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I find the Chinese in here mentally brainwashed by their government to hate the west and capitalism that Capitalism is from evil white men. This so similar to those Vietnamese worship communist vietnamese. They speak and think of the west and capitalism are the same. Fortunately, that kind of thinking is fading as among the youth when Vietnam get closer to the west, it is now Chinese evil to them now. Great politics.
But at least they (own people) are in charge of their country and work hard to minimise the outside political force into their country.

Those countries (including China and Vietnam) are one party state, no more Communist. There are a lot of Democratic shxt hole in the region if you know what i mean. Why don't let them try new system and see whether it is working or not. :coffee:

I find the Chinese in here mentally brainwashed by their government to hate the west and capitalism that Capitalism is from evil white men. This so similar to those Vietnamese worship communist vietnamese. They speak and think of the west and capitalism are the same. Fortunately, that kind of thinking is fading as among the youth when Vietnam get closer to the west, it is now Chinese evil to them now. Great politics.
Again...how does Democracy equate with "white-worship"? Considering Communism/Socialism is a white invention.



Actually Chinese communism was different from Western communism.
Chinese communism revolution got their inspiration from the numerous ancient Chinese peasant rebellion.

Dazexiang Uprising
But at least they (own people) are in charge of their country and work hard to minimise the outside political force into their country.

Those countries (including China and Vietnam) are one party state, no more Communist. There are a lot of Democratic shxt hole in the region if you know what i mean. Why don't let them try new system and see whether it is working or not. :coffee:

Haven't we tried? My Malaysian friend? Mainland was charged by KWO MING TANG, they were capitalists, and all the things had proved no divergence even worse. Chum Kai Shik( the former president of ROC before 1949) ordered to blow the yellow river dam out to stop the Japanese kept marching forward, so that was a total disaster for the residences around the region, they killed almost one million citizens and a large proportion of them died because of starving. Albeit CHINESE paid deally but we failed to stop japanese. Yes I think you mentioned one thing that is quite correct: we should prevent the western power eroding us exclusively, I won't trust CHINESE so- called democratic government, they will be the tool and they must be the tool, as a matter of fact this is really striking to see, Cai yingwen ,the presidential candidate of DPP, calling all the Taiwanese to be more independent, but just before where has she been and what has she do? And you will know what role she anticipates to be between the straight, she is just manipulating some pseudo and pretentious pleas to turn all the Taiwanese to be the soldier of American bunker which is adequate and optimal for American to fight against mainland. And everyone says mainland is a behemoth who is eagerly hoping to invade Taiwan this beautiful adolescent girl.
But don't forget, who makes Taiwanese rich and who occupies the biggest proportion of supporting Taiwan economy, American? Japan? Huh? Even Philippine?
CHINESE buys HTC and Luxgenmotor , giant bike, and tourist from Mainland are using their RMB to save Taiwan's languid economy, and their government turns the money to AH-64 D and E-2C.
:) :) :) these are our compatriots.
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If they want Democratic syatem, CPC can dissolve, and create 2 large parties which compete with each other; and both parties are indirectly control by ex-CPC leaders behind the scene.:china:
May be some countries are using the same system, which bankers n some elite are behind the scene.:usflag:
If they want Democratic syatem, CPC can dissolve, and create 2 large parties which compete with each other; and both parties are indirectly control by ex-CPC leaders behind the scene.:china:
May be some countries are using the same system, which bankers n some elite are behind the scene.:usflag:
Yeah, foremost is all for CHINESE people's interest, not regional interest or western's.
Should deport these HK filth (along with the liberals in China) to the West.

China should only be home to patriots, not traitors.

CPC did the right things by crushing the colour revolution in 1989. Well done CPC.

China is stronger because of CPC's action in 1989.

Hong Kong are full of backward brainwashed white worshippers.

Unbelievable. Look at that turnout. China needs to make adjustments and fix this crap. Look at all these western dogs, brainwashed and blindly following a path towards self destruction.
Do u bring successful democracy to those regions where your regime has meddled around? Or it should be called demon-cracy.

there is some difference between democracy and demoncrazy, the latter one is what US is spreading around the world.


Your English vocabulary is improving by "leaps and bounds" and is quite good now. You are able to invent new words, demon-cracy and demon-crazy.

