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China jails 20 on Jihad

Can you shed some light on what these militants use to fight Chinese? Do you even know the meaning of Militant?
You seem to think protests as militant activities :lol:

I can't be bothered posting those links again.

Google tibetan youth congress
China is doing right,doing it for national integrity.
Same does India,it's only that some people see two same things differently :lol:
But India was the really backstabber. While talking hindi chini bhai bhai, you supported Dalai terrorism, forward policy, built posts in our land, killed our soldiers.

Dalai terrorism ?? do you have any shame while putting your bs arguments ?? how many people had been killed by the followers of dalai lama since 1950 ? how many times you heard him instigating his followers for resorting violence ?? how many and where chinies soldiers were killed by indian army before 1962 ?? nobody can speak more shameless white lie than you except pakistani. that is why someone has said that islam and communism is same and operate in exact same manner. the only deference is one does all inhuman and totally unjust activity on the name of god and other against the god.
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