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China launches Compass duo via Long March 3B

Welcome To ISRO :: Launch Vehicles

PSLV has repeatedly proved its reliability and versatility by launching 53 satellites / spacecrafts ( 26 Indian and 27 Foreign Satellites) into a variety of orbits so far.

so 27 by India and 39 by you... wow still very close.... and in Quality,which ultimately matters India is already superior... so IRSO is numero uno in Asia... good work by china too...overall good for Asia...

when india put a man into space, then lets talk kid.
when india put a man into space, then lets talk kid.

which program killed thousands of civilans.. whos rockets fly directyl into high density population centers...lets talk thn little bro.
chandrayaan.? any chinese acheived anything similar.
PSLV 20 out of 21 CONSECUTIVE successful missions. what u have compared to this success?
quality wise India is much ahead.
which program killed thousands of civilans.. whos rockets fly directyl into high density population centers...lets talk thn little bro.
chandrayaan.? any chinese acheived anything similar.
PSLV 20 out of 21 CONSECUTIVE successful missions. what u have compared to this success?
quality wise India is much ahead.

Technology wise and sophiscation. China is way ahead of ISRO. We have our own heavy lift rocket and our space docking plus space lab soon. I let u have the quality but technology advance is ours compare to yrs,ok?
which program killed thousands of civilans.. whos rockets fly directyl into high density population centers...lets talk thn little bro.
chandrayaan.? any chinese acheived anything similar.
PSLV 20 out of 21 CONSECUTIVE successful missions. what u have compared to this success?
quality wise India is much ahead.

if your talking about that landing on moon, that had nothing to do with india, it was all russian, india just provided the paint job and few funds.

india cannot do anything independently, always doing joint projects.

thats how backward india is kid.
indian space program is ahead of china, because china has had an accident killing people.lol
this yindian logic is also qualify mighty india ahead of russia & america too. not just ahead, india is way way ahead more advanced than these countries, because they have had accidents involved bunch of people killed multiple times, not just one time like china.
those yanks and russkie just don't learn anything..they just keep on continuing to have more accidents..lol em yindian logic! :lol:

Oct 24, 1960| Baikonur Cosmodrome| 78-120 deaths when second stage rocket (R16) ignited prematurely.

August 9, 1965| Searcy, Arkansas, United States| killing 53 of 55 contractors|While upgrading a type of ICBM also used by NASA for space launches

une 26, 1973 |Plesetsk Cosmodrome, USSR| 9 deaths | Launch explosion of Kosmos-3M rocket

March 18, 1980|Plesetsk Cosmodrome, USSR| 48 deaths |Explosion while fueling up a Vostok-2M rocket

August 22, 2003| Alcântara| 21 deaths| Explosion of an unmanned rocket during launch preparations

July 26, 2007|Mojave Spaceport, California |3 deaths| Explosion during a test of rocket systems

September 7, 1990|Edwards AFB, CA United States|1 death|Titan 4
August 9, 1991 Komaki, Aichi, Japan| 1 death|H-II launch vehicle
October 15, 2002 |Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Russia | 1 death|Soyuz-U
May 16, 1968 |Cape Canaveral, USA | 1 dath |Saturn V
March 19, 1981 Cape Canaveral, USA | 3 deaths|STS-1
May 5, 1995 |Guiana Space Centre, French Guyana | 2 deaths
May 12, 2002 |Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan| 8 deaths

Soyuz 1 - 1 death
Soyuz 11 - 3 death
Shuttle Challenger| 7 deaths|External tank compromise and vehicle disintegration
Shuttle Columbia | 7 deaths|Vehicle disintegration on re-entry
which program killed thousands of civilans.. whos rockets fly directyl into high density population centers...lets talk thn little bro.
chandrayaan.? any chinese acheived anything similar.

