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China has world's strongest military; India at number four: Military Direct's study


Nov 4, 2011
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China has world's strongest military; India at number four: Military Direct's study
The USA, despite their enormous military budgets, comes in 2nd

New Delhi, March 21

China has the strongest military force in the world while India stands at number four, according to a study released on Sunday by the defence website Military Direct.

"The USA, despite their enormous military budgets, comes in 2nd place with 74 points, followed by Russia with 69, India at 61 and then France with 58. The UK just about makes the Top 10, coming in 9th place with a score of 43," said the study.

The study said the "ultimate military strength index" was calculated after taking into consideration various factors including budgets, number of inactive and active military personnel, total air, sea, land and nuclear resources, average salaries, and weight of equipment.

China has the strongest military in the world, scoring 82 out of 100 points in the index, it noted.

"Based on these scores, which account for budgets, men, and things like air and navy capacity, it does suggest that China would come out as top dog in a hypothetical super conflict," it mentioned.

The world's biggest military spender with a budget of USD 732 billion per year is the USA, it noted, adding that China comes second with USD 261 billion, followed by India at USD 71 billion.

"China would win by sea, USA by air and Russia by land" in this hypothetical conflict, it said.

"USA wins in an aerial war with 14,141 total airships vs Russia with 4,682 and China with 3,587. The Russian Federation wins in a land war with 54,866 vehicles vs USA with 50,326 and China with 41,641," it mentioned.

China wins in a sea war with 406 ships vs Russia with 278 and the USA or India with 202, it said. —PTI

The "study" is just some lousy clickbait article doing the usual thumb count to draw traffic to a lousy online store. How does this end up on all Indian mainstream news? Indians always act all high and mighty about their broken English and point fingers at every occassion.
India at number 4? :lol:

Not even top 10.
This don't take into account, they freeze themselves to death, shoot their own helicopters out of the sky, crash their jets and good at only targeting crows and trees, explode their diesel submarines inside the dock and let water into their nuclear submarine.

If all things considered, yes, India NOT EVEN TOP 10 because of Indians very good at self attrition.
Finally we have a media outlet comparable to the gobar times. Chinese paper dragon are on the top by making poor quality knocked off weapons and equally bad fighting men.
Chinese naval aviation is formidable equipped with KJ-500 AWACs, H-6DU tankers, J-11BH/BSH and J-15 combat jets. The US naval aviation is nothing compared to Chinese naval aviation.
All copies of Russian weapon systems only poorer in quality.
This don't take into account, they freeze themselves to death, shoot their own helicopters out of the sky, crash their jets and good at only targeting crows and trees, explode their diesel submarines inside the dock and let water into their nuclear submarine.

If all things considered, yes, India NOT EVEN TOP 10 because of Indians very good at self attrition.
Indians are like monkeys playing with computers lol
All copies of Russian weapon systems only poorer in quality.
Well, atleast the Chinese can say that they're Copies.

You guys couldn't even get the Su-30MKi right, licenced through HAL with all the Western, !sraeli and local b.s. - in your inventory.

In 20+ Years, how many MKi's have you guys lost?
Well, atleast the Chinese can say that they're Copies.

You guys couldn't even get the Su-30MKi right, licenced through HAL with all the Western, !sraeli and local b.s. - in your inventory.

In 20+ Years, how many MKi's have you guys lost?

An very stupid, obese man walks into a hotel in Dubai. Everywhere he looks, he sees luxury. Everyone is driving a Ferrari, at worst a BMW. All the women are beautiful and the children smart and handsome, not like his old wife and his stupid thug son. Men wear the most handsome hand tailored suits.

The salesmen flatter him and say how young and handsome he looks. But alas, he has no money. He takes out a loan backed by his house. He tells his family, we are having hard times, we all must eat less. I can live outside in the garage, we can rent out rooms for more income.

But right outside their empty kitchen, is a Ferrari parked in the garage. The thugs who rent their room smoke and drink all day. His son descends further into crime, but he doesn't care. It'll all be OK, he says, driving in his Ferrari to the nearest Hilton. I am rich. I have the finest French suits, Italian sports cars, live in the best hotels, drink the finest wines and have all the best imports of the world...
Well, atleast the Chinese can say that they're Copies.

You guys couldn't even get the Su-30MKi right, licenced through HAL with all the Western, !sraeli and local b.s. - in your inventory.

In 20+ Years, how many MKi's have you guys lost?
You can count on your fingers for india .but in Chinas case you can't .
You guys over rate and expect from china .
Rest of the armies fight for their country and Chinese army fights for it's party.

China will not fight any wars if it threatens CCP losing power. That's the reason you will find china portraying itself as powerful but wants peace .
You will not find one incident from the time china opened it's economy when China escalated it when the opposition stood it's ground .They leave the posts and run even in peace keeping missions under UN.
This don't take into account, they freeze themselves to death, shoot their own helicopters out of the sky, crash their jets and good at only targeting crows and trees, explode their diesel submarines inside the dock and let water into their nuclear submarine.

If all things considered, yes, India NOT EVEN TOP 10 because of Indians very good at self attrition.

And mistake planets in the sky as drones spying on them


:omghaha: :omghaha::omghaha:
Finally we have a media outlet comparable to the gobar times. Chinese paper dragon are on the top by making poor quality knocked off weapons and equally bad fighting men.

All copies of Russian weapon systems only poorer in quality.

Ok, let for argument's sake, accept your point of view.

SU MKi is a genuine Russian piece of art. Isn't!!
What happened to it on 27th Feb 2019!!
Why it wasn't seen bossing the airspace with its capacity as "Mini AWACS"!!
Finally we have a media outlet comparable to the gobar times. Chinese paper dragon are on the top by making poor quality knocked off weapons and equally bad fighting men.

All copies of Russian weapon systems only poorer in quality.
My suggestion is that India should learn to make qualified bullets first. Then we talk about "Indian quality".

At present, India does not have any industrial capacity to discuss fighters, bombers, transport aircraft, etc. You're just a backward agricultural country.
You can count on your fingers for india .but in Chinas case you can't .
You guys over rate and expect from china .
Rest of the armies fight for their country and Chinese army fights for it's party.

China will not fight any wars if it threatens CCP losing power. That's the reason you will find china portraying itself as powerful but wants peace .
You will not find one incident from the time china opened it's economy when China escalated it when the opposition stood it's ground .They leave the posts and run even in peace keeping missions under UN.
oh You say the Indian army is fighting for the country? Is it not for modi to transfer domestic conflicts? This is what super power 2020 tells you?? or do you watch "India 2030" too many times?

It seems that India is used to living in its own world.
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