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China-India Geopolitics: News & Discussions

Bro, your mandarin grammar sucks, don't just use google translate.

New live fire drill few days ago, you can see the new AH-4 deployed, MLRS with 400km max range. New Z-18 also tested in 2015, first heavy helicopter tested above Mt. Everest. They use Z-18A to transport AH-4 howitzers. You also see the new bunker busting missiles, and it's laser guided, the last minute shows it going into the bunker.
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Hmmm, in 1950, the US is the only one in the world who have nukes, and that fact dont prevent China enter Korea war.

In 1960s, both France and US have nukes, but the fact dont prevent China from sending over 300,000 PLA soldiers to support North Vietnam.

The Soviet Nuclear umbrella offered China the protection it needed. The sino-soviet split was 1961? 1964 the Chinese had a nuclear design tested. Late 60's a hydro-test, the advancement suggests the weapons were already available long before their official test.

Indian this time over react and give themselves trouble. CPC are thinking whether this war shall be limited border skirmish or complete solved border issue by cutting off Indian chicken neck and force India into armistice. They even contemplate asking Pakistan side to solved their kashmir issue once and for all with two way attack.

A limited skirmish will be in the East, any involvement with Pakistan or Chinese Troops marching into Kashmir isn't going to be that.

There at 500,000+ Indian military and paramilitary in Kashmir, Pakistan is too engaged with operations in the west and south.
No war .Situation will continue until the clearing of internal politics by Xi
time to put awacs patrol and s400 at indian border, chinese radar close enough to track all airplanes entering and leaving delhi
Warnings of a ‘chance of war’ between India and China as nuclear rivals face off
JULY 17, 201712:37AM


Photos Suggest China Military Buildup in South China Sea



Benedict Brooknews.com.au@BenedictBrook

ASK most people to name a current crisis between nuclear armed states and North Korea and the US’ rapidly worsening relations would come to mind.

But there’s another skirmish happening between two nuclear nations and both have far more fully functioning missiles, poised and ready to fire, than Kim Jong-un could even dream off.

Ten thousand feet above sea level, in the sub zero cold of the Himalayas, things could be about to turn hot.

Since mid-June, Chinese and Indian soldiers have lined up “eyeball to eyeball” on the remote Doklam plateau. In recent days, more troops have been sent to the frontline.

Currently it’s a nonlethal battle of platitudes at altitude, but commentators in China have warned, “there could be a chance of war”.

And that’s not a great prospect, given India is thought to have more than 100 nuclear tipped missiles while China’s warheads could total more than 250.

The flashpoint between the two seems mundane ——the building of a new road on the Chinese controlled, but disputed, plateau. But the last time the two went to war, half a century ago, it was also over a road.

There is now said to be “complete stalemate” in the confrontation.


China and India acre wrangling over road access to a remote Himalayan plateau. AP Photo/Andy Wong, File)Source:AP


China and India have regularly come to blows on their 4000km long and infuriatingly ill-defined border. Remote and treacherous, few people live in these disrupted areas. But any moves to tame them such as, say, through the building of a road to make access easier, immediately risks a conflict.

The current anger kicked off in an area close to what India calls the “chicken neck” — a thin stretch of land that is the only direct link to country’s isolated north east.

Directly to the north is China, peering down from the mountains, covetous for some of the land it overlooks.

In early June, China commenced construction of a new road leading to the Doklam plateau, a disputed area it currently administers. It is close to the chicken neck at the so-called “tri junction” where its frontier meets both India and the tiny mountain kingdom of Bhutan.


India is concerned by any Chinese move to consolidate its control in area close to the “chicken neck” — a thin strip of land that is the only direct route to the country’s north east.Source:Supplied

China accuses Indian troops stationed in Bhutan — which only has a small army and relies militarily on India — from straying across the frontier to prevent the road’s construction.

On Monday, China’s state news agency, Xinhua, said the Indian military’s “trespass into Chinese territory is a blatant infringement on China’s sovereignty”.

However, Bhutan says it is the rightful owner of the plateau.