Needless to say, I am impressed! Keep it up.
If they want Democratic syatem, CPC can dissolve, and create 2 large parties which compete with each other; and both parties are indirectly control by ex-CPC leaders behind the scene.:china:
May be some countries are using the same system, which bankers n some elite are behind the scene.:usflag:
we do not need this, because it only waste time and money

I fibnd the Chinese in here mentally brainwashed by their government to hate the west and capitalism that Capitalism is from evil white men. This so similar to those Vietnamese worship communist vietnamese. They speak and think of the west and capitalism are the same. Fortunately, that kind of thinking is fading as among the youth when Vietnam get closer to the west, it is now Chinese evil to them now. Great politics.
we judge things from the result. if this so called "brainwashed" can lead us to better live, why not follow it?
After 1989,we chinese went through several periods about mental idea.
1.1989-1999,at that time,USSR collased and USA became unstoppble,most of our officals lost confidence, many people think we would never catch up with USA,they doubt the CPC. USA supressed us by military,economy and politicaly. Russia also was the other target.90th USA was very powerful,the mainstream idea was:the communism was outdated,we needed to adopt western system and made friends with USA.That time was very hard and dangerous for us,our leader had to allow the officals to receive bribery for sustaining their confidence,that was toally a messy time.
2.2000-2010,at that time,USA bombed our embassy in 1999 ,flew to our coastline and collased with our navy plane in 2001,these two humiliation incidents changed the internal politics a lot,many officals realized that USA never accepted our surrender,look at Russia,they surrender to the west but still faced suppression,as a big country like China and Russia,there was no room for us to kneel down. Our mainstream idea was:USA was selfish and untrusted,We had to fight and we cannot surrender,but the democracy system of USA was still attractive to some officials.
3.after 2011,the mainstream idea is:CPC is very good ,we can borrow some good idea from western democracy system,but we will never accept wesrern system directly. From our view,the western democracy system have many shortcomings,we will develop our democracy system step by step. As a big country like us,the biggest enemy is always ourselves,luckily,today is very stable in China.
As for 64 incident,we mainland Chinese are at the stage 3,but the poor guys in HK are still in stage 1. You foreigners always overevaluate the influence of 64 incident,they think we are brainwashed and lied by the CPC,if we knew the truth and we would rebel the CPC. Lol,why you guys are so naive? no one cares 64 incident,because that was a rebel,the involvers were stupid and cheated easily by the west,thanks for the CPC ,orelse we may step on the way to hell.
HK and Taiwan are two tiny examples for our Chinese to evaluate the democracy in Chinese society,franking speaking,the result of Taiwan democracy is very disppointed ,Taiwan become a joke in Mainland China. Our adustment about democracy is very simple:if the system can promote the livingstandard of most people,we adopte it ,if not,we ignore it. One man one vote is not attractive to us,we need the good result not the election course,we Chinese are very very realistic. So Taiwan became a negative democracy example for us. HK as a tiny city is another democracy example for us,we will keep observing and evaluating it,even it fails,it also can teach a lesson to most of us.

I find the Chinese in here mentally brainwashed by their government to hate the west and capitalism that Capitalism is from evil white men. This so similar to those Vietnamese worship communist vietnamese. They speak and think of the west and capitalism are the same. Fortunately, that kind of thinking is fading as among the youth when Vietnam get closer to the west, it is now Chinese evil to them now. Great politics.
As a Chinese, I am very tired of you VPC talking about comrades with us,and then beg for help. To be honest, we are happy to see the VPC die,VCP never get closed to China,you vietnamese never become friends with us,so whather you are communist or not means no difference to us. Frankly speaking,becoming your enemy is nothing proud,you are too weak,wish the VCP collapse ASAP from true heart,after that, we can deal with a new Vietnam from pure national interest not from outdated so called comrades friendship. We can get the islands back from SCS,no need to consider much nonsense.
And I have to point out, we donot hate the west and captilism. The europe is our friend and business partner, USA is business partner and NOT enemy. We love captilism, and we love communism,we love all the political systems that can bring us wealth and power. You Vietnam are too childish and stupid,wake up,cold war is over for two decades,that is why I hate to talk about comrades with Vietnam,and tell you the secret,we have much better relation with USA than you thought,we cooperate and exchange in many global issues,our relation is not bad ,be careful and not be sold out.
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Unbelievable. Look at that turnout. China needs to make adjustments and fix this crap. Look at all these western dogs, brainwashed and blindly following a path towards self destruction.

Yes, bring in the tanks and the machine guns. That should solve it.

Your English vocabulary is improving by "leaps and bounds" and is quite good now. You are able to invent new words, demon-cracy and demon-crazy.

Needless to say, I am impressed! Keep it up.
now they know why we play this forum.
Actually Chinese communism was different from Western communism.
Chinese communism revolution got their inspiration from the numerous ancient Chinese peasant rebellion.

Dazexiang Uprising

Unfortunately, that racist person is either uneducatable or conveniently ignores the fact that China has been practicing collectivist culture and economy way before Marx ingeniously formulated it into an economic model for the Western masses of the time that were being oppressed and literally killed by the capitalist development.
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