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China-Japan-S. Korea investment deal to create "stable, transparent conditions"

the only thing right now I can think of or why US was against it is, correct me if I'm wrong. The currency swap is for trade between SK, China and Japan. So if SK trade with China, they swap for Yuan or vice vesa? If that is the case, it means we are bypassing the USD that is why the US is pissed, if that is the case.

Yuan-Won has no direct currency trading bypassing the Dollar like Yuan-Yen.
Yuan-Won has no direct currency trading bypassing the Dollar like Yuan-Yen.

The Jap is definitely much smarter than i thought before.

While appeasing the Yankees on the Asia Pivot against China, they also play the little game by bypassing the dollar for more economic benefits.

I dunno what the US gonna think about this.
China needs to quietly support and build relationship with the sane political sides and their media enterprises in these two countries. The US has been at it for decades, since WW II. A lot of this hostility to China is manufactured by these US stooges in these countries and their media brainwashing:
Politics of South Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The current party in power, Park Geun-hye's Saenuri is the right wing party that supports US agenda in this region, while DUP is more friendly with North Korea and supports the Sunshine policy of unification, spearheaded by Kim Dae-jung. Common people in South Korea support DUP, whereas Saenuri has the Christian vote and the vote of senior citizens who feel some loyalty to Park Chung-hee, father of Park Geun-hye and of course this is also the party that get support from most Chaebols.

Note that the gap is closing between the two party's in most recent election and there is a good possibility that DUP will come to power next election.
China needs to quietly support and build relationship with the sane political sides and their media enterprises in these two countries. The US has been at it for decades, since WW II. A lot of this hostility to China is manufactured by these US stooges in these countries and their media brainwashing:
Politics of South Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The current party in power, Park Geun-hye's Saenuri is the right wing party that supports US agenda in this region, while DUP is more friendly with North Korea and supports the Sunshine policy of unification, spearheaded by Kim Dae-jung. Common people in South Korea support DUP, whereas Saenuri has the Christian vote and the vote of senior citizens who feel some loyalty to Park Chung-hee, father of Park Geun-hye and of course this is also the party that get support from most Chaebols.

Note that the gap is closing between the two party's in most recent election and there is a good possibility that DUP will come to power next election.

Abe is even more far right than Park Geun-hye's party, but they still support the FTA with China.

This trend is above the personal wish of these right-wing parties, since they are next door to China, they have no choice, but to integrate with China's dominant economy.

All the efforts made by the US to keep Asia fragmented will turn out to be fruitless at the end.
Abe is even more far right than Park Geun-hye's party, but they still support the FTA with China.

This trend is above the personal wish of these right-wing parties, since they are next door to China, they have no choice, but to integrate with China's dominant economy.

All the efforts made by the US to keep Asia fragmented will turn out to be fruitless at the end.

Indeed, I think both Japan and Korea are waiting for the right future time to switch sides, each in their own appropriate time, as far as their military/security alliance is concerned, while both continue to further integrate their economies with Chinese economy. When that switch happens in a few decades, that will be the day the West will be eclipsed by Asia, as it always was.

Rise of nationalistic sentiments in any of these countries, sparked by untoward incidents, has the potential to cause unnecessary delay for this switch, however.
There are a few things we want in this deal. One is currency swap, less reliant on the US's dollar will make the US think twice about the cost of going to war. Two is making SK/JP rely on our huge market, which make them less provocative and aggressive toward our national interest.
There are a few things we want in this deal. One is currency swap, less reliant on the US's dollar will make the US think twice about the cost of going to war. Two is making SK/JP rely on our huge market, which make them less provocative and aggressive toward our national interest.

Japan already relies heavily on Chinese market yet those Japs dare wish to antagonize China. Maybe her master is behind this, we need to grow the size of our stick. That will do the diplomacy for us ;)
Vietnam is a serious China wannabe, they believe that imitating China's work in the past will make them on the same league as China.

But they forgot that they can never learn China's thousands years of wisdom, acting like a smart naughty kid is far from being wise like China.

I have a simpler analogy. I play basketball. A 170cm player can learn every move a 200cm player has and won't play remotely as well. It would actually be detrimental to their play-style.

On the Japan-Korea-China three way talk issue, it has been a long time coming and I am not optimistic on it. To be more specific, South Korea and Japan know from long ago that economic tie with China would be their life line, but to extend the relationship to FTA level, it would mean for South Korea and Japan to leave US' control and I don't see that happening without being able to push US out of East Asia.

I would wager a guess. If the talk did happen, it would either 1) yield no real progress 2) followed by Japanese official visiting shrines/disputed land, etc.
Japan already relies heavily on Chinese market yet those Japs dare wish to antagonize China. Maybe her master is behind this, we need to grow the size of our stick. That will do the diplomacy for us ;)
That is because they don't believe yet that we can rival or even defeat their master, the US. Remember the Japanese only respect big gun with big stick. We need to continue demonstrating to the Japanese that they stand no chance going to war against us, just like when Japan got their *** whoop by Ming Dynasty in Imjin War and also by American troops annihilating Japanese army and navy during WWII. The message is clear, we will be the top dog in Asia.
That is because they don't believe yet that we can rival or even defeat their master, the US. Remember the Japanese only respect big gun with big stick. We need to continue demonstrating to the Japanese that they stand no chance going to war against us, just like when Japan got their *** whoop by Ming Dynasty in Imjin War and also by American troops annihilating Japanese army and navy during WWII. The message is clear, we will be the top dog in Asia.

I think the message might be more clear once TW is under CCP's control. Until then just keep pumping our Naval strengths and Airforce.
An investment agreement between China, Japan and South Korea will take effect on Saturday. It took seven years and 13 rounds of talks to bring the deal to fruition. China’s official news agency Xinhua says the pact will create "stable, favorable and transparent conditions for investment."

The deal comes at a time of tension between the three countries due to territorial tensions, and it could help improve relations.

Analysts say Japan and South Korea, who are among the major foreign investors in China, would benefit the most from the deal.

China-Japan-S. Korea investment deal to create "stable, transparent conditions" - CCTV News - CCTV.com English

China is feared to do face to face provocative activities with Japan in ECS, you kiss *** Japanese now. Brave, go ahead China.:partay:
Foreign investors always search for a safety investment environment, earn money and save money, burning factories in Vietnam riots just blow their investments away.
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