I still don't understand why you keep bringing out Chandrayaan 1. Even though it was a successful mission to some extend, China had launched its own moon probe Chang'e 1 in 2007. It is hard to compare those two as they carried out same yet different mission objective. One thing to be noticed here is that on 12 November 2008, a map of the entire lunar surface was released, produced from data collected by Chang'e 1 between November 2007 and July 2008 and it is to be said the most accurate and highest resolution 3-D map ever created of the lunar surface. You don't see any people here claiming that China has superiority in space technology than US or Russia because of that. Also Chang'e 1's payload was as twice as large than Chandrayaan 1, its mission life was extended to another 4 months to a total of 16 months for additional missions while Chandrayaan 1's mission was cut short by system failures by more than half of its intended mission life. Chang'e 2 was launched in 2010, and this time the lunar probe directly entered an Earth-Moon transfer orbit without orbiting the Earth first with the help of heavy lifting capable LM-3C rocket. The spacecraft also had a shorter Earth-to-Moon cruise time of 5 days, rather than 12 days that was made by Chang'e 1. In contrast, Chandrayaan 1 had to spend 13 days alone in Earth orbit with 5 orbital burns before it could be slingshot toward moon orbit by gravity, and finally reached moon orbit after 17 days since its launch. Chandrayaan 2 is not expected until 2014 while Chang'e 3 is planned for next year.

Anyways I am writing this with no intention of educating you, it is for someone who will have a grasp of what all those means.

PSLV 20 out of 21 CONSECUTIVE successful missions. what u have compared to this success?
quality wise India is much ahead.

Beginning from its first launch, the Long March 2C had 34 consecutive successful launches until its first failure in 2011. And out of 21 PSLV launches only 19 were successful, one complete failure and one partial failure. Also, since both rockets has comparable size and mission payloads, LM 2C only has two stages with no strap on boosters while PSLV needs 4 stages with 6 strap on boosters.

While at this the Long March 2D made its maiden flight on 9 August 1992. It has so far had a perfect launch record of 15 consecutive successful launches. The Long March 3A has made 17 consecutive successful launches with an overall perfect launch record.
Overall Current as of 31 March 2012 China's Long March rockets had 159 launches which 150 were successful.
List of Long March launches
Long March 2C
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle


Japanese lunar probe SELENE beat both China and India's by both mission payload and launch time, and the rocket that launched it H-2A is far more capable than anything India has right now and planned to have in the future. So your claim of being number uno in Asia is far off.
Also, since both rockets has comparable size and mission payloads, LM 2C only has two stages with no strap on boosters while PSLV needs 4 stages with 6 strap on boosters.

that's is damn a good point there. LM-2C is lighter, only need 2 stages & no booster to lift similar payloads. i think that just telling how far ahead yindian in rocket tech are. :lol:


China's claims are not verified by anyone... u saw chinese blocked all info for just a blind man views.... which is not even .000001% as bad news as failure of launch or civilians killed in launch or failure of chinese space program or the acceptance of fact that India is ahead in quality n technology n acheivements of its space program.. it is just fake statistics roleld out by china for chinse consumption...

(if Indian is good and chinese people come to know off, ccp will have no validity to continue as its only claim to restrict its people fully is its claim to being good at some things, but if reality comes out.. pop goes the ccp out like popcorn out of pan)

whereas every step by ISRO is scrutinized by prying eyes day in day out. chinese data is at best junk. this recent indicent only buttresses that already known fact.

u guys acheive 1% but claim 110% for everything ... thats how u make ur public stupid.

u have the pooorest record of launch in the whole world ( real launches)... you have killed max no of people in the launches... u have acheived the worse benefit to input ration from your space program.....

u have nothing like PSLV or Chandrayann, or Like India's enviable safety record of 0 civilain deaths or satellites with as good resolution as India has....

only thing u have is clumsy rockest which can lift more weight and which have failed countless of times taken thousands of lives and which are sometimes succesful and u tell public only about those... so poor tech but u continue using it despite its massive poor record and hide its poor record.... if India were to use things like that India could launch double the weight u guys do right now....
me give up
China's claims are not verified by anyone... u saw chinese blocked all info for just a blind man views.... which is not even .000001% as bad news as failure of launch or civilians killed in launch or failure of chinese space program or the acceptance of fact that India is ahead in quality n technology n acheivements of its space program.. it is just fake statistics roleld out by china for chinse consumption...

