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China Is Building A Second Nuclear Missile Silo Field

It is necessary for China to prepare 2,000-3,000 nuclear bombs.
How many nuclear bombs does China have? I think very few people know. If you read the speculative articles from the US, you can't put any trust in the US data.
easy target

only way to ensure second strike is SSBN

and since 1971 China has conducted about many JL-1, 2 and 3 tests ?

US + UK have done over 180 Trident tests

which leads to one conclusion, China cannot ensure second strike

this is a much cheaper way than maintaining SSBNs

imagine the whole Taklimakan filled by these silos, with only 10% are real ones and the other 90% decoys

you don't believe they can second strike? doesn‘t matter. but are you going to bet your life on it, is the real question

Vietnam should build Icbm silos in the dessert.
lmao have you ever seen a real desert? beaches doesnt count :lol:
Personally I am for it.
Chinese are unpredictable and dangerous.
They claim other seas based on a eunuch story.
They consider other people as inferior races.
You don’t even live in Vietnam so don’t care if it turns into a nuclear wasteland.
Silos are better for the DF 5 missiles series, it will cover all of USA and it’s huge. Better to build large numbers so they will get through their questionable working MDS with Russian missiles and wipe out the nation.
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You don’t even live in Vietnam so don’t care if it turns into a nuclear wasteland.
Silos are better for the DF 5 missiles series, it will cover all of USA and it’s huge. Better to build large numbers so they will get through their questionable working MDS with Russian missiles and wipe out the nation.
Plz. I am a neutral observer just give you a valuable advise. Not optimized if you put silos by silos side by side. That’s an easy target.
Seek professional help. You’ve got issues.
Hey man I mean serious.
Xi Jingping brags he comes from a peasant family he hardly received a good education.
Dangerous when you have such a man with a finger on nuclear button. Can he master alphabet?
He can mistakenly V for Vietnam instead U for USA. V or U looks similar.

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