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China keen to up military ties with Iran

That is not enough.
China has WMDs, but the USA still bullying China.
USA is bullying China because Chinese are over-concerned of what western world think about them. USA is going through economic crisis, while China is emerging as the next economic giant, so by US perception, CHINA is a threat.
Just giv Iranians some HQ-9s

Iran needs long-range strike weapons, ones that could retaliate in the face of an attack. Such weapons could be the J-10A/B, J-11B/S, J-16, or even possibly the JH-7A/B
...stick with HQ-9 and defensive weapons.

Like that will do anything against a determined US military with radar-evading aircraft

Even with the HQ-9's strong "anti-stealth" capability, it's not going to be enough

Iran needs long-range strike weapons, ones that could retaliate in the face of an attack. Such weapons could be the J-10A/B, J-11B/S, J-16, or even possibly the JH-7A/B

Do you want to encourage Iran to start a war?
If Iran war, China's interests in the Middle East will be damaged.
Do you want to encourage Iran to start a war?
If Iran war, China's interests in the Middle East will be damaged.

Do you want Iran to lose a war if it is attacked? Because that will guarantee an oil cutoff.

Retaliation is key to winning against a first strike.
Do you want Iran to lose a war if it is attacked? Because that will guarantee an oil cutoff.

Retaliation is key to winning against a first strike.

We can sell them defensive weapons, but not the fighter. We can help it in the Council, but not support it has nuclear weapons.
Iran gov too aggressive, we need to be careful!
And China is what going to export these ? Might i remind everyone China voted (in favor of) U.N. resolutions to ban this stuff to Iran.

* Iran could not participate in any activities related to ballistic missiles.
* A ban on all countries providing military vehicles, aircraft or warships and missiles or missile systems and related materiel to Iran;
* A ban on training, financing or assistance related to such arms and materiel and restraint over the sale of other arms and material to Iran;
* A travel ban on individuals listed in the annexes of the resolution, with exceptions decided by the Committee established in Resolution 1737;
* The freezing of funds and assets of the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution and Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines.
We can sell them defensive weapons, but not the fighter. We can help it in the Council, but not support it has nuclear weapons.
Iran gov too aggressive, we need to be careful!

Define "aggressive". From what I've seen, Iran had not made any "aggressive" actions in its history.
Since 2010 China reducing its Oil imports from Iran

China imports 40% less crude oil from Iran

Chinese crude oil supplies from Iran seems to be squeezing as the Asian dragon's crude oil imports from its third largest supplier, Iran, shrank by nearly 40% in the first 2 months of 2010 against the corresponding period last year.

Even as the country's economy is thriving and the demand for crude has been rising steadily, the imports have shown a significant fall in the given period.

According to the Chinese customs data China's third biggest foreign supplier of crude oil last year, Iran has slipped to fourth behind Russia in the first 2 months of 2010. Iran shipped 2.53 million tonnes of crude to China with a fall of 37.2% compared to the first 2 months of 2009.

China's crude shipments from its biggest supplier and the world's top exporter, Saudi Arabia, rose 5.4% and those from Angola and Russia rose 71.6% and 50.8% respectively to take second and third place. Iran was the only major crude supplier to China to show a fall in deliveries.

According to market experts, the drop seems to be attributed to the Western powers urging Beijing to approve proposed new United Nations Security Council sanctions against Tehran over its disputed nuclear activities.

China imports 40% less crude oil from Iran - International Business Times -
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