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China is one of the safest countries on Earth

Listen to what this American have to say

Its true China is safest and beautiful country with good administration , govermant and low crime rate
Love for china:china::smitten:

Wouldn't be so safe if India nukes you guys :D Kidding !

Before tht we will nuke india:pleasantry::enjoy::D:sick::partay:

Cow urine drinker,i think you must have misunderstand something.
Mao is a great man,a unflaging fighter(vs some non_violent_non_cooperation beggars), and most of Chinese people love him,although Anglo_saxons and their servants have tried their best to stain his reputation.
The difference between Mao and Gandi have resulted in the gap between China and some so-called “democracy country”.
Every Qingming festival(tomb_sweeping festival),many Chinese people spontaneously gathered in Beijing in memory of MAO.
Below is some pictures,look at these people,
their average IQ is much higher than you,how dare you think only you know the truth?
View attachment 414259
View attachment 414261

Calm down bro ! some people are born to bark so chill:cheers::partay:
We love China forever:smitten::china:
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