While Bhutan is part of the stoush, the real battle of wills is between China and India which cite different treaties to back up their various claims to land along the frontier.

And these are no mere scraps of mountain here and there. India claims 250,000 square kilometres of Chinese controlled land while China says 550,000km sq of Indian administered land should belong to them.


The face-off is taking place between nuclear armed China and India on the border of Bhutan, one of the most peaceful nations on earth.Source:istock


“The failure to demarcate the China-India border has led to overlapping perceptions of where the so-called Line of Actual Control lies, guaranteeing rival border patrols will run into each other and force the issue,” Tsering Topgyal, an international relations expert at the University of Birmingham wrote in The Conversation in 2014.

On Tuesday, the Times of India said around 300-400 Indian troops were “eyeball to eyeball” with China in a “non-aggressive confrontation” but thousands more soldiers from both sides are close by. A further 2500 Indian troops has now been stationed in India’s Sikkim province, the province next to the tri point.


A Chinese and Indian soldier at the Nathu La border crossing between India and China in India's northeastern Sikkim state. Picture: AFP.Source:AFP


The Indian External Affairs Ministry has justified the build up, saying a 2012 agreement meant the frontier at the tri-junction would be finalised between the three countries. Any attempt to unilaterally determine the tri-junction points is a “violation of this understanding”, the statement said, reported the Hindustan Times.

India sees the road as China asserting sovereignty.

Last week, China’s ambassador to New Delhi, Luo Zhaohui, said the situation was “grave” and Indian troops should “unconditionally pull back to the Indian side”.

“India, who calls Bhutan an ‘ally’, said it had intervened on behalf of its neighbour, yet the true subtext is the South Asian giant wants to maintain and expand regional hegemony” thundered Xinhua.

But India might scoff at China lecturing it on regional hegemony.

Beijing has been widening its influence across the Indian subcontinent, funding big infrastructure projects in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

A maritime analyst said Delhi is increasingly worried.


An Indian Agni-IV missile which is capable of delivering a one-tonne nuclear warhead anywhere in China. Picture AFP PHOTO / FILES / RAVEENDRANSource:AFP

“That means India is in some ways going to be surrounded by Chinese infrastructure projects. The fear is these Chinese ports could later be used for maritime and naval deployments,” Abhijit Singh of the Observer Research Foundation told the ABC.

In 1962, China and India’s border brinkmanship tipped over into war. More than 700 Chinese troops and 4000 Indian soldiers died before Beijing declared a ceasefire and victory.

That dispute began with the building of a Chinese road on disputed land but much farther west in Kashmir.

Earlier this month, China’s Global Times cited domestic security experts as saying that “there could be a chance of war if the recent conflict between China and India is not handled properly.

“China will resolutely defend its territory and safeguard the border.”

But when it comes to the border squabble close to the chicken’s neck, India is itself playing chicken.

Indian defence minister Arun Jaitley has a dark warning for China.

“The situation in 1962 was different and India of 2017 is different.”

The main difference is the India of 1962 did not have an arsenal of nuclear weapons. It has them now.

How many fronts will PR China open? :what:

One against India, one against Vietnam, one against Japan, one against the Korean peninsula!

Are they not stretching their forces too much?
How many fronts will PR China open? :what:

One against India, one against Vietnam, one against Japan, one against the Korean peninsula!

Are they not stretching their forces too much?
Currently there is only one front. The others has no worry. You see Japan as a bitter rival but still join China OBOR. The japanese are smart. They advise India not to join but they themselves join OBOR. Then they join India war exercise on pretext of supporting India in events of war but actuallly will do nothing to help besides being a big cheerleader to encourage India.

I pity India being taken a ride by Japanese. :lol:
alot of chinese territories have been lost through history!

We have enough confidence to deal with Bharat.

Currently there is only one front. The others has no worry. You see Japan as a bitter rival but still join China OBOR. The japanese are smart. They advise India not to join but they themselves join OBOR. Then they join India war exercise on pretext of supporting India in events of war but actuallly will do nothing to help besides being a big cheerleader to encourage India.

I pity India being taken a ride by Japanese. :lol:
Modi is not clever.
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