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China invades another Phil. Island.

SCS is in China doorway, who can challenge us here in the long run?


We can beat them. They only can launch war against country like Irap , Lybia......you know it Zero casualty.

kek forgot about Japan already ? Or did your government leave that part out of Shame , all trade goes down the drain in a war , ironically Japan is going to be India's biggest trade partner ,so keep your "muh trade" propaganda to yourself .

Kek Pacific union as in Pacific countries which you are terrorising & with war crimes . when did said India needed allies genius ? , I said your country can't even defeat those island countries let alone India.

Beside nearly every country neighbouring you hates you .you have more enemies than we ever could .

Lol atlest we have an age , China is living in the dark age , they don't even have basic freedoms mandated by the oppression, mass execution & drug peddling is a daily part of life.

I myself have seen your military slaughter Tibetans just for wanting to meet the Dalailama.
Hey! Wake up, too much drugs!
I don't need you to post me the wiki page about the Chagos, I already knew about it, hence I asked you all those questions.

So yeah, as "part Native American", you said "bad things happen". But what does the US think of its country's theft and illegal removal of the indigenous Chagossian peoples? Do you agree with your country's actions? Surely they're worse than that of a "squatter" right? :disagree:

Interesting that you use the term "indigenous". I'm going to hold you to that.
The Chagos people were slaves brought to the French inhabited island Diego Garcia in the 1700's. I guess you would consider non native people in North and South America to be "indigenous" since they have been here longer. The island before the French got there was uninhabited.

If we go by the strict rules of who was there first and others should be booted out (which is the general gist here on PDF about the Americas) then I guess Diego Garcia should be handed back to France (as they were the original settlers) and it is correct to kick off all those "squatter" Chagoss, Brits, and Americans.
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Interesting that you use the term "indigenous". I'm going to hold you to that.
The Chagos people were slaves brought to the uninhabited island Diego Garcia by the French in the 1700's.
I guess you would consider non native people in North and South America to be "indigenous" since they have been here longer.

If we go by the strict rules of who was there first and others should be booted out (which is the general gist here on PDF) then I guess Diego Garcia should be handed back to France (as they were the original settlers) and it is correct to kick off all those "squatter" Chagoss, Brits, and Americans.

Hey @Vauban @Taygibay maybe you can get another military base. Geez you own so many islands spread around the world (like hundreds.. If not over 1000) what's one more..

Nations with far off tropical island overseas territories and possessions | Page 2

Nations with far off tropical island overseas territories and possessions | Page 3

Nations with far off tropical island overseas territories and possessions
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I think you guys in India have a saying (I've heard it quoted around this forum): "When elephants fight, the grass gets trampled".

The lesson is not to be the grass. Ukraine, Georgia, the Philippines, etc. they all tried to play power games with the expectation that America would come and save them. The result is big chunks of their maps are now missing.

Switzerland never got invaded during WW2. Why? Because they could fight for themselves, their entire country was armed to the teeth so nobody bothered them. They didn't try to play games with larger powers, they took care of themselves first.

That is a hard reality .
In another thread an American professional was whining with so emotion ,he was complaining about Indian's nature that we hate US even if they did 'so; much to us :D.
Of Course we have practical vision .Noone comes for anyone defence or support .We all are humans .And humans will always takes advantage when their is a situation.
That is what we said to US .We will only gives priority for our own national interest .And we wont allow anyone to interefere in ours own turf .
What do you think? Will JMSDF participates the joint exercise in the South China Sea with other 4 nations? I heard that the American even invite India to join this time. SCS will become so interesting.

If anything it will be conducted in un-contested waters. Tho i don't think the Government of Japan is as foolish as to involve itself in something that will ultimately lead to deterioration of any relations with Beijing.
I have Ancient Indian saying for you Guys,
no Philippines is still following European Religion and culture. if u want Friendly and peaceful Philippines back, remove Alien religion and culture from those Islands and spread your own EAsian culture there.

They have to kill 3/4 of the Philippine population because majority of the Filipinos adhere to the Roman Catholicism faith, and basically, they have to destroy the Philippines as a nation so just to remove the Spanish-American-Western culture.

I am pretty sure some people here will be delighted to do just that.
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maybe you can get another military base. Geez you own so many islands spread

Yeah, we do! A re-computation of the EEZs even had us pass you guys to first place last year,
despite small things like Alaska and the 2 mainland coasts.

But I'm confused, do you want us to build a new base of our own
or just lend you some rock to go Chinese on?

:) Tay.
Yeah, we do! A re-computation of the EEZs even had us pass you guys to first place last year,
despite small things like Alaska and the 2 mainland coasts.

But I'm confused, do you want us to build a new base of our own
or just lend you some rock to go Chinese on?

:) Tay.

I need you to okay kicking the Chagoss, British, and American squatters off your indigenous land. Then send your settlers back and then lease us the base again.

We can send you a statue of a lady in a bathrobe holding a torch or something as thanks.
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Yeah but that theory of original ownership never works well in fine!

Otherwise, Africa would claim the whole planet as primordial settlers ...

Might be easier to lend you an empty one outright, ;) Tay.
China has been saying it is a developing country all alone, and you find some narcissists in comparing China to the west? You know, you sound like a beggar who is laughing at someone driving a Toyota and finds a great self-satisfaction: you poor guy can't afford to drive a Mercedes!

Poor soul!

I sound like a beggar? you must be retarded or lack in reading comprehension.

Why the hell would I want a Mercedes when I can get a Nissan GTR or a Porsche 911 turbo? loser. You don't even know what you're talking about. China is pathetic place to live, now human rights and freedom, contested and full of people like you who lack sympathy for other people and only care about yourself. Get a grip, you don't even know what the hell you are talking about.
I sound like a beggar? you must be retarded or lack in reading comprehension.

Why the hell would I want a Mercedes when I can get a Nissan GTR or a Porsche 911 turbo? loser. You don't even know what you're talking about. China is pathetic place to live, now human rights and freedom, contested and full of people like you who lack sympathy for other people and only care about yourself. Get a grip, you don't even know what the hell you are talking about.

Funny, who cares what you are driving? Did you pick up your English in Saigon shining shoes for Yankees?
Funny, who cares what you are driving? Did you pick up your English in Saigon shining shoes for Yankees?

Is that what you do in America? you're the one with the American flag. You must be proud to polish shoes for the Yankees. I hope they pay you tips. LOL
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