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Chinese mainlanders : try to get your own freedom right of voting/ protesting first, then you would know how hurt to lose it.
That's current feeling of Hongkong citizens.

As if HKers had any voting rights during British colonial era.
. . .
As if HKers had any voting rights during British colonial era.

Hong Kong WAS NOT a democracy under British rule, it was a colonial dictatorship by England. A dictatorship governor was put in place by England, there was no election or any say by the people of Hong Kong who were mostly Chinese. The governor was always a White Englishman, not a Chinese.
U.S. officials traced to a secret meeting of Hongkong students Incitement to strike and accounted “Central ",Promises to provide shelter
美国驻港总领馆官员、美国情治人员等近40人,被披露与香港学生代表开会商讨罢课行动及“占中”。(American Consulate officials in Hong Kong, the United States intelligence personnel, nearly 40 people, was disclosed with the Hong Kong student representatives met to discuss the strike action and "accounted Central.")

据香港《文汇报》17日报道,一名自称老泛民、署名“民主真兄弟”的人士16日晚撰文称接到匿名人士爆料,指公民党英语组、“香港2020”9月5日晚举行会议,邀请外籍人士讨论政改,出席者包括两名美国驻港总领馆官员、美情治人员和外国学者等40人,前经济司布简琼(Elizabeth Bosher)更是被陈方安生和李柱铭等人亲自送入会场。

该人士上载4页会议记录及多张图片,显示会议由公民党主持,发起罢课的“学联”和“学民思潮”等均有代表出席。“学民”发言人周庭称,之前“反国教”有公民党帮忙才能成功,与其过去一直强调无政党介入明显有矛盾。 港大学生会会长梁丽帼称,参与罢课不仅包括本地学生,还包括内地和国际留学生。梁丽帼透露,壹传媒多次联系她,承诺给予资金支持。美国驻港总领馆官员、曾任职美国国防部和国家情报主任办公室的丹·盖瑞特称,“这次回美国向顶头上司汇报目前香港所处境况及我在港推动的工作进展。华盛顿要求继续在香港推动民间、社会力量争取民主诉求运动,尤其是推动青少年在社运扮演先锋角色”。他还承诺,“美国会保护学生领袖,包括赴外国留学、定居”。“本土行动”成员陈允中扬言,香港要争取民主,就必须暴力“企硬”、违法甚至流血,以迫使中央让步。他更带去一名中东难民,该难民声称会召集滞港的政治难民协助“占中”,如条件成熟会在港成立极端伊斯兰组织。“民主真兄弟”在文中直言,“学生领袖们是有退路的,泛民大佬就更有退路,只不过害了那帮不出名的孩子”。





爆料者称背对镜头的短发者是吴蔼仪,她身旁的就是周庭(观察者网注:吴霭仪是香港公民党、四十五条关注组的成员,也是香港泛民主派的一员。 周庭现年17岁,是学民发言人中其中一名中六学生)





Let's guess how many of them will be sent into jail
. .
Still wrong. Your argument make no sense, as so often they do not when feebly trying to defend your China.

It is irrelevant the political inclinations of the protesters and the response. The question here is which country have the most experience in dealing with civil disobedience. In your China, the police is a branch of the military, which make China the best source on the techniques, hardware, and tactics the government can and have used against civilians.

And you here are making as much sense as your hypocritical government so your argument here does not surprise me.

Lets be frank here, You, nor the US nor does your fellow democratic allies cares what happens to Hong Kong. All they really care is to make a mess and slow down China's progress and then cease the opportunity for some lovely photo-ops. Everyone knows this by now.

And I am not here to debate which country has the most experience, but rather how Hong Kong should deal with these democratic hooligans in the most appropriate yet democratic way, yes - The American way. :lol:

So don't blame the Hong Kong police for the pepper spray, tear gas and police batons. They were taught that way by the Brits.
But that's too old fashioned now. They need to go at it the American way. Keep up with the time and go hi-tech instead.



Nation & World | Official: Test nonlethal weapons in U.S. | Seattle Times Newspaper
Active Denial System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why not just give democracy to Honkkong? All major power and decision making would still lie with Beijing anyway.
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Because you know it would be embarrassing for you no matter how many pictures of the American police forces you can find on the Internet. You cannot deny the vast experience the PLA gained from over one hundred thousands of riots your China have every yr. Yeah...We may give used equipment to the police, but in your China, new equipment are actually ASSIGNED to the police.

Not embarrassing at all. The embarrassing thing is your kind failing to acknowledge your own tactics being the right way and the best way for dealing with these pro democratic hooligans.
China have their own separate systems and are governed under their own set of laws.
Hong Kong, however, also have their own system and its own set of laws, which are similar to the Brits and the Americans. Therefore they should be dealt with the American and the British way. End of the day, it is democracy they are asking for, then democratic solutions they will get.

Be proud of what your China accomplished in terms of dealing with dissent, from harassment of families to black jails to tanks.

And you be proud with America's accomplishments in terms of dealing with dissent, from setting up illegal detention camps to using chemical weapons on its own citizens to harassment of families, ethnic minorities and erosion of the constitutional amendments.
Even with US consulate's and embassy's assistance (probably aid from US corporations, too), the Hong Kong protesters are not looting, destroying, and burning down buildings, and shooting at cops.

At the US, the Michael Brown protesters resorted to looting, property destruction, and igniting buildings, and shooting at least 1 cop. If these protesters received lots of assistance like the Maidan protesters, then things could be a lot worse.

Violence in Ferguson after police chief tries to join Michael Brown march

A few days ago, New York City had protests against US central banks and against pollution. The NYPD shut down the protesters and arrested a few protesters.

Flood Wall Street ends with mass arrests after day-long protest

The most controversial protests and rebellions are in Israel and Palestine. It's Israel, the US, and the EU wiping out tiny Palestine.
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Is there only Vietnamese in your mind? :yahoo:

May be you can help her to find a Vietnamese boyfriend. :-)

The criteria,

He must be handsome and able to grow beard.

Tall, 175cm above.

Athletic body, but not over bulky.

Between 23-30 years old.

Rich parent, owned a company and factory.

Kind, polite, neat , smart and graduate from US or UK.

I have always said unless the Chinese government close down USAID, foreign NGO's and crackdown on foreigners that incite chaos in China, there will be protest movements like this to destroy China.

Chinese government was foolish enough to be kind enough to allow USAID and CIA run NGO's to operate in China.

Now you are seeing the consequences of the naivety of the Chinese government.

Don't blame the paid-protestors, blame the Chinese government for allowing such things to grow inside Chinese territory.
I have always said unless the Chinese government close down USAID, foreign NGO's and crackdown on foreigners that incite chaos in China, there will be protest movements like this to destroy China.

Chinese government was foolish enough to be kind enough to allow USAID and CIA run NGO's to operate in China.

Now you are seeing the consequences of the naivety of the Chinese government.

Don't blame the paid-protestors, blame the Chinese government for allowing such things to grow inside Chinese territory.

Chinese intelligence agencies are beyond incompetent. Spends more money on internal security than the military budget but can't even deter foreign threats. Sheer incompetence.
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