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China has won water dispute with Kazakhstan


Nov 4, 2011
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China has won water dispute with Kazakhstan​


The Ili flows from Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture of China’s Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region to Almaty Region in Kazakhstan. / Edmon2004, cc-by-sa 3.0.

December 8, 2022

Kazakhstan has given up trying to stop China from using so much water upstream on transboundary rivers.

That is among the conclusions of a recent paper placing Sino-Kazakh water disputes within the wider context of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China’s global infrastructure spending spree. Clearly, given the power asymmetry, China has an upper hand in the relationship.

Two major rivers flow from Chinese Xinjiang into Kazakhstan: The Ili, in the south, feeds the country’s largest lake, Balkhash; the Irtysh runs through Kazakhstan’s northern industrial heartland before continuing into Siberia. China uses up to half the water in each, a source of perennial frustration among Kazakhs who fear that Balkhash could go the way of the disappeared Aral Sea.


Ili (Yili) was annexed by Russia in 1871 , China recovered this region in 1881. A treaty was finally assigned between China and Russia in Saint Petersburg (1881). Ili region is filled with big rivers, lakes and beautiful pasture grasslands, huge contrast to barren deserts in southern Xinjiang where most Uighurs live. The main ethnic group in Ili region is Xinjiang Kazakhs.

Sunset at Yili River in a small Kazakh border town sitting next to Kazakhstan in northern Xinjiang
This river soon will flow into Kazakhstan from this point into Lake Balkhash
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Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture is packed with waterway networks and boasts very fertile lands, it's the bread basket of Xinjiang province

Any water collected and flow in Chinese territory are rightfully Chinese to use.
Like many indians think chinese dont have the right to use water collected upstreams in the rivers in Tibet, and should be reserved for the indians to use on the downstreams of the same rivers of China, how absurd it is.
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Xinjiang Altay region, the mother of almost all major rivers in Central Asia

World Nature Heritage Site: China Altay

China Altay possesses a diversity of landscape features, such as sublime glaciers and snow-covered peaks, colorful alpine meadows, grand granitic natural sculptures, dynamic atmospheric conditions, picturesque landscapes of rivers and lakes, and charming nomadic life and folk customs.

These features combine to form unique aesthetic values that are second-to-none. The area is a remarkable exemplification for the aesthetic values of integrated natural and human mountainous landscape. These landscapes are of multiple types and are characterized by high qualities, great heterogeneity stunning vistas and rich folk cultures.

The Altay Mountains are the key accumulation zone of glaciers in the world and the glaciers are extensive and suffer no human interference. Kanas region, one of the nominated sites, is where the south slope of Youyi peak is located.

The glacial area in this region is larger than that within Russia or Mongolia. The glaciers in this region are the most prominent representatives of the Altay Mountain glaciers and are the key to research on the Quaternary glacial movements of the Altay Mountains. Both modern and well-preserved ancient glaciers remnants exist. The area can be regarded as an encyclopaedia and natural museum of mountainous glacial geography.

The post-Quaternary glacial evolution has been completely recorded in the nominated sites and is invaluable information for understanding the impact that the global warming has on the mountainous ecological system. Thus, this region has high scientific value for research on glacial geography and climate change.







Yining county, ( Gulja County) , China-Kazakhstan border town in northern XInjiang


Spring finally arrives in Ili Kazakh prefecture in northern Xinjiang 2023, sea of flowers


Spring finally arrives in Ili Kazakh prefecture in northern Xinjiang 2023, sea of flowers

Bro stop posting too many pictures and videos everone knows China is beautiful
A picuture is worth a thousand words, a video a million. many here actually love to see those videos and pics and sent me messages to want more.
Here people can have a glimpse of what the world biggest concentration camp called by the west truly looks like.

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