Sunday, January 5, 2025
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China-India Geopolitics: News & Discussions

I agree India will get some support from US, but not that kind of support India wants. And India defintely will pay for US's support.Once India joins the game of constain China with US&Japan, It means China will seriously take India as enemy. India will become the front, and cannon fodder. Surely, China will also pay for the war with India, but Inida definitely will lost the future too.
Please come back to the start. Why India is the leader of "The Non-Aligned Movement".Does India really plan to ask help from the world and start a full-scale war with China.

Most likely only support in weapons and intelligence, the U.S will not bring in troops to fight on the Indian side, as India doesn't have a formal military alliance with the U.S. , and I don't think they will because India wants to mantain relations with Russia as well. As for your second point China and India have been clear enemies for some years now, and India is probably the biggest military threat to China after the U.S, however I still think there can be a chance of a improvement in relationship between the two countries, as the hate between Indians and Chinese people are not as much as the hate between Indians and Pakistanis, in fact I'd say Indians probably hate Chinese more than Chinese hate Indians. The benefits of India and China having better relations would be quite significant as well.
Yes of course that is so true. You are right India is just a puppet for the U.S, because a puppet for the U.S would buy weapons systems from Russia, regularly hold military drills with Russia and refuse to sanction Russia despite many other countries doing so.

Come on man, of COURSE India is trying to build relations with the U.S, they need to so the U.S can support them against China. The Indian army, while powerful is nowhere near as powerful as the PLA which is second only to the U.S, that's why they are trying to get America's help.

And can you explain how India is being America's "Chess"

You aren't wrong. This is I think the reason why India still tries to mantain relations with Russia a lot, I agree with you.
As for Russia, You need understand the Throne game first. The 2rd and 3rd must cooperate to defend 1st. Or 2rd and 3rd will be killed by 1st one by one. 2rd+3rd will balance the 1st, they have to.
BTW, China already develop our own version weapon system. See, J20, YJ12, TYPE 055, those weapons are suporier than Russia . We have have our version Jet engine now, So the relationship is not that way you think.
As for Russia, You need understand the Throne game first. The 2rd and 3rd must cooperate to defend 1st. Or 2rd and 3rd will be killed by 1st one by one. 2rd+3rd will balance the 1st, they have to.
BTW, China already develop our own version weapon system. See, J20, YJ12, TYPE 055, those weapons are suporier than Russia . We have have our version Jet engine now, So the relationship is not that way you think.
I don't quite understand what you said in the first part my friend, you are saying that Russia and China will co-operate to defeat India, is that right?
Are you comparing India with Philippines? The case of Philippines is very different as it did not have capability to fight the war with China on its own.

India does not need others to fight its war. India is very much capable of doing it on its own. If others join the fight then it would be for their own interests as it is less risky to take on China when India is already pulling China down.

You have to understand the difference between fighting a war on behalf of India vs supporting India

Support may come in various forms like

1) Blocking resolutions in UNSC

2) Sharing Intelligence including movement of troops, subs, ships etc.

3) Threatening to open additional fronts

4) Support to independence and democracy movements within China (HongKong, Tibet, East Turkistan etc)

5) Recognition of India's diplomatic position

6) Providing military hardware to India at short notice on credit

7) Providing Oil & Gas

8) Providing loans

9) Providing military advice

10) Managing world opinion at large etc.
You don't get the point. Philippines is not comparable with India. I just mean India won't get the help form US when India really need helps. Nobody will risk theirself for others.

I don't quite understand what you said in the first part my friend, you are saying that Russia and China will co-operate to defeat India, is that right?
No, my friend, 1st:US. 2nd,3th:China,Russia
US is only reason which makes China and Russia sit together. If China and Russia refuse to cooperate together, US will destory them one by one.
So Russia is not the alliance of India.
International backing == bhutan

India moved troops because of the fear or as usual unwarranted concerns that china can capture India's neck (siliguri corridor).
although siliguri corridor is miles far away from the actual construction of a road. that cant be captured until there wouldn't be full conventional war. because Siliguri Corridor is being protected by difficult terrains, rivers that make sure the safety of both side naturally.

India is saying it is our move to save our sovereignty and that's why Indian chest thumping is going on all over India that India stopped a road construction and saved her sovereignty.

To stop construction of a road and call it saving your sovereignty is totally insane.

