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China imports losing ground in India

China power equipment manufacturer Dongfang Electric Corporation Ltd(DEC) is a supplier of Electricite De France (EDF).

Dongfang Electric Corporation signed its first export contract with EDF

Electricite De France (EDF) is building two nuclear power plants in India worth $9.3 billion.
AFP: France, India sign nuclear deal on Sarkozy visit

And DEC also export power equipment and wind power equipment to India.
Dongfang Electric wins two contracts in India

By the way , would you please show the resouse where "India export high grade steel products to China"?

france would have to find new suppliers cos we dont have a nuclear deal with china ..
even indian companies supplies equipments for plants to be built in india.. the same applies to u...
Is that what its considered to be now?

Would you like to read a scientific report on this?


Page 13:

The margins provided in the Chinese equipments are observed to be in the range 20-25% on flow and 30-44% on head. These are in line with normal good engineering practice.

The whole report, btw, is very interesting.

I don't under the point of your post. My original response was to your claim that DEC does not supply coal pulverizers. Coal fired boilers need coal pulverizers, whether they are manufactured by the boiler EPC contractor or sourced from other OEMs.

And the report you posted is very interesting, especially the conculsions. It says there was no information available from the chinese companies regarding the technical design details of plants they supplied. It does mention that the performance parameters are generally inline with the industry standards. But these measurements are done only in the early years in the plant life, since most chinese supplied power plants are still relatively new. Actual life of the plants would still be a speculation, since the basic design practises are not revealed by the Chinese EPC companies.
I don't under the point of your post. My original response was to your claim that DEC does not supply coal pulverizers. Coal fired boilers need coal pulverizers, whether they are manufactured by the boiler EPC contractor or sourced from other OEMs.

And the report you posted is very interesting, especially the conculsions. It says there was no information available from the chinese companies regarding the technical design details of plants they supplied. It does mention that the performance parameters are generally inline with the industry standards. But these measurements are done only in the early years in the plant life, since most chinese supplied power plants are still relatively new. Actual life of the plants would still be a speculation, since the basic design practises are not revealed by the Chinese EPC companies.

Going by the track record of China's nuclear power program which has suffered zero accidents since 1984, I think that the more traditional coal fired plants are going to be fine.
Sir, we have a record of continuous 453days running of a 250MW Fuji unit. So inefficient operation thing is the last one i can digest.it will be helpful if you provide any link to support the inefficiency of indian engineers here.

If you are in the business, you should well know the average efficiency ratio of powergen and trasmission plant in India. I don't have to elaborate even, as it is common knowledge to all international makers.
India is still dependent on China for its industrial goods. That's why Reliance spent 8 billion dollars, one of the highest lump sums in the world, on boilers and gas turbines from Shanghai Electric.

The 8 billion dollar is entirely lent by china to finance the equipment (sanctioned loan but not yet drawn) .... and no import has happened yet, only proposed.

Given that Anil Ambani power plant has become unviable (because chinese equipment can no longer compete on costs .... even with the same $hit quality), he has the option of not drawing upong the "sanctioned" loan... and china keeps it's rubbish with itself.

The same contract can now be recontracted to BHEL and L&T.
The 8 billion dollar is entirely lent by china to finance the equipment (sanctioned loan but not yet drawn) .... and no import has happened yet, only proposed.

Given that Anil Ambani power plant has become unviable (because chinese equipment can no longer compete on costs .... even with the same $hit quality), he has the option of not drawing upong the "sanctioned" loan... and china keeps it's rubbish with itself.

The same contract can now be recontracted to BHEL and L&T.

good luck with your own shitty BHEL and L $ T!
..and you with the Dung Fung

we have a whole lot of other markets to embark on. I wont be surprised if relliance will cry out loud for deep regrets entering into contracts with companies which are faulty on products, untimely on delivery, and bureaucratic on after sales services
we have a whole lot of other markets to embark on. I wont be surprised if relliance will cry out loud for deep regrets entering into contracts with companies which are faulty on products, untimely on delivery, and bureaucratic on after sales services

Good Luck .. and get lost.
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