(if Indian is good and chinese people come to know off, ccp will have no validity to continue as its only claim to restrict its people fully is its claim to being good at some things, but if reality comes out.. pop goes the ccp out like popcorn out of pan)

whereas every step by ISRO is scrutinized by prying eyes day in day out. chinese data is at best junk. this recent indicent only buttresses that already known fact.

u guys acheive 1% but claim 110% for everything ... thats how u make ur public stupid.


I thought u will come out with facts to rebuke us. All you can come out is this BS? I can understand yr pain becos all the facts we come out is real facts tuff , not make up. You are indeed a TROLL! :lol:

Ya ya.. China space walk is some CCP gimmick. Everything is done in studio in Hollywood. Happy? :lol: USA and Russia are 2 big idiot not able to expose it, ok? :lol:
i don't think he's trolling. he seems to really believing in his..:rolleyes:

I thought u will come out with facts to rebuke us. All you can come out is this BS? I can understand yr pain becos all the facts we come out is real facts tuff , not make up. You are indeed a TROLL! :lol:

Ya ya.. China space walk is some CCP gimmick. Everything is done in studio in Hollywood. Happy? :lol: USA and Russia are 2 big idiot not able to expose it, ok? :lol:

its ur failures which u hide...and ur failure are more then any other country.. the benefit to input ratio is worst... except for clumsy heavy lifting rockets u dont have enything... those rockets have extremely poor safety and success records and are very unreliable..

India doesnt use those kind of primitive n poor designs for heavy lifting.. otherwise India would do this space walk etc much beofre u guys... the thing is in India even single failure is not accepted, but in China every failure is hidden...
China's claims are not verified by anyone... u saw chinese blocked all info for just a blind man views.... which is not even .000001% as bad news as failure of launch or civilians killed in launch or failure of chinese space program or the acceptance of fact that India is ahead in quality n technology n acheivements of its space program.. it is just fake statistics roleld out by china for chinse consumption...

(if Indian is good and chinese people come to know off, ccp will have no validity to continue as its only claim to restrict its people fully is its claim to being good at some things, but if reality comes out.. pop goes the ccp out like popcorn out of pan)

whereas every step by ISRO is scrutinized by prying eyes day in day out. chinese data is at best junk. this recent indicent only buttresses that already known fact.

Do you have any clue of what you are talking about? All space launches have to be reported and registed with UN for its launch date and its intended orbit position, that is why even it is a partial failure which means the satellite does not enter its orbit, everyone will know. Basically you can never hide any launches or its failure, even a secretive country like North Korea can not hide anything like that. I don't know whether you are desperate or is just clueless as usual, but it seems that you are indeed the one who is cleanly being brainwashed here.

u guys acheive 1% but claim 110% for everything ... thats how u make ur public stupid.

This statement is better suited to discribe yourself.
u have the pooorest record of launch in the whole world ( real launches)...
Just like many other of your claims, it is groundless and without any evidence besides heresay. Just how delusional can you be??
i don't think he's trolling. he seems to really believing in his..:rolleyes:

I come to realize that too. That is why I said I spent all those hours doing some research on my own for write those comments without the intention for educating him. I don't know whether he is being brainwashed or just simply delusional.

I thought u will come out with facts to rebuke us. All you can come out is this BS? I can understand yr pain becos all the facts we come out is real facts tuff , not make up. You are indeed a TROLL! :lol:

Ya ya.. China space walk is some CCP gimmick. Everything is done in studio in Hollywood. Happy? :lol: USA and Russia are 2 big idiot not able to expose it, ok? :lol:


Actually if China can hide space launch from everyone else like he said, then the failure actually belongs to US, EU and Russia because even with their fancy spy satellites and missile early warning radars, China can pull a stunt like that under their nose without their notice, then next thing we know is that China can launch missile at them without them even waking up before missile actually landed on them.
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