Have you been in our Silguri Corrdior ?:lol:

On topic: We only need anyone vocal supports ,we knows everyone will stay neutral .Because this is something that the so called Superpowers cant handle .We know how to handle and Bhutan had been given us a written request to help them .
So it is fair.
Funny, once India is the leader of "The Non-Aligned Movement".
Now, India just gives up to be game player and become a chess for US. We are happy to see India lost his independence and become nobody.
The Philippines once holds the same opinion as India, they think US/Janpan will fight with China in SCS and support them. Guess what, In 2016, with two aircraft carrier groups, US said, we would start the war tonigh! When China deployed the militory and was ready to start the war, US just left without saying a word. Then Philippines came to realize, US&Japan just want a cannon fodder.
Today, you see. The smart Philippines just want earn aids form China, they becomes Chinese's friend now.
Becareful, US is famous to sell his alliances. Today they can do this to Pakistan, tommorrow, they can do the same to India.
And Pakistan will always has aliance who will fight with them shoulder by shoulder in all the weather. China, the trustable iron brother.

We act according to out own interest, and we don't need external help to defend ourselves..the minister is talking about global political support, something that a state with questionable credibility like China won't understand.
You don't get the point. Philippines is not comparable with India. I just mean India won't get the help form US when India really need helps. Nobody will risk theirself for others.

In fact it is you who do not get the point. US, UK, France, Germany, Japan, EU, Russia etc do not have to put their names on the support they give to India. They can support India in the name of Support to democracy, Technology sharing, strategic ties, economic ties etc without even mentioning the word "war" itself. Heck, if the powers be put enough pressure on Pakistan, it would buckle and would pull away to stay neutral in the war leaving China all alone.

India has capability and gumption to take on China on its own. It does not need others to fight its war. It just needs support of the others.
India is trying become a cheap soldier of America by inciting wars and conflicts against Chine and supporting America in South China Sea dispute.

Under Modi, India filled with Hindu nationalism has become even more reckless. Its political leadership thinks like in IT, outsourcing its manpower, it can outsource its military strength to an imperial effort.

China and India are no match. China if it wants to escalate will teach India a lesson that it will forget what happened to it in 1962. I wish China teach India a lesson sooner than later. This will deflate Modi and his Hindutva orgasms.

We are the one that call shots here .
Americans dont have anything to play here.

This all started after Modi got the go ahead from the yanks. Indians are gullible lot, if they think that when push comes to shove, yanks will be with them, they are in for nasty surprise. When first bullets are fired, yanks will be the first one to make the runner.

Who asked the help of Yanks ?:lol:
You get the point, Taiwan is truely our concern, let me tell you some truth. We have prepare the war for decades.We Chinese are determine to do it.
1. There are 5-6 aircraft carrier on the way. We can see 2 already there now. Coming
2. DF21/DF26D, CV killer. Done
3. Baidu navigation system. Done
4. Anti-Satellite Missile. Done
5. J20 stealth figher, which will be deploy to the army. Done
6. DF41, cover all the soil of US. Done
7. Yun20:almost Done
8. Hypersonic weapons, leave US defenseless.:almost Done
See, we never take India as peer, only US. We don't need even start the fight with them. Just make them understand they will pay something they can't afford.
They will see, Taiwan is actully not that important than theirs people's life.

Look dude, stop this nonsensical chest-thumping and do if you can do anything about our stand. And we too don't take China as peer, an oppressive autocratic country can't be our peer even if it has made some money by stitching shoes and simply don't have the lineage, civilization and culture...and the obnoxious behavior of Chinese members here throughout the year shows how lowly you guys are. So stop this 'peer business' bullcrap and concentrate on how to get out of the situation without any further damage to your carefully crafted fake image of peace, power & leadership...nobody sees China as a leader barring two pariah states...and that's where you belong.
I am thinking what is the percentage of chance that China will compromise and India will win with their demand ....

I know India is very serious, but dont know what will China do if India does not compromise...

We are waiting for witnessing 'what they actually can do '?

So far they are just crying through their medias .

What they actually think ?Congress could have pull stuff like this but they didnt because they were in busy during their rule .India has capability but always abstain from using hard power .
We are just showing them what we are and some how they cant digest it .

indians are trying hard to get the acceptence from thier western/usa masters but mostly usa white master who is treating them like british empire treated indian subjects. no dog or indians are allowed.

