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China is one of the safest countries on Earth

It's the safest big country if you take out the crazy driving behaviour of practically 100% of all drivers and also many pedestrians. There needs to be an overhaul of the whole traffic system as well as behaviour. Otherwise, I feel even more safe than in orderly Germany.

Crazy drivers kill more than ISIS !
What that fvcking yankee said is bullshit.
China is the most dangerous countries on earth.
People here eat dogs ,babies and any animal they see.
In some place,people even cut the foreigner's cocks and poach them,don't ask me why,this is just their tradition.
China is a police state.
The dictatorial government try its best to keep everyone under the most strict surveillance,especially foreigners.
In usual,you can see the policemen's gun patrol in street day and night.
And do you think this is the so called "safest country"
Boy,be careful,these policemen probably will give you a headshot if you are from those "democracy country".
It's the safest big country if you take out the crazy driving behaviour of practically 100% of all drivers and also many pedestrians. There needs to be an overhaul of the whole traffic system as well as behaviour. Otherwise, I feel even more safe than in orderly Germany.
I did not finish watching the half an hour long video but, I'm pretty sure he was talking about the low crime rate in China. Unlike our large democratic, highly "civilized" neighbor, we don't have half a billion rapists here:cheers:

On the other hand I do agree we have 1+ billion bad drivers on our streets. Hehe, when it comes to driving none of us has a second to spare:cheesy:
Western atheists reaction to this video:cry::angry::cry:
yes ,yes that is why china is executing 4000+ people every year, because its a crime less society . not even the gods an comprehend the cheerleaders logic


That's rich coming from someone whose country kills thousands of people per year wihtout trial, often children and old people who have done nothing but being citizen of the wrong country. Then there is another country that lets millions of their children either die a slow and painful death of starvation or illness due to malnutrition and poor health care.
I did not finish watching the half an hour long video but, I'm pretty sure he was talking about the low crime rate in China. Unlike our large democratic, highly "civilized" neighbor, we don't have half a billion rapists here:cheers:

On the other hand I do agree we have 1+ billion bad drivers on our streets. Hehe, when it comes to driving none of us has a second to spare:cheesy:

No second to spare, but a life? Bizzare raisoning.

No matter how you turn that, bloody driving skill is bloody driving skill, arsehole behaviour is arsehole behaviour. And for no second to spare, you guys drive slow as snail compared to our driving speed. Ever driven 250 km/h down an autobahn and everything is orderly and fun?
No second to spare, but a life? Bizzare raisoning.

No matter how you turn that, bloody driving skill is bloody driving skill, arsehole behaviour is arsehole behaviour. And for no second to spare, you guys drive slow as snail compared to our driving speed. Ever driven 250 km/h down an autobahn and everything is orderly and fun?

Sarcasm meter turned off, mate? I was and still am WITH you on this:azn:
It's the safest big country if you take out the crazy driving behaviour of practically 100% of all drivers and also many pedestrians. There needs to be an overhaul of the whole traffic system as well as behaviour. Otherwise, I feel even more safe than in orderly Germany.

I had a lot of trouble crossing the road when I went to visit years ago. One trick I learned was to look for a local who is also crossing and nonchalantly walk beside him\her. The locals have better instinct on Chinese traffic flow.

Safety wise I remember walking around at 2am in the morning because I couldn't sleep at the hotel. Even girls were out and about on their own errands and business with nary a concern for violent crime.
I did not finish watching the half an hour long video but, I'm pretty sure he was talking about the low crime rate in China. Unlike our large democratic, highly "civilized" neighbor, we don't have half a billion rapists here:cheers:

On the other hand I do agree we have 1+ billion bad drivers on our streets. Hehe, when it comes to driving none of us has a second to spare:cheesy:
Bad driving is not a big problem. That is why autonomous driving is must to implement in China in near future. No young and hothead driver who want to have a feel of speeding. No stupid woman who take a decade to do a parallel parking. Cars that will never beat red light unless malfunction. No night clubber who drunk and drive.

Bad driver is easy to solve than aggressive, racist and gun welding citizen.
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31833 Rape cases in China in 2007 ? People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones :D

Google crime rate by country and you'll see South Africa #1, India # 5 in Top 5 Countries with the Highest Crime Rates. Bunch of ignorant fucks.
I am not sure what they mean by safe ,when the Chinese are scared to say anything against CPC even on an international forum.
Yeah? we dont have to say bad things about CPC, CPC lift our entire country out of poverty, give us superb infrastructure, 5 times GDP per capita than India, why should we complain? What do you have as a "free indian"? dying of poverty? fking retarded. U guys just cant compare with China, start bitching when your country GDP get on China's level
Google crime rate by country and you'll see South Africa #1, India # 5 in Top 5 Countries with the Highest Crime Rates. Bunch of ignorant fucks.

Yeah? we dont have to say bad things about CPC, CPC lift our entire country out of poverty, give us superb infrastructure, 5 times GDP per capita than India, why should we complain? What do you have as a "free indian"? dying of poverty? fking retarded. U guys just cant compare with China, start bitching when your country GDP get on China's level

Uhm, let me be clear when I say that I have never denied that we do have a crime rate. And no, we ain't number 1 yet in that category. I believe that Brazil and a few other countries do beat us. I can't speak for Indian crime rates since I've only been to that country very briefly on two occasions. Let some Indian answer you there. Now see, that is how a mature and rationale person responds. Calling a person and "ignorant ****" simply because he or she is stating what is a purported fact just lowers your value in the discussion. I suggest that you review your responses before pressing the post button. The fact is that all countries do have crime and grime problems in certain of their areas and China isn't exempted from that list. Now be a good child and realise that there are adults, women, children, disabled and retards on this forum. Your vulgarity is bound to offend a few on that list :D
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