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China Invites International Collaboration on its Space Station Program through UN

China sure knows how to use international structure and organization such UN for it own benefit , why we will always let other to run the show :sarcastic:. And talk about Asia, China and India could have a lot of scientific cooperation and bring benefit of both nations but we have divergence on our geopolitical stands, I don't think there is possibility in the short coming future...maybe after we settle the border issue and clear out some frictions then we can sing "Chini Indi Blai blai " again and go back to revive our millennium friendship.

If border issue is resolved, then what Pakistan and China will have in common when India and China start co-op in scientific and defence field ;) :P

More honestly, Indian Chinese trade is already worth like 70B and it has stagnated due to global slowdown. WHen it picks up, it will easily cross more than 500B in a decade and a half.
I personally like the fact we go solo. Joining ISS is nothing more than a money grab. We can do all our personal experiment and discovery and doesn't need to share with anyone. That is a very big advantage.
It will be very interesting to see how China is going to use her upcoming space station for those developing countries, who may not have their own space dreams otherwise. The fact that China invites other countries to join via UN, is very interesting in itself. That is called "inclusive"! No more "Elite Club" type of BS anymore!

That! Inclusive development. This is another way of saying, "let's break the Western monopoly."

On this, China has amazingly more friends than Indians think it has.
That! Inclusive development. This is another way of saying, "let's break the Western monopoly."

On this, China has amazingly more friends than Indians think it has.

There are two sets of mentalities on display. One cheer for inclusive development, one cheer for being accepted as the junior member of some "Elite Club".
Sounds like you've been to both the TianGong and the ISS. How did you arrive at such a conclusion regarding two exceedingly-complex platforms, the design and subsystems of which remain largely unknown to the public?

I can guess so. I assume so. China has no capability to launch such large modules.

Chinese space station will be open to all countries. Not just 15 developed countries like ISS.

I prefer an exclusive club over a cheap one where the cheap girls meet up. ;)

class over quality
China was declined to participate in ISS, and it feels the pain. There are about 200 countries in the world, so I would prefer Chinese space station program to be as inclusive as possible.
Ha ha. A developing country helping other developing countries. Cheers.

Go to space is risky if Iran is not afraid ride on "MADE IN CHINA" rocket :P
Now you got me thinking. If this "Made in China" is 15 to 20 years ago, I will definitely say, "No thanks". :P

But today, it is an entirely different story. No sweat, I will ride your rocket anytime. It is getting better all the time.

Your HSR network makes me envious. It is incredible to think that this world biggest, fastest, smoothest, most efficient network is about 8 years old! Now, China even has its own HSR standards. smh.

China is the new comer in space tech, and it has long way to go to be anywhere near US or Russian, but they are working hard, very hard. Rejecting China's desire to participate in ISS program may eventually proved to be a shortsighted decision on US part. Chinese are at their best if they can't buy what they need.
I admire the Chinese mentality. After being rejected, instead of sulking and whining they work very hard to create what they need. They try to make it better than what they had originally asked for.

Still remember the current fastest supercomputer, the one called Sunway-Tianhu Light. This came about after US banned the use of Intel chips.
We don't need other faring nations, we can give any nations a ride into space even a poorer country such as Ethiopia, we don't restrict nor condemn other poorier mankind that can't effor space travelling. China always chose a path different from western which only allow the rich chosen ones to be board in their space station. We don't need MTCR because we have all we need to get into space.

And we will lead manking into space in the 21st and 31st centuries :Dand let westerners to keep their tiny exclusive club to enjoy space adventure.
Very well said bro. :tup:

Will it have cool 2001 a Space Odyssey type

View attachment 315013
3 NASA astronauts race (well bounce) around the SkyLab track in 1973...only 12 years after the first US manned flight,
Okay so you have a longer dick. But one thing they didn't tell you, dicks don't grow, but technology does. I hope it's not too difficult to grasp (my post).
I know you want to keep your eyes closed to the truth but the ISS is open to more than those 14 countries.


Brazilian astronaut Marcos Pontes on the ISS


Malaysian astronaut on the ISS


South Korean on ISS


Aidyn Aimbetov of Kazakhstan on the ISS.


