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China is a friend indeed for debt-ridden Europe

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China is a friend indeed for debt-ridden Europe

With the European Union (EU) grappling with its worst financial crisis since the eurozone was set up, China has unequivocally conveyed its readiness to enhance cooperation with the debt-ridden bloc in a "win-win" manner.

"China is willing to enhance cooperation with the EU and expand cooperation in the areas of trade, investment, technology and finance," Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Jiang Yu told a news briefing Thursday.

Her statement came after European leaders passed early Thursday a package of measures to alleviate the European sovereign debt crisis. Beijing welcomed the EU move and hoped it would be "conductive to bolstering market confidence."

China's active attitude was well received in European countries. "If the Chinese... decide to invest in the euro instead of the U.S. dollar, why refuse?" French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Thursday.

However, some Westerners failed to fully understand China's good intention, asserting that the world's second largest economy would take advantage of the European crisis for its own agenda. Some even went further to drum up trade protectionism.

Actually, a prosperous and stable Europe is important to China's stability and development, as their economies are closely linked. The EU is China's largest trading partner and China is the EU's second largest.

Such a close bond means that when Europe is in deep crisis, China will not act like an onlooker. Instead, as a true friend and partner of Europe, China is willing to extend a helping hand and will be happy to see a quick recovery of the European economy.

n the latest show of solidarity with the EU, China's top political advisor, Jia Qinglin, said last week during his visit to Greece that China has been a long-term investor in the sovereign debt market of Europe and will continue to support Europe and the euro in the future.

Beijing's good-will gesture is a good response to those who see China as a threatening rival to Europe. Despite differences in politics, economy and culture, China and the EU are still good friends and partners, and can cooperate in a mutually beneficial manner

However, amid such an unprecedented crisis in Europe, China can neither take up the role as a savior to the Europeans, nor provide a "cure" for the European malaise.

Obviously, it is up to the European countries themselves to tackle their financial problems. But China can do within its capacity to help as a friend.

Thursday's rescue package includes a 50-percent writedown of the Greek government debt and a significant increase of the firepower of Europe's bailout fund. Such measures will stimulate confidence in the short term.

But the deal is just the start of a long and difficult process to solve the crisis for good. More concerted efforts are needed.

Meanwhile, as the eurozone debt issue is set to become a central subject at the upcoming Group of 20 summit in Cannes, France, China hopes that the conference will help tackle the sprawling financial challenges, restore market confidence and boost world economic growth.

It is advisable that at the summit European leaders take heed of the voices of emerging economies, whose remarkable contribution to world economic recovery and growth deserves better understanding and reciprocal treatment.

China is a friend indeed for debt-ridden Europe
European Union (EU) need to do two favors

First lift the EU arms embargo on China

Second lift the restrictions on sale of Satellite technology to China

Lifting arms embargo and satellite technology leads to probably billions of EU sales contracts in next few years. Chinese money will begin to pour into EU companies, workers salaries and government tax. Increase in employment also mean less protest and riots in EU, thus prevent more economic losses by work stoppage and riot damages.

Selling goods for Chinese money is better than asking Chinese to give loans.

Also, EU will gain more on balance of trade.

It will be a win-win for EU and China.
i like the european as much as they like us. i feel quite good when i find that there are 600 thousands people participate in occupy DC in Barcelona, which particularly means the country's laboring market look like sh!t, hmm, keep going to the deepest hell, greeting from China.:frown:
When Europe needs money, China is their friend in need. When Europe gets out of debt, it will go back to calling China an evil dicatorship again. They can drown in their bottomless debt for all I care. China should not throw good money after the bad. If Europe wants money, they will either have to start selling technologies or provide collaterals.
European Union (EU) need to do two favors

First lift the EU arms embargo on China

Second lift the restrictions on sale of Satellite technology to China
1. Don't need it. China is very close to self-sufficency in all areas of military hardware. Besides, European countries have been selling stuff to China under the table even with embargo. It's more of a political statement than anything.

2. We have our own Beidou system now, which is even further ahead in progress than Galileo. China is fully capable of developing its own satellites (communications, military etc). No need there either.

Like I said, Europe is the powerless beggar this time.
Not to be off topic but in bigger schema of things as economic matter ties to geo strategic matter,

1) How China is viewing Germany and France invited dalai lama in recent past and interfered in Chinese internal matter?

2) Would Germany, France and other EU countries would interfere in internal Chinese matter?

It would be interesting to hear what is European are talking in private about their so call HR value now?
The debt ridden have no friends.

They have only those willing to exploit / take advantage / or invest in them .

The points earned are redeemed later.

Its best for the debt ridden to tighten their belts & apply correctives or else god knows how many future generations get mortgaged to save the current one.
I have already stated on the forum the irony of the superstars in Europe, the great Germanys and France going to China with their begging bowl is a real turn around in the last 20 years. All the anti propaganda about China and its human rights issues etc suddenly go out of the window. China now is a great country to do business! The irony is clear to see. China should drive a hard bargain on any negotiation and make sure they take full advantage of this. Great news for China.
I have already stated on the forum the irony of the superstars in Europe, the great Germanys and France going to China with their begging bowl is a real turn around in the last 20 years. All the anti propaganda about China and its human rights issues etc suddenly go out of the window. China now is a great country to do business! The irony is clear to see. China should drive a hard bargain on any negotiation and make sure they take full advantage of this. Great news for China.

on the contrary China must bring up human rights issues. Eg the way UK dealt with protesters in London etc
on the contrary China must bring up human rights issues. Eg the way UK dealt with protesters in London etc

That is a matter for them mate. I indeed am looking forward to seeing Mr France dwarf saying "China - we thank you for being a friend. You are a god sent to Europe and its great that you have worked your ***** off in the last 20 years so you can now offer us a charitable hand because we have been cr*p in looking after our finances."
Having said that they could always show they want to pay China back by sending the oil they are stealing from Libya directly to China. Would make sense as it would reduce shipping costs etc? :azn:
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