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China, India military might forces Australia to..


Sep 27, 2011
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United States
China, India's military might forces Australia to spend more on Military.

The increase of economic and military power by China and India are concerning the Australians:


Australia to Buy 100 Joint Strike Fighters, Double Submarines

Bloomberg - News

Australia will double its submarine fleet to 12, its biggest defense expenditure, and purchase 100 Lockheed Martin Corp. F-35 Joint Strike Fighters to keep pace with a regional military buildup led by China and India.

Australia, which has troops in Afghanistan and the Middle East as well as closer to home in the Solomon islands and East Timor, will boost air and maritime forces, Defense Minister Joel Fitzgibbon said in the government’s first defense review in a decade. It will also try to counter cyber and electronic warfare.

“The biggest changes over the period have been the rise of China, and the emergence of India,” Fitzgibbon said in an e-mailed copy of the White Paper defense review. “The White Paper was developed amidst a global recession and it produces substantial additional investment.”

The review comes as China, the biggest buyer of weapons between 2004 and 2008, and India taking over China as largest arms buyer and building forces as their economies expand. Australia’s defense spending, which was A$17.9 billion ($13 billion) in the year ending June 30, will increase an average 3 percent a year until 2018. Annual outlays will increase 2.2 percent between 2019 and 2030.

“China will make its presence felt through soft as well as economic power,” including “aid, multilateral diplomacy and extensive cultural and educational links,” the report said.

China is developing plans for an aircraft carrier, adding to the country’s ability to project its power far from its shores. The navy is planning to build bigger combat ships, more combat ships, supersonic aircraft, high-speed torpedoes, long- range missiles and submarines that are harder to detect, Xinhua News Agency said on April 15.

Defense spending in the world’s most populous country has increased by more than 16 percent a year for the past decade, according to Chinese government figures. The move reflects increasing international political and economic clout.

On the other hand, India recently tested its A5 killer missile which can target Australian cities if fired from its Andaman islands. Experts say that A5 range is more than 5000kms (claimed) and could be near to 8500kms. India intentionally kept the actual range of A5 a secret!

While there is a certain carnal logic in what the Australians are doing, the reality is that they will not be able to defend themselves sufficiently if China and India truly wish to take it over.
Nobody wants to be left behind.

Such is the charm of power.
While there is a certain carnal logic in what the Australians are doing, the reality is that they will not be able to defend themselves sufficiently if China and India truly wish to take it over.

I believe that Australia has the ability to defend itself against an invasion from india or even china. one just needs to use his brains to figure this out and put his patriotism aside
Pardon the pun.. but what possible motivation would India have in Invading Australia???? Establish outsourcing centres?
Pardon the pun.. but what possible motivation would India have in Invading Australia???? Establish outsourcing centres?

Australia has what India wants so badly -- Uranium and other natural resources.
Pardon the pun.. but what possible motivation would India have in Invading Australia???? Establish outsourcing centres?:confused:

India would never do that!!

It hasnt invaded Pak or China ;) no way th aussies

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