13 people in this picture from the ISS :o: (that's more than the entire Chinese space program)

LOL you are the one that said its only 15 countries.

Chinese space station will be open to all 200 countries including from developing Asia, Latin America, Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe.

China will not be restricting the number of countries.

China is about inclusive development. US wants to make space an exclusive right. Whether it's controlling satellite technology, launch services, or picking and choosing which countries allowed in ISS.

US monopoly in space is being broken :coffee:
China is about inclusive development. US wants to make space an exclusive right. Whether it's controlling satellite technology, launch services, or picking and choosing which countries allowed in ISS.
So China is going to freely selling its launchers, satellites and assorted infrastructures to all 200 countries? Is it going to open up all its patents like Tesla?
LOL you are the one that said its only 15 countries.

Chinese space station will be open to all 200 countries including from developing Asia, Latin America, Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe.

China will not be restricting the number of countries.

China is about inclusive development. US wants to make space an exclusive right. Whether it's controlling satellite technology, launch services, or picking and choosing which countries allowed in ISS.

US monopoly in space is being broken :coffee:

Those are the countries which signed up to help build the station...that doesn't mean they get exclusive access.

As I have shown other countries have had visitors...including from areas you mentioned.

Not sure what you mean by a US monopoly as the Russians have a big say in things. Maybe you should ask them why they have never invited you guys on a flight over the past 50+ years. Somebody from Vietnam flew back in 1980 on one of their craft.
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Those are the countries which signed up to help build the station...that doesn't mean they get exclusive access.

As I have shown other countries have had visitors...including from areas you mentioned.

Not sure what you mean by a US monopoly as the Russians have a big say in things. Maybe you should ask them why they have never invited you guys on a flight over the past 50+ years.

As I said, western countries only toke their chosen ones into space and let war and misery on earth in the mid and late 20th century, why you guys or Russia want to invite a third world poor China into ISS?. And it's better this way because it reinforce Chinese determination to make our independent space system and we will never be restricted or lecture on how we should behave or who should we invite into our orbital station, we're free and be master of our own to have independent space policy which it's not bad at all.

Open up our space station fo the rest of world mean we set a new challenge for US, either stay on your selective exclusive mini space club or open your space station as well to compete against China to influence the earth non-space faring nations.
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Those are the countries which signed up to help build the station...that doesn't mean they get exclusive access.

As I have shown other countries have had visitors...including from areas you mentioned.

Not sure what you mean by a US monopoly as the Russians have a big say in things. Maybe you should ask them why they have never invited you guys on a flight over the past 50+ years. Somebody from Vietnam flew back in 1980 on one of their craft.

LOL what a noob.

Some of the countries in that list wouldn't have the slightest clue how to build a space station. Those 15 countries are part of the US approved list that kiss the ring. Russia is a core country that created the ISS that cannot be ignored.

China-USSR/Russia relations collapsed after the Sino-Soviet border war and not until recently have Russia opened up to China. Both US and to a lesser extent Russia developed with exclusive development mindset. But during Cold War, it was a different world but that was the mindset they held. It is the US that deny not only China but also countries like Iran to enter ISS. US want to hold monopoly positions in everything from loans, technology, weapons, etc.

China is breaking these monopolies one by one. China is now one of the biggest providers of loans to developing countries. China also export technology that it's self sufficient in to the developing world. China is now starting to export weapons aswell.

Look at the supercomputer issue where US tried to stop China's progress with export ban of CPUs but China developed its own and the domestic supercomputer not only made the list but topped the list.

Once space station is completed, China will invite everyone just like it did in AIIB. Inclusive development is how China views things. Inclusive development is the only way forward for all countries.
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Pakistan should grab the opportunity with both hands. China is in a league of its own as far space ventures and programs are concerned. I can already envisage the first Pakistani astronaut on a Chinese rocket.
Open up our space station fo the rest of world mean we set a new challenge for US, either stay on your selective exclusive mini space club or open your space station as well to compete against China to influence the earth non-space faring nations.

As I said we are at 36 countries launched into space...so while you are doing the talking we have been doing the walking.
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