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China Jails 14 Muslims after Destroying Mosque

Bombay Dude

Sep 11, 2011
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Authorities in the northwestern Chinese region of Ningxia have handed jail terms of up to six years to 14 ethnic minority Hui Muslims for "inciting violence" and "obstructing public duty," following clashes over the destruction of a mosque at the end of last year, local residents said.

Police in Tongxin county near Ningxia's Wuzhong city detained around 40 Muslim Hui people following riots last New Year's Eve sparked by the forced demolition of a local mosque. Four were later released, and 36 stood trial on April 24.

"Right now, they have sentenced 14 people [to prison]," said a Tongxin resident surnamed Jin. "The rest have all been given suspended sentences."

The Tongxin County People's Court handed down two six-year jail terms and two five-year jail terms, with shorter sentences handed out to the rest of the defendants, their relatives said.

Jin said his uncle, Jin Kecheng, and his father, Jin Yuxiang had received the two six-year sentences, while his brother, Jin Haijun, had been sentenced to three years' imprisonment.

Jin said his family had been involved with attempts to stop the authorities from demolishing the local mosque, which local residents had built with their own money.

"After they came to demolish the mosque, my brother went there to stop them ... and was charged with obstructing official duty," Jin said. "My uncle was the first to get sent to jail because he was the person in charge of the mosque when it was demolished."

He said all of the men sentenced last week had vowed to appeal to the Intermediate People's Court, and their relatives were out of town trying to find lawyers for them.

Beijing-based rights lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan said that appeals were unlikely to be successful in such cases, which Beijing saw as crucial for maintaining social stability, however.

"In such 'stability maintenance' cases, the likelihood of a decision being reversed on appeal once it has been made in the first instance is very small indeed," Liu said.

"[In such cases,] the intermediate court will seek an interpretation from the higher court, which might ask the politics and law committee of the local Communist Party for advice on how to proceed," he said.

"The defendant has the legal right to appeal, and it's very sad that local lawyers don't dare to offer their services," Liu added.

Rare criticism

The December clashes between Hui Muslims and police in Tongxin's Taoshan village drew rare criticism from a key global Islamic group.

In a statement, the 57-nation Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) condemned the violence and the "heavy-handed" response of local authorities.

The group also called on China to respect the rights of Muslims to construct and maintain their places of worship and to freely attend religious services.

According to a Hong Kong-based rights group, the riots were sparked when hundreds of Muslims in Taoshan village tried to prevent the demolition of a mosque they had paid for.

Some reports said at the time that several people died, a claim which officials later denied.

Hundreds of Taoshan residents confronted police armed with tear gas, truncheons, and knives, Hong Kong's South China Morning Post reported at the time.

Local Hui Muslims told Hong Kong media they had spent more than 8 million yuan (U.S. $1.27 million) on the mosque, only to have it torn down by the authorities, who had attacked them with "police batons and bayonets."

The Hui are culturally more similar to mainstream Han Chinese than Xinjiang's Turkic-speaking Uyghur people, but retain some Islamic customs like avoiding pork and circumcising male children.

Ethnic tensions have nonetheless flared in recent years, notably in riots following a 2004 car accident involving a Han Chinese and a Hui Muslim in the central province of Henan.

And in 1993, a cartoon ridiculing Muslims led to police storming a mosque taken over by Hui in northwestern China.

China's atheist ruling Party maintains a tight grip on religious activities, in spite of promising freedom of religion via the Constitution, allowing only officially recognized religious institutions to operate.

In Xinjiang, Uyghur children are banned from attending mosques until they reach 18, and are forced to eat during the fasting month of Ramadan, Uyghurs say.

Xinjiang Communist Party religious affairs officials involve themselves in every aspect of religious life, including approving sermons in mosques and dictating which interpretations of the Quran will be used.

China's official media rarely report incidents involving ethnic conflict and, when they do, are usually under orders to use only approved dispatches from the state-run Xinhua News Agency.

China Jails 14 Over Mosque Clash
Good,,, Prophet Muhammad himself destroyed a mosque that was involved in evil plans. If news is true, this action is very much in line with "ISLAMIC" take on such issue ... Pakistan destroyed many mosques that were built on illegal grounds ...
Any comments from Pakistani Bros about opression of Muslims here ?? :).. After all I just saw a 20 page + India bashing thread on accidental fire in a non islamic sufi shrine in Jammu and Kashmir ..
Naah... this news is too real for them to comment.... It has no fictional content to it... too boring and uninspiring.
Hope LeT will respond as soon as possible.... Ins h Allah :agree:
Since the mosque is demolished by China it is perfectly OK ...
If it was by some other country , the pakistanis would have brought the victim card and started the hue and cry ....
Good,,, Prophet Muhammad himself destroyed a mosque that was involved in evil plans. If news is true, this action is very much in line with "ISLAMIC" take on such issue ... Pakistan destroyed many mosques that were built on illegal grounds ...
Just remember this person and his comments about religious thread..He will soon change his comments..
@topic: If the things are against the rule action must be taken.. I appreciate china's step here, country first then religion..
Even Namo is known for this kind of demolition of religious temples/mosques..
Nobody is above than Law and Correct decision by Court. These so called Muslim should follow law.
Even OIC Condems China. I remember When Babri was Destroyed Pakistanis Destroyed Hundreds of Temples. When China did, They couldn't utter a Word.

Why Thou Hypocrisy?

Its not hypocrisy.. Its helplessness. China is pretty much the only influential friend Pakistan has got left in the world today. Pragmatism always wins over religious extremism this close to home :azn:
Even OIC Condems China. I remember When Babri was Destroyed Pakistanis Destroyed Hundreds of Temples. When China did, They couldn't utter a Word.

Why Thou Hypocrisy?

Because they are afraid of their masters......They will wet their pants before uttering a word......
Awesome.. I am glad that Pakistani religious fanatism on this board is only restricted to issues where India is involved. ;)

A word comes to mind but I guess, doesnt need to be said out loud :azn:

Add Israel , America and a democratic Afghanistan as well .
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