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China likely to seek explanation from India over terror sponsorship

Which part of "fake news" you dont understand. In case of our two neighbors, fake and news actually.

This has been in pipes for a while. The Grapevine has it that if India doesn't stop this game, and continues to use proxies against the Chinese interests, China will let them know that they'd be forced to respond in kind (this is inside and outside of Pakistan, but CPEC is a huge reason for this discussion). The Chinese have calculated the Tibet, Nepal, Asaam side for their own COIN operations, from these sides, they can go deep inside India, to even Bangalore, etc.

Let's see how this whole "game of influence at all cost" plays out. The part of the world called ASIA is changing very, very fast!! Every day there are serious and new developments!!!!

You are still butt hurt over the talk to your boyfriend got in washington over terrorism...
I don't see any point in debating the matter right now. since you seem to be following this story, kindly do provide an update if and when the "explanation seeking" and "giving strong evidence" does take place.

All such previous stories have petered out as nothing but attempts to muddy the water and drag India into a "they do it too" equation. On closer scrutiny, all such previous claims have vanished into thin air.

There are proves given by Pakistan to China UN and USA. however USA is so ignorant as they need India against China but China is the next power and they will ask about the Indian plans in Afghanistan and CPEC. dont cry soon your own media will be releasing this news in typical Indian crying style.
Because you are seasoned player here,
lets dive into specifics.

Lets look at individuals one by one.
Do you think Maulana Masood Azhar is a model citizen of Pakistan?
Since you are a 'seasoned player', how about sticking to the topic - and where exactly did Masood Azhar plop into the conversation from?
Some credible sources would do...by the way what is this dailytimes??

I'd say piss off the Chinese more. When you guys get hit through Nepal or Asaam in retaliation....may be you'll have your "solid sources"?? :enjoy:

You realize there are over 7 states who want to part ways with India and over 29 separatist movements....if Chinese really came down to it, a few billions thrown in, can turn this situation into inferno. India already has plenty of Hindu religious drama where you are now turning your own minorities against your Hindu elite!!!! This Chinese strategy could add serious issues for you.

I think its time to learn to live, and let others live peacefully too. Time coming soon to call the RAW sector commanders back to India, from Baluchistan, Karachi, China's border cities and Afghanistan???? :tup:
Yes, that explains the diplomatic support for Pakistan's claims vis-a-vis any issue regarding India, from Kashmir to terrorism. Btw...where did you gain the insight that P5 policy is to support Pakistan's position on anything, leave alone its status as primary sponsor of terrorists in the world?
No, that explains the continued Western willingness to provide financial and military support to Pakistan - in other words, India's dossiers and rhona dhona about 'Pakistan being a terrorism sponsoring State' has amounted to nothing more than Western toilet paper.

In fact, the Indian effort on maligning and marginalizing Pakistan on terrorism is going backwards now, with the US openly talking about bringing Pakistan's nuclear program into the mainstream.

The Kashmir Dispute, in terms of global support one way or the other, doesn't really get impacted by the terrorism debate. It was intractable the day the Indian government reneged on her commitments as a UN member State to implement the UNSC Resolutions on Kashmir.

Now the Punjabi Army would know how to deal with Bengali smugglers, wouldn't it? Like it did in '71...
Absolutely - Indian trained terrorist thugs, rapists and murderers should be treated as they were in 71.
India needs to handover its Chota Rajan type RAW terroroists .. isnt it more obvious now that India behind terrorism in Pakistan and backing china islamists terrorists thru Afghan..
U r speaking out of context and barking at the wrong tree. India is behind terrorism in Pakistan and on the other hand u have general musfraff giving interview saying that ISI supported Afghan,Pakistani militants and other Islamic extremists from different countries.The militants were given free visas,citizenship,accomodation and the rest is history. Some of the militants groups in Pakistan also have links with militants from ISIS AND Boko Harram
Lets be honest, buddy. When it comes to BS, Indians will readily lap it up like a cup of fresh gomutra.

India came close to killing Dawood in Karachi, called off operation after a last minute phone call: sources:IBNLive Videos
Macho team names, help from a shadowy intelligence group, and a mysterious phone call, this story has got all of it! Plenty of them out there too.
They came really, really, really close, and then realized that the super-specialized-top-secret-Indian-Kommando Team was ready to blow up a goat munching on the grass of the median in said boulevard in Islamabad.

Then again, what else can one expect from a country led by a Prime Minister who believes in an Ancient Hindu civilization that had mastered inter-galactic travel, animal-human mutants and other advanced technology ....:crazy:
It is my personal opinion and view that Indian Bangla (Bangla Speaking) people are more towards cinema, literature and academic as compare to Bangladeshi friends i fail to understand why ? they have same culture same roots so what is the main reason for that.
U r speaking out of context and barking at the wrong tree. India is behind terrorism in Pakistan and on the other hand u have general musfraff giving interview saying that ISI supported Afghan,Pakistani militants and other Islamic extremists from different countries.
As did the US and her allies during the Cold War Afghan Jihad.

Haqqani and various other extremists have pictures taken in the White House with the US President, so stop insulting everyone's intelligence by acting like what Musharraf allegedly said (still waiting to hear the entire interview) is something new. These entities were supported by the US, Saudis, UAE etc. as much as by Pakistan.

Which part of "fake news" you dont understand. In case of our two neighbors, fake and news actually.
Fake news:

Indian reports of non-existent Border Action Teams
Indian reports of Pakistani spy pigeons, goats, camels and assorted wildlife
Indian reports of Dawood being protected by super-duper-KOmmando Team
Indian reports of verified Dawood addresses in Pakistan that end up being the addresses of UN Ambassadors and highways
Indian reports of 'former Defence Minister claiming XYZ' by distorting and manipulating actual responses in an interview with a non-native English speaker
etc. etc. etc. ....
Agno is back.

Thumping UN Resolutions on Kashmir shall follow.

It is written.

And so shalt it pass.

Cheers, Doc
Agno is back.

Thumping UN Resolutions on Kashmir shall follow.

It is written.

And so shalt it pass.

Cheers, Doc
Been there, done that (torn apart weak Indian arguments on 'withdrawal' and 'binding' and what not).

Just need to provide links to direct the usual intellectual laggards to the subject matter they'll pretend to read while coming up with tangential diatribes to hijack the discussion.
Doesn't make your legal case any more valid ... and on que, you validate the latter part of my previous post.

Mea culpa.

I was just excited to see the veteran Pakistani Don Quixote back.

Please continue. I do not mean to hijack this intellectually stimulating discussion on China pulling India up on terrorism.

In fact I am agog with righteous interest.
Since you are a 'seasoned player', how about sticking to the topic - and where exactly did Masood Azhar plop into the conversation from?
I thought you were talking about respected list, (well played invoking the topic though)
as far as on topic is concerned - is it even debatable?
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