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China launch again 2012– Long March 3A launches FengYun-2F


Sep 19, 2009
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January 12th, 2012 by Rui C. Barbosa
For their second launch of 2012, the Chinese have launched the FengYun-2F geostationary meteorological satellite from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center using their Long March 3A (Chang Zheng-3A-Y22) rocket from pad LC3. Launch took place at 00:56 UTC on Friday.

Chinese Launch:

Developed by the Shanghai Academy of Space Flight Technology (SAST) and China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), this meteorological satellite series had already seen the launch of four operational satellites, with two more scheduled before the new FengYun-4 satellites enters service.

The most important instrument on FY-2F is the IVISSR is a multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer.

This instrument is designed to address more objectives by appropriate blending of the characteristics of spectral coverage and resolution, spatial resolution, radiometric accuracy, etc. It will cover the full Earth disk and will operate in VIS – TIR with five channels.

The instrument will be used for determining the atmospheric temperature (column/profile), cloud liquid water (column/profile), cloud type, precipitation rate (liquid) at the surface, short-wave Earth surface bi-directional reflectance, sea surface temperature, ocean imagery, land surface temperature, vegetation type and land surface imagery. FY-2F is also equipped with a solar X-ray detector for monitoring and early warning of solar flares.


Awesome. Great going China. I hope soon China and Pakistan will be cooperting in space tech as well.

By cooperation, you mean Chinese developing and paying for everything while slapping on a Pakistani flag.
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