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China-India Geopolitics: News & Discussions

It is over.
Your military knows it.

If anyone seriously think China can attack us in that terrain & survive, you are all more deluded than Democrats.

Sure you wish it to be over when your army is rushing to call reinforcement :lol:, Indian always like to brag about themselves and then complain later that China dare India again...LMAO
India needs 700000 soldiers to control a small valley of Kashmir, how will they fight Chinese on 3400 KM long border? and if Pakistan also jumps in then India is real toast.
You guys have so many such misconceptions. While trying something semilar, you lost half of your country. You are free to try any other idea if you have.

Mao has written multiple letters to not implement the forward policy and to resolve the issue in a peaceful way. Nehru, mistook Mao's word as cowardice instead of patience.
Please read up India's China war by Neville Maxwell.

Mao was angle of peace and we know that. We also know what he did to you guys and how 20 million Chinese died in 3 pest campaign.
China is itching for a war !!
The opposite of what you have just mentioned. Many eople always say China brainwashed her people, but in my opinion,what India have done are much more than China. The Chinese can know the other informations that are not provided by the govermant though many other ways, but the Indians are so silly, because they can only see what their govermant want them to see, and they know nothing true about Chia.
India can't event secure their land and want to claim for responsible for Bhutanis land security? :lol: If we use the same excuse to help Pakistan over J&K...then India will just shooting themselves on the feet.
Hey forget about everything. When are taking military action? Your credibly is on question. It seems that your old army is not fit to fight. It is only good for issuing warning.
The opposite of what you have just mentioned. Many eople always say China brainwashed her people, but in my opinion,what India have done are much more than China. The Chinese can know the other informations that are not provided by the govermant though many other ways, but the Indians are so silly, because they can only see what their govermant want them to see, and they know nothing true about Chia.

Lol what you just said is utter foolishness. India has free media...Ranging from very good to utter waste. We get to pick and choose.

If chinese know other information than the chinese state media, then go see what china has done in SCS. China has claimed others EEZ just like that.

I know I am speaking to a chinese who cannot see past the Govt red line. I don't expect much to discuss with you.
Hey forget about everything. When are taking military action? Your credibly is on question. It seems that your old army is not fit to fight. It is only good for issuing warning.

China media showing india's refusal to cooperate hence necessitate justified tough military action.

If china simply take military action, it will look very bad
Is China building road within their borders? I have no idea about conflict here.

China media showing india's refusal to cooperate hence necessitate justified tough military action.

If china simply take military action, it will look very bad

They attacked friggin Bhutan, a country with no military!!

I don't believe you are starting to get how bad Chinese are looking right now.

Is China building road within their borders? I have no idea about conflict here.
China was building roads inside Bhutan.

China media showing india's refusal to cooperate hence necessitate justified tough military action.

If china simply take military action, it will look very bad
Now China is in a pickle ,it has to do something to save it's face.India is not backing off .
Chinese CPC dsnt have to tell or answer it's people but Indian govt has to.
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