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China, India military might forces Australia to..

The aussies have been a steadfast member of the Commonwealth and non-NATO ally. To the extent that they were willing to accept the protective blanket of the US in terms of not going nuclear themselves, along with other European countries and Canada, in spite of the means and the know-how and in their particular case the huge natural resources to do so.

Off late however there seems to be growing dissatisfaction and unease about the readiness of the US to back up her allies in their times of duress in spite of expecting all of them to rally to the American call with men, machinery, and money, when and where needed.

This has most recently come out in the open with the US refusing to provide the British Falkland Islands with its protective hand against the Argentines - something that has really miffed their longest standing friend and ally, the UK. There are many voices in Britain that wonder what thy are doing in first Iraq and then Afghanistan, for a war that was not their own, when a similar courtesy is not automatically offered in their own time of need, especially now with Britain having rolled back severely on their naval might due to domestic economic pressures.

It is hardly difficult then to understand the cause of the aussie concern, sitting as they are in the backyard of an increasingly dominant China, with nowhere close to the means, conventional or nuclear, to thwart it.
I think Australians took the book 'Tomorrow when the War began' very seriously and they think that the world a.k.a China and India will attack Australia for its resources.:woot:
Australia has what India wants so badly -- Uranium and other natural resources.
you need intelligence badly, have you ever tried getting that from any one? No.

Agni 5 was purpose built to reach US, Aus and UK for dropping illegal migrants from punjab. in fact we are working on the device splitting into 10 so that they can drop migrants in 10 different cities far apart. enough?
Australia has a military alliance with USA which goes back to worldwarII.

So Australia with US backing are far more powerful than India and China.

I doubt why they are worrying?
Aussies don't need to be worried..............india and china will blow each other to bits and they will just sit and to this-:pop:
VIB what do you think british empire was based upon,what was this gun boat diplomacy all about?
I think Australians took the book 'Tomorrow when the War began' very seriously and they think that the world a.k.a China and India will attack Australia for its resources.:woot:

I was about to write the same thing.

The movie showed an "enemy" jet that eerily resembled a J-10.. must be a serious coincidence. :P

Don't know why they're worried about us but it is always good to be prepared against the Communists.. the Chinese ones have this weird habit of jumping out of the blue and start claiming land, sun, sea, stars and whatever they can see with their eyes, further justifying it with fabricated history.

The explanation to claim Australia would be something like LMao's great great great-great great grandfather was the first one to explore the continent before the British arrived there or something. :fie:

"worried" ??? Hell not !!!
The Australians are just HYPING the China-India threat for an excuse to give them sh!t !!!

Well it doesn't really matter much because even if this is to extract more money for the F-35s, it won't pose any threat to anyone as Australia's geographic location is far off from any conflict zone or disputes.
Thats a good enough reason for me.
Also we want to take revance for last Test series lost... Hmmm. Aus will become india,so playing there will be same as playing at home, so will be chmp in Aus for always.... Problem solved........ Hurray

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