God it just too much, to see this happening in this day and age. Looking back at colonised subjects under british they were better at resistance and had honour. indians today are trying hard to prove thier stupid ego.
They think if we do as western jew world says then we will be patted on the back and would be told we are aryans brothers. However as history timeline proves, satanic possesed jew western nation couldnt care about thier own people.
it has destroyed its own true religion and its laws. So therefore they couldnt care less about some brown ppl from india who they view as cockroaches not even worth communicating with. Indians have elected or maybe it was rigged, prime minister Modi who has bloods on his hands. He tries hard to make friends and hugs western jew leaders like it his first night with his virgin wife. The western leader make speeches against pakistan, gets to milk india. The speech is then broadcasted by indian media pumping their air waves, which in turn has an effect on the ppl perception. Western world is cashing on india.

If indians put this much work and effort in promoting toilets, public baths, roads, schools, job, social secuirty, anti corruption, Banning GMO, protecting the rights of thier ppl etc , today india would be shining example.

Indian poor can afford mobiles/tvs but no toilets. bollywood has destroyed the mind just like hollywood has destroyed the mind of americans.

Cry me a river :lol:

I agree India will get some support from US, but not that kind of support India wants. And India defintely will pay for US's support.Once India joins the game of constain China with US&Japan, It means China will seriously take India as enemy. India will become the front, and cannon fodder. Surely, China will also pay for the war with India, but Inida definitely will lost the future too.
Please come back to the start. Why India is the leader of "The Non-Aligned Movement".Does India really plan to ask help from the world and start a full-scale war with China.

India dont need anyones active support .
We only needs a neutral condition.

Actually all we can see is the crying of CCP through medias :lol:
You don't get the point. Philippines is not comparable with India. I just mean India won't get the help form US when India really need helps. Nobody will risk theirself for others.

No, my friend, 1st:US. 2nd,3th:China,Russia
US is only reason which makes China and Russia sit together. If China and Russia refuse to cooperate together, US will destory them one by one.
So Russia is not the alliance of India.

That is true. But Russia would gain more to be neutral in this fight, think about it. They can sell weapons to both sides ( More so to India because as you said China is pretty self-sufficient with their defense industry) and can also help try to mediate between the two sides, and eventually help bring the tension to a close ( This would be good PR because in the West, Russia is kind of viewed as a war-mongering country, and doing this would give off the image that they are commited to peace), if Russia clearly sided with China they would lose a significant amount of money because India would no longer buy Russian military hardware and would buy solely from the West, and the purchase of Russian military hardware from India makes them a lot of money.
. . .
Look dude, stop this nonsensical chest-thumping and do if you can do anything about our stand. And we too don't take China as peer, an oppressive autocratic country can't be our peer even if it has made some money by stitching shoes and simply don't have the lineage, civilization and culture...and the obnoxious behavior of Chinese members here throughout the year shows how lowly you guys are. So stop this 'peer business' bullcrap and concentrate on how to get out of the situation without any further damage to your carefully crafted fake image of peace, power & leadership...nobody sees China as a leader barring two pariah states...and that's where you belong.
Sorry, I really don't understand what do you mean. I guess the truth offends you. India is a great country, But facts is facts, I still need tell you:
China is the only civilizaion for 5000 years without break, and we have chronicle in detail. Even India need research and side-confirm you history by our records. India is also a great culture, but India doesn't record it well.So I don't need waste any time to argue with you for that.
Nowadays, by term of PPP, China is already the biggest economics in the world. Our industrial category is the most complete one, It means we can made everything. Not the way, you think. It's facts, I don't need argue with you too.
Our media, rarely metions about India, It's facts, I also don't need argue with you.
China don't want be hegemony as US, we just want trade with the world and make win-win relationship. I also don't need argue you.
Currently, with similar population, India only have 1/5 of China's GDP, it is also the facts.
Please argue me with facts, or you just make me despise you.
Why are Chinese guys hurt at long overdue response from India. China has been propping and saving Pakistan at the cost of India. It was China who breached the equation by their CPEC initiative. China has been interfering in J&K , Nepal , Bhutan, Srilanka to name a few. Previous Govt was stupid but this one is not. If we do what you have been doing .....Why so much Hara Kiri. Just get used to it....To coin the term China is using nowadays. Earlier it was China who would frequently trespass ....India is in Bhutanese land as it's protectorate. Get used to it and no amount of shouting will change our stance.

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