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China - Japan dispute intensifies

"If a war breaks out between india and pakistan, who is going to profit?

Ask yourself. America.... yes. But apart from US, who else?

Its china"

Now i understand china alot better

How does America benefit from a war between two allies?
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"If a war breaks out between india and pakistan, who is going to profit?

Ask yourself. America.... yes. But apart from US, who else?

Its china"

Now i understand china alot better

India is a major customer of Chinese products. We're enjoying tens of billions of trade surplus with India. Why do we want India to be involved in a war?
Fair enough, I don't particular think that a second Sino-Japanese war would benefit India materially except maybe in bring China down.

Looks like you are on the pessimistic side when it comes to Chinese militaristic capabilities my friend.
Looks like you are on the pessimistic side when it comes to Chinese militaristic capabilities my friend.

I am, I just don't think that the PLA can manage Japan AND the international response. But even a flawless victory would be devastating on China's economy as western sympathies would decidedly favour Japan.
It might have been india which instigated Japan during the world war 2 to invade China and indiscriminately slaughter Chinese people, if we try to discover what prompted the Japanese to kill Chinese. I may be wrong though.

Challenger, what's with you and this unabated india-hatred? In 1930s India was part of a british empire. we didnt even f***ing have an international voice! so yeah, the imperial Japanese listened to our orders, went and slaughtered Chinese. God, how stupid are you? does hatred give license to defy logic?
Challenger, what's with you and this unabated india-hatred? In 1930s India was part of a british empire. we didnt even f***ing have an international voice! so yeah, the imperial Japanese listened to our orders, went and slaughtered Chinese. God, how stupid are you? does hatred give license to defy logic?

My friend, you should know that "challenger" is not one of us, he's a false flag.

He even called us "Chinese Kommunist Dogs".
Challenger, what's with you and this unabated india-hatred? In 1930s India was part of a british empire. we didnt even f***ing have an international voice! so yeah, the imperial Japanese listened to our orders, went and slaughtered Chinese. God, how stupid are you? does hatred give license to defy logic?

Don't get too worked up over one troll my friend. Here is what challenger has to say about his own brothers and sisters during the Nanjing Massacre:


As Winston Churchill said history is written by the victors. Now, Chinese people have been brainwashed by the whites/Americans/Anglo Saxons to see the Japanese people as aggressors during the world war 2. History would have been different for the Chinese people, if Japan had not been defeated by the Anglo Saxons of US.

Japanese did not invade China, rather they tried to liberate China from Anglo Saxon military occupation. Japan actually wanted to liberate the whole of Asia from Anglo Saxon colonization. Indian leader Subhas Chandra Bose sought the Japanese help for a reason. In fact, Japan had been helping indians to overthrow the British Anglo Saxon colonial rule for a long time. With the Japanese help, Rashbehari Bose had formed the Indian National Army which later became Ajad Hind force under Subhas' command.

Rash Behari Bose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Japan's effort to liberate Asia came from its Pan Asianism sentiment.

Pan-Asianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unfortunately some Asians made a historical blunder by siding with the Anglo Saxons and fighting against their Japanese brothers. China's Anglo Saxon puppet regime KMT during that time cooperated with the Anglo Saxons of America in their fight against the Japanese. Today, Republic of Korea is cooperating the Anglo Saxons in their fight against the Chinese. Ironical!

You need to know that it was because of the Japanese, Anglo Saxons who literally were colonial masters of China of that time fled away. I don't think, Japanese troops would do any atrocities whatsoever had Chinese people stopped supporting the Anglo Saxons.

Japan sacrificed itself for the cause of Asia and Asians. Japan's defeat was Asia's defeat.

Today, China wants an Asia free from Anglo Saxon influences, but see now the Anglo Saxons are using other Asians to contain China. In the past, China was used by the Anglo Saxons against Japan, today Japan is being used by them against China.


I am, I just don't think that the PLA can manage Japan AND the international response. But even a flawless victory would be devastating on China's economy as western sympathies would decidedly favour Japan.

I get your point now. Who ever is "weaker" tends to get international sympathy and it doesn't help that Japan is on the Western side this time. However I don't think that any Western nation, including the U.S., will interfere in the event of war. A potential showdown at the Diaoyu Islands may unify China and Taiwan more than ever before for all we know and this is not something that others want to see.
Realistically the chance for Mainland-Taiwan cooperation on South China Sea and East China Sea is zero until at least a peace treaty between two sides is signed.

I think China will now wait until the mayor elections in Taiwan to further talks with Taiwan. With the modernization of Chinese air force and navy, I think China in the future can afford to remove most of its missiles pointed at Taiwan, which will help the peace talks.
Realistically the chance for Mainland-Taiwan cooperation on South China Sea and East China Sea is zero until at least a peace treaty between two sides is signed.

I think China will now wait until the mayor elections in Taiwan to further talks with Taiwan. With the modernization of Chinese air force and navy, I think China in the future can afford to remove most of its missiles pointed at Taiwan, which will help the peace talks.

Well at the very least I don't think Taiwan will interfere with China's efforts if a battle were to break out at the Diaoyu Islands and may even speak on China's behave. What I am worried about is whether the DPP will turn traitor and assist Japan.
Realistically the chance for Mainland-Taiwan cooperation on South China Sea and East China Sea is zero until at least a peace treaty between two sides is signed.

I think China will now wait until the mayor elections in Taiwan to further talks with Taiwan. With the modernization of Chinese air force and navy, I think China in the future can afford to remove most of its missiles pointed at Taiwan, which will help the peace talks.

We're not talking about formal treaties, but popular opinion.
We're not talking about formal treaties, but popular opinion.

Yeah but one has to admit it's hard for any public to actively support someone who's pointing 1,000+ missiles at you.

With our growing naval and air power soon we'll no longer need those missiles to deter independence anyway, and I see their removal as inevitable.
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