from territory| Reuters

One side Pakistan cleaning Terrorist(eliminated Uighur militants) in there ground . Other side blame others /????

There are proves given by Pakistan to China UN and USA. however USA is so ignorant as they need India against China but China is the next power and they will ask about the Indian plans in Afghanistan and CPEC. dont cry soon your own media will be releasing this news in typical Indian crying style.

Your claims are so juvenile and lamentable that I almost have a mind of thanking your post. Even with all the new found friendship with India, if there was even an iota to credibility to what "proof" has been given by Pakistan, US would have loved to use it as leverage against India. This would be done in the form of White House or Department of State media briefings where "concern" is raised on "possible" Indian involvement in said activities, as well as selective leaks to the media. The US is wary of the fact that India is working closely with both China and Russia on many fronts. So it would never let go of the opportunity, if it did present itself.

And yes, I don't have to rely on Indian media. Pakistani media does the job for me. One day a news item will appear, and the next day will be contradicted by something else appearing in The Dawn, the only respectable Pakistani newspaper. I also trust Najam Sethi, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Hasan Nisar, etc, etc, etc, to keep exposing the truth about Pakistan.
No, that explains the continued Western willingness to provide financial and military support to Pakistan - in other words, India's dossiers and rhona dhona about 'Pakistan being a terrorism sponsoring State' has amounted to nothing more than Western toilet paper.

In fact, the Indian effort on maligning and marginalizing Pakistan on terrorism is going backwards now, with the US openly talking about bringing Pakistan's nuclear program into the mainstream.

The Kashmir Dispute, in terms of global support one way or the other, doesn't really get impacted by the terrorism debate. It was intractable the day the Indian government reneged on her commitments as a UN member State to implement the UNSC Resolutions on Kashmir.

Absolutely - Indian trained terrorist thugs, rapists and murderers should be treated as they were in 71.

Difficult to argue with your reasoning. Pakistan sets the bar lower with each passing day. Initially the bar for Western support was set at threatening India diplomatically and militarily, which the US duly did in '65 and '71. Then the bar was set at using ISI as a proxy in Afghanistan. it was further lowered to include using Pakistani soul for moving convoys to Afghanistan. Now you seem to have lowered it to just the mere fact that Pakistan is allowed to exist. So what would satisfy your threshold? Unless NATO/US invades Pakistan and dismantles it, you can continue to use this bogus line of argument, isn't that so? You are welcome to do so.

The Punjabi Army did the thuggery, raping and murdering, atleast the majority of it. Using the plight of Biharis as an excuse to commit genocide on one's own people was the lowest moment in the 20th century.

Not really?Why?Because Pakistan or Pakistani People were made from the beginning to survive through any sort of event,Indians on the other hand are kamzor dil k log,the will break in pieces if much strain is applied

Sorry but if you compare us with you,i will call you stupid in public

It is precisely this belief in your own make-believe superiority and our imagined weaknesses that have made your country into the ulcer that it is. TTP, Balochistan, Karachi, MQM, JuD, LeT, JeM, etc, etc, etc. I do not wish to change your opinion - do continue on the glorious path of being a failed nation until there is no more failing to be done.
man o man: i'll filter the unique in the post. So now Riaz Basra, Malik Ishaq, Akram Lahori, and Ghulam Rasool Shah - founders of LEJ offshoot agency of Sipah-e-Sahaba now are Indian backed...especially for an organisation that has been operating since 1997- when your beloved Angels of Afghan Taliban were in Power.
You didn't really try to comprehend my previous response did you? Let me break it down into a simple summary:

1. Support for a terrorist group at one point in time does not automatically mean support for said terrorist group (or its predecessors/off-shoots) for all time.

2. Support for said terrorist groups does not come with a "Supported by RAW/Indian Government" label or announcement

3. Even if the Indian Government made public statements announcing its support for TTP, Baloch and sectarian terrorists in Pakistan, the operational leadership of these groups wouldn't care, because their primary goal is attacking the Pakistani State and continuing their criminal enterprises to raise finances in support of said goals. If murder, kidnapping, extortion, smuggling etc can be justified by these groups in 'support of the cause', then taking financial and training support from someone they might suspect to be working for the GoI is pretty far down the list of things they won't do.

