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China-Japan-S. Korea investment deal to create "stable, transparent conditions"

China needs the currency swap with them.

The treaty should have been done in two years ago, but it has been sabotaged by the US after allowing the far right nuts to illegal purchase our Diaoyu Island.

I don't know, why won't you purchase the half of Diaoyu island from them. So They got half Senkaku, you got half Diaoyu, everyone happy.
An investment agreement between China, Japan and South Korea will take effect on Saturday. It took seven years and 13 rounds of talks to bring the deal to fruition. China’s official news agency Xinhua says the pact will create "stable, favorable and transparent conditions for investment."

The deal comes at a time of tension between the three countries due to territorial tensions, and it could help improve relations.

Analysts say Japan and South Korea, who are among the major foreign investors in China, would benefit the most from the deal.

China-Japan-S. Korea investment deal to create "stable, transparent conditions" - CCTV News - CCTV.com English

I am getting to like Tiger post more recently. I always believe that all East Asian need to unite. All east Asian must know one thing about Sino-Japanese war that our leaders choose not to teach us. 中日战争是争谁在做东亚老大, 日美战争是文明冲突. Sino Japanese war in essence is Japan desire to unite East Asia under Japan.

I studied history of Japanese thinker in WW2. Basically, their feeling is China is progressing too slowly and the whole world is under white man. Japan must take up responsibility of yellow people and expand on the behalf of yellow people.That is why there is this concept of 大东亚共荣圈 Great Eastern Prosperity Zone.

About Japan hostility to China, the reason is because Japan is controlled by USA and USA take down all pro-China leaders. PM Hatoyama is very pro China. Hatoyama even propose something like Japan China Korea Union similar to EU style. He got kick out.



Is Japan Tilting toward China?

Is Yukio Hatoyama a Traitor? (The Senkaku Islands)

China should cool down, not to hurt Japan too much, and make use of pro China element in Japan to create an east asian union.
It's called colonisation, of course they won't say "hey we just want to have more power so give us your land and work for us like a slave"...they will say bullshit like helping them develop or whatever...do you kill and rape when you are willing to help ? Do you experiment on people alive when you want to help ?
Japan was imperialist, they thought that Japan is too small, so better conquer the rest of Asia to be on part with Europe and US, its not about helping China, its about using China. Japanese considered themselves superior...they didn't want to unite they wanted to dominate. I can't believe some can be that naive...it was ugly so they tried to make it look like beautiful.

As for cooling down...I think Japanese are anti-China, you can't do anything about it. Helping pro China element in Japan is good...but it will also help pro Korean...if Korean and Japanese are friends then both will side with US not China...better to wait until China is really BIG.
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