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China hints at blocking India's request to blacklist JeM chief

Devil Soul

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China hints at blocking India's request to blacklist JeM chief
By Reuters
Published: October 30, 2017

Maulana Masood Azhar, head of Jaish-e-Mohammad, in Islamabad on August 26, 2001. PHOTO: REUTERS

BEIJING: China on Monday signalled it would again block an Indian request at the United Nations to blacklist Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) chief Masood Azhar.

India, backed by the United States, has been trying to get Maulana Masood Azhar on a UN list of groups with ties to al Qaeda, blaming his group for a series of attacks in India, including one on its parliament in 2002 and another last year on an airbase.

But China, a member of the UN Security Council, has repeatedly put a technical hold on the Indian request, the latest of which is due to end this week.


Such decisions must be based on cast-iron evidence and fully backed by members of the UN panel charged with implementing resolutions relating to sanctions on militant groups and individuals, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said.

“China proposed a technical hold, the aim of which was to give more time for the committee members to discuss it and for relevant parties to have further consultations,” Hua told a daily news briefing. “But regrettably, the committee has yet to reach consensus.”

Beijing had last year blocked New Delhi’s request to add the JeM chief to a UNSC blacklist of groups linked to al Qaeda. JeM has already been blacklisted by the 15-nation Security Council, but not Azhar, a hardliner and long-time foe of India.

Hua said there were clear rules for listing a person or group as a terrorist, and that China has always believed the relevant UN committee should operate on the principles of objectivity, fairness and professionalism on this matter.
I just hope to know whether Jaish-e-Mohammad is guerrilla force or terrorist organization.
Bear hugs and sweets for my Athiest brothers of the CCP. On the contrary spit on the ummah.
I just hope to know whether Jaish-e-Mohammad is guerrilla force or terrorist organization.

The guy in question was freed from Indian jail by hijacking a civilian plane.
he is already old and sitting back never seen him since long time
China seems to act as a troll even in the United Nations.

Don't say that you guys weren't warn in advance amid your celebrations for some bogus gain or victory

Bold part. Agreed.

Indians can try their luck again in UN after this "victory" at BRICS. :)


Warned you in particular. But you were also high on that bogus meaningless statement after BRICS :)

Sure. It would be fun when you would get under illusion of this new lollypop by China and then face veto by China on your resolutions.

I can just imagine the look on your faces after that. More calls to boycott Chinese products using Chinese assembled phones :lol:


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CHINA has toughened its stance against India today saying it would block an Indian request at the United Nations to blacklist the head of a Pakistan-based militant group.
PUBLISHED: 10:12, Mon, Oct 30, 2017UPDATED: 10:49, Mon, Oct 30, 2017
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India, backed by the United States, has been trying to get Maulana Masood Azhar on a United Nations list of groups with ties to Al Qaeda, blaming his group for a series of attacks in India, including one on its parliament in 2002 and another last year on an airbase.

But China, a member of the U.N. Security Council, has repeatedly put a technical hold on the Indian request, the latest of which is due to end this week.

Such decisions must be based on cast-iron evidence and fully backed by members of the U.N. panel charged with implementing resolutions relating to sanctions on militant groups and individuals, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said.


"China proposed a technical hold, the aim of which was to give more time for the committee members to discuss it and for relevant parties to have further consultations," Hua told a daily news briefing.

"But regrettably, the committee has yet to reach consensus."

The wrangling over Masood Azhar, a longtime Indian foe, has become a thorny issue in ties between China and India, which fears Beijing is disregarding its concerns over terrorism.

It has also fuelled worries that China will stick to its "all-weather" friend, India's arch-foe Pakistan, no matter the weight of evidence against Islamabad.

Pakistan denies giving material support to militants fighting Indian rule in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir besides carrying out attacks elsewhere.

It said it interrogated Azhar and his associates in the Jaish-e-Mohammad group after the January 2016 attack on the Pathankot air base but found no evidence linking him to it.

Hua said there were clear rules for listing a person or group as a terrorist, and that China has always believed the relevant U.N. committee should operate on the principles of objectivity, fairness and professionalism on this matter.

Jaish-e-Mohammad has already been blacklisted by the 15-nation Security Council, but not Azhar, an Islamist hardliner.

China to again block UN move to declare Masood Azhar as international terrorist
  • Says: "Pakistan is also a victim of terrorism and we support Pakistan in countering terrorism in accordance with its own national conditions."
by Muhammad Irfan | Published on October 31, 2017 (Edited October 31, 2017)

BEIJING – China signalled on Monday it would again block a US-backed resolution to sanction Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) chief Masood Azhar, saying there are “disagreements” among UN Security Council members on the move to declare him an international terrorist.

The foreign ministry cited lack of “solid proof” against Azhar, accused by India of masterminding the terror attack on Pathankot airbase last year, as the reason for its stance. It also said it backs Pakistan’s counter-terrorism efforts.

The ministry further said the Security Council is yet to reach consensus on the issue and more time is required to discuss the move to designate the head of the Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) as an international terrorist, which will come up at the UN later this week.

China’s reluctance to proscribe Azhar comes weeks after Brics (Brazil, Russian, Iniad, China and South Africa) member countries – rather unexpectedly – named JeM and Lashkar-e-Taiba among terror groups causing violence and security concerns, bracketing them with the Islamic State.

Explaining the reason behind China’s decision, foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying told a regular news briefing: “As for the listing application by the relevant country, there are disagreements. China put the technical hold so as to allow for more time to deliberate on this matter. To our regret, the committee so far has yet to reach consensus.

“The relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council have clear stipulations as to the mandate of the 1267 Committee and clear stipulations when it comes to the listing of relevant organisations and individuals.”

Hua added, “We believe the committee should follow principles of objectivity, professionalism and fairness and reach decisions by consensus based on solid proof.”

The actions taken so far by China were meant to safeguard the authority and effectiveness of the 1267 committee. “It is in accordance with the resolution and rules of procedure of the committee. It shows our responsibility,” she said.

“Pakistan is a victim of terrorism”

Asked whether China was resisting the ban on account of its special ties with Islamabad, Ms. Hua said: “I can understand why you raised this question but cannot side with what you said. China always upholds the principle of objectivity and fairness and we judge this matter on its own merits.”

The spokeswoman stressed that Pakistan itself was a “victim of terrorism.”

“You mentioned Pakistan. Pakistan is also a victim of terrorism and we support Pakistan in countering terrorism in accordance with its own national conditions.”

China had repeatedly imposed a “technical hold” on India’s application for banning Azhar, who has been accused of masterminding last year’s attack on an Indian Air Force base. In January, the United States filed a fresh application, backed by Britain and France after India’s filing on Azhar’s listing had lapsed last year.
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