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China leaders preside at WWII massacre remembrance

kyle Chiang

Oct 22, 2014
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NANJING, China: President Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders presided on Saturday at a ceremony on the 77th anniversary of the Nanking massacre amid a drive to revive memories of Japan's brutal invasion and stir patriotism.

Addressing soldiers, students, and survivors of the December 1937 killings carried out by occupying Japanese troops, Xi called out Japanese ultra-nationalists who seek to deny the massacre took place.

"Those who uphold justice and love peace must be highly vigilant and firmly oppose those wrong words and deeds," he said. "History will not permit anyone who would deny the facts of the Nanking atrocity."

Estimates of those killed range from 40,000 to the official Chinese figure of 300,000. About 20,000 women were also believed to have been raped over the six weeks of chaos, mass looting and arson.

After the national anthem, participants at the ceremony and people throughout the city stood for one minute of silence against the wail of what was described as the world's largest air raid siren.

China raised the profile of commemorations this year as part of three new holidays to mark major wartime events at a time of a downturn in China-Japan relations, which have been roiled by a series of events leading to a more than two-year suspension in high-level contacts that still haven't been fully restored.

Ahead of the commemoration, a previously unseen archive of wartime materials was released in order to "learn from history," said Yang Haisheng, director of Shanghai Audio-Visual Archives.

Underscoring the bitterness is a long-standing sentiment among Chinese that Japan has never shown true contrition for its invasion and occupation of China.

December 13th become Chinese National Public Sacrifice Day from nowadays.

Remember that,not for revenge,but value the peace.

China leaders preside at WWII massacre remembrance - The Times of India

Some pics of the Nanking massacre
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We condemn the war criminals of Imperial Army in Nanjing in 1937 to 40,000-300,000 civilians
We also condemn the war criminals of Khmer Rouge in Cambodia during 1975-1978 to 2-4 millions of civilians.
And we condemn to any attempt to repeat those war criminals in the future.
We condemn the war criminals of Imperial Army in Nanjing in 1937 to 40,000-300,000 civilians
We also condemn the war criminals of Khmer Rouge in Cambodia during 1975-1978 to 2-4 millions of civilians.
And we condemn to any attempt to repeat those war criminals in the future.
May prevent those atrocities forever and ever.

Another tragedy,the Cultural Revolution of China,we should not forget,too.
"Forgetting history is a betrayal, and denying a crime is to repeat a crime. We should not hate a people just because a small minority of militarists set off an invasion and war.

"... but nobody at any time should forget the severe crimes of the invaders."
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one objection of my part,as far as I know,Japanese Soldiers only performed Seppuku/Hara Kiri to Japanese soldiers only.they didn't perform it on foreigners as it is strictly a Japanese culture.

I don't know why multiple sites post these Seppuku pics as "Japanese Atrocities"...


could you clarify if Japanese Soldiers performed this act on foreigners or not???
NANJING, China: President Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders presided on Saturday at a ceremony on the 77th anniversary of the Nanking massacre amid a drive to revive memories of Japan's brutal invasion and stir patriotism.

Addressing soldiers, students, and survivors of the December 1937 killings carried out by occupying Japanese troops, Xi called out Japanese ultra-nationalists who seek to deny the massacre took place.

"Those who uphold justice and love peace must be highly vigilant and firmly oppose those wrong words and deeds," he said. "History will not permit anyone who would deny the facts of the Nanking atrocity."

Estimates of those killed range from 40,000 to the official Chinese figure of 300,000. About 20,000 women were also believed to have been raped over the six weeks of chaos, mass looting and arson.

After the national anthem, participants at the ceremony and people throughout the city stood for one minute of silence against the wail of what was described as the world's largest air raid siren.

China raised the profile of commemorations this year as part of three new holidays to mark major wartime events at a time of a downturn in China-Japan relations, which have been roiled by a series of events leading to a more than two-year suspension in high-level contacts that still haven't been fully restored.

Ahead of the commemoration, a previously unseen archive of wartime materials was released in order to "learn from history," said Yang Haisheng, director of Shanghai Audio-Visual Archives.

Underscoring the bitterness is a long-standing sentiment among Chinese that Japan has never shown true contrition for its invasion and occupation of China.

December 13th become Chinese National Public Sacrifice Day from nowadays.

China leaders preside at WWII massacre remembrance - The Times of India

Some pics of the Nanking massacre
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Every year, there is a similar thread in this section.

You can just ask a mod to sticky this thread so that people can refer back to one thread.
one objection of my part,as far as I know,Japanese Soldiers only performed Seppeku/Hara Kiri to Japanese soldiers only.they didn't perform it on foreigners as it is strictly a Japanese culture.

I don't know why multiple sites post these pics as "Japanese Atrocities"...


could you clarify if Japanese Soldiers performed this act on foreigners or not???

Hi @GR!FF!N .

This form of jigai (suicide) is extreme and is done by those who really observe Bushido. It is also an excruciating way to die, the plunging of a dagger to one's abdomen then sawing it from one one lateral side to the other lateral side. One is lucky if one pierces the abdominal aorta thus death will be quick, but if not, it takes minutes, if not hours. Usually this form of jigai is done by Japanese, tho it was rarely done by soldiers. Probably by politicians , or high ranking officers who were of the Samurai class.

As for soldiers; there was a saying when defeat was imminent -- 四面楚歌. And when it was the case, rifles were fixed with bayonets and a general call to charge was made; these were banzai charges. Death was ensured.

Truly a sad and dark day in our two nations' history.
We need to dispatch these devastating, outrageous, gruesome and barbaric images to the world showing a lawless, aggressive, bloody, inhuman, beastly Japan during the massacre of Nanjing in WW2 every year in the memorial day on Dec 13 :(8-)

These pics and memorials make Chinese blood boil yet once again.

Other countires who have also suffered from the onslaughts, destructions, barbarism and brutalities of the imperialistic Japanese may choose to forget.

But China wont and will never forget. :china:

RIP to the hundreds of thousands Bro and Sis who have perished and some are still suffering as a result of the Japanese atrocities.
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Every invader is evil.
How many Vietnamese women and kids were killed in 1979 by PLA ? I have pic but I don't like to post here.
So much of your lies. Instead of criticising the blood thirsty Imperial Japan, you try to paint Chinese as some murder?
Dont forget its China supply that keeps North Vietnam survive when American troops are raping and massacre ordinary vietnamese.

By the way, I still dont understand why the KMT soldiers who fought so bravely against Imperial Japanese troops in Battle of Shanghai retreated to Nanjing surrender easily? The reason Japanese committed such atrocities becos many Japanese troops killed in Shanghai battle and when the easily take over Nanjing, they unleash their revenge.

If the retreated KMT troops fought to the last men defending Nanjing. That will give enough time for Nanjing refugee to make the escape. All Nanjing surrender KMT troops were eventually executed by imperial Japanese troops. They made a stupid decision to surrender to Japanese just like how those Iraq troops surrender to ISIS who eventually executed them. Why would they think Imperial Japanese troops will spare their lives? Another KMT blunder that result such a big disaster for China in WWII.
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