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China-India Geopolitics: News & Discussions

I reckon this is a new low for PDF. People using pictures of women, boasting about going to w*****s to score some cheap brownie points. Have some respect for women folks, being an anonymous keyboard warrior does not give you a licence to post whatever you want.

Always remember, being online is another form of communication method, never say anything you can’t say in person. You are representing your country, yourself, your morals/values and your upbringing, so yes, you’re degrading your parents also.

End of rant.

Hope mods close this thread.
Thread turns into Tharki thread.

It seems to have triggered the CPC trolls lol.

Those chinese female soldiers sure are :smitten:

The best part is china is going to take this slap just like even much smaller countries like Burma administer to them (by bombing and outright killing their citizens).

The dragon that is all bark, but no bite lol....and these fellows here are claiming "mobilisations" and such:rofl:....and posting bollywood chicks (number of them not even indian or based in india anymore) to try equal equal with the PLA chicks hehe.

They have no idea what the ground situation is in the area being talking about (triangle thumb between Sikkim and Bhutan), 1967 completely ignored by these trolls, but not by PLA...I can guarantee you that....so very shortly (when PLA does squat confirmed) these trolls will be even more triggered at the :bunny:
It's not Modi's India, It's India.
either you change your flags or stop insulting my country.

The way I see it, anyone insulting their own country is similar to abusing own mother.

LOL........ all the best.

When are you invading with your cheap and fake goods ? :lol:
It's more of India begging for Chinese goods. Your solar panel and tunnel boring high tech machinery are all import from China. Without those India will collapse. :enjoy:

We are just doing Indian favour by selling you. India is worst than cheap goods. Produce one first before cheap talk.
The best part is china is going to take this slap just like even much smaller countries like Burma administer to them (by bombing and outright killing their citizens).

China won't dare attack even the smallest of country. Oh they will puff their chests and try to encroach and that's the extent of their attacks.
Bottom line, they need a lot of countries to export to, otherwise their economy will not sustain. Any attack from them on any country, well, their economy relying on exports will or more less come to a stop.

buyer = king.
China knows this fact. They will cry, pout and pretend to be victims and that's all they will do.

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^Idiot false flagger understands nothing about WTO categories. Not a surprise tbh.
It seems to have triggered the CPC trolls lol.

Those chinese female soldiers sure are :smitten:

The best part is china is going to take this slap just like even much smaller countries like Burma administer to them (by bombing and outright killing their citizens).

The dragon that is all bark, but no bite lol....and these fellows here are claiming "mobilisations" and such:rofl:....and posting bollywood chicks (number of them not even indian or based in india anymore) to try equal equal with the PLA chicks hehe.

They have no idea what the ground situation is in the area being talking about (triangle thumb between Sikkim and Bhutan), 1967 completely ignored by these trolls, but not by PLA...I can guarantee you that....so very shortly (when PLA does squat confirmed) these trolls will be even more triggered at the :bunny:

Said the "curry trolls" whom got a "full course facial" in 1962 cake walk as we've granted you the "The most humiliating Defeat" in india's history, NO?:omghaha:
Oh, if Dragon is all bark, no bite, how about tell that to the 4000 of your army boys that still buried under the dirt ?:pop:
Oh, never mind about Chinese chicks, they got better taste than that, in fact no chicks will be interested in some smelly, mini manhood indians LOL
1967 of what? bollywood episode? "NO PICTURES, NO TRUTH" as simple as that, you despicable indians can go ahead to make up as much fabricated history as you please, however the bottom line is who else will be buying except some lowlife acha LOL:rofl::rofl:
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Said the "curry trolls" whom got a "full course facial" in 1962 cake walk as we've granted you the "The most humiliating Defeat" in india's history, NO?:omghaha:
Oh, if Dragon is all bark, no bite, how about tell that you 4000 of your army boys that still buried under the dirt ?:pop:
Oh, never mind about Chinese chicks, they got better taste than that, in fact no chicks will be interested in some smelly, mini manhood indians LOL
1967 of what? bollywood episode? "NO PICTURES, NO TRUTH" as simple as that, you despicable indians can go ahead to make up as much fabricated history as you please, however the bottle line is who else will be buying except some lowlife acha LOL:rofl::rofl:
The Chinese still has the footage of the humiliating defeat of Indian army. Bunch of weakling laughing and begging for mercy from Chinese side when we defeat them completely. :lol:

While Indian has nothing to prove their self make up victory over Chinese besides few self make up article and link with no verification.
The Chinese still has the footage of the humiliating defeat of Indian army. Bunch of weakling laughing and begging for mercy from Chinese side when we defeat them completely. :lol:

While Indian has nothing to prove their self make up victory over Chinese besides few self make up article and link with no verification.
These despicable indian trolls can't even offer a single "PICTURE or VIDEO" as proof for their face saving fabricated so-called 1967 episode, pathetic sore losers as always LOL
Great Job Indian Army.

Chinese should remember 1987 incident.

Chinese greediness of encroaching other countries territory bit by bit. India is going ahead with make in India program, this is the right time to ban or impose high tariffs on Chinese goods to encourage Indian manufacturing.
What happened in 1987?

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