Difficult to argue with your reasoning. Pakistan sets the bar lower with each passing day. Initially the bar for Western support was set at threatening India diplomatically and militarily, which the US duly did in '65 and '71. Then the bar was set at using ISI as a proxy in Afghanistan. it was further lowered to include using Pakistani soul for moving convoys to Afghanistan. Now you seem to have lowered it to just the mere fact that Pakistan is allowed to exist. So what would satisfy your threshold? Unless NATO/US invades Pakistan and dismantles it, you can continue to use this bogus line of argument, isn't that so? You are welcome to do so.
You lot are so deluded by your own media propaganda that you really don't get it do you? The bar is being set higher each day, not lower. The West, even the US, is continuing to offer weapons and economic support to Pakistan. The US is openly talking about some kind of 'path to mainstreaming Pakistan's civilian nuclear program'. There are no Western sanctions, economic or otherwise, on Pakistan, and no talk (outside of Indian apologists throwing hissy fits) of sanctions. Even the Russians are now selling Pakistan weapons and increasing economic cooperation.

All of India's 'Bollywood Rhona Dhona' about alleged Pakistani State sponsoring of terrorism, and the result is that things have only improved for Pakistan from a Western policy standpoint. At some level you realize this fact but just can't admit it, and this shows in your desperate attempt of clinging to straws when you dredge up 'Western support for Pakistan via diplomatic and military threats in 1965 & 1971'. Western support for Pakistan in 1965 & 1971 was a result of Cold War alignments, and India's relationship with the Soviets. That support started evaporating with the Soviet defeat and disintegration in the aftermath of the Afghan Jihad - India and alleged terrorism had nothing to do with it. If it wasn't for the Cold War, Western pressure on India (in support of Pakistan) in 1965 & 1971 would likely have not materialized, and certainly not at the levels seen.
The Punjabi Army did the thuggery, raping and murdering, atleast the majority of it. Using the plight of Biharis as an excuse to commit genocide on one's own people was the lowest moment in the 20th century.
The thuggery, raping and murdering was done by the East Pakistani terrorists trained and supported by India. Pakistan forces merely responded to wide scale atrocities, violence and chaos by said terrorists, and Indian/Bengali terrorist accusations of 'millions killed, raped etc' have never been credibly proven, with even the newly formed Bangladesh government's own investigation commissions on rape and deaths coming up with ridiculously low numbers (that could be substantiated).
Which part of Fake News are we having trouble understanding? The very fact that this was reported by ahmed qureshi under the fake name of christina palmer should have made any pakistani with an iota of intellectual integrity cringe. I mean for years we have known he is peddling such crude lies, often with abusive language and spelling mistakes and has been thoroughly debunked as just a low quality propagandist for pak mil.

But it seems the sheer desperation to seek a false moral equivalency is too pressing. I suppose with top scientists from pakistan making claims like "most indian missiles crashed in indian ocean" etc and others endorsing water cars etc, we should lower our expectations from pakistanis on the intellectual front.

LONDON - A high-level Chinese delegation - headed by an official of even above the level of minister - is scheduled to visit New Delhi this month, The Daily Mail reported on Monday.

According to details, the Chinese side will seek certain explanations from the Indians about RAW’s funding and training of militants of ETIM at Kunnar, Nuristan, Kandahar and other parts of Afghanistan for not only carrying out terror acts in China’s Xinjiang but for also creating potential threats to China-Pakistan Economic Corridor via Balochistan area.

The Chinese side would talk to Indians officials with solid evidences and would seek strong assurances from New Delhi about immediately and completely withdrawing its support to ETIM militants in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

India would also receive a high-level defence delegation from China. This delegation led General Fan Changlong, one of the vice chairmen of the Central Military Commission which controls the Chinese armed forces and is headed by President Xi Jinping – would visit India in the middle of this month.

Though Indian media portrays this visit as a result of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to China and term it as a move towards enhancing defence ties between India and China, yet the defence analysts believe that during the visit Chinese side would advice Indian counterparts to avoid engaging into any conflict along the Indo-China borders.

It is learnt that after concluding visit to India, General Fan’s delegation will visit Pakistan. The Chinese side is likely to pay exclusive tributes to the Pakistani armed forces for establishing peace in the region as a result of Zarb-e-Azb military operation and comprehensively eliminating whatsoever little presence of ETIM was in border areas of Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

China likely to seek explanation from India over terror sponsorship

Chinese are listening to much into Pakistani propaganda
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