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China has grabbed Philippine satellite slot in space!

We why are people surprise anyway you people are the arrogant aholes who takes everything and as if we are not like you guys which claim the Americans are responsible for that tragic incident tianjin because america attack it with some kind of weapon hahahahaha i love how the CCP comes up with stupid reason to pin on people for their epic failures and on that note it is china fault why their a lot powerful storms not because you have some magical weapon system its because of your as we say here wagas na pollution china is the largest maker of green house gases in the world and most folks believe that unlike your made up nonsense just like your illogical 9, 10, 11 dash claims and whatever lies china makes these days. Oh crap artist its Philippines learn to spell the name right d bag.
:lol: I think someone has explained very well. There is no such thing as international slot. Can you care to find me a clause or rules stated by UN of it? Yet Pinoy is so igorant and low intelligence that they can start an useless article to try misled reader and blame China for putting a satelite on your outer space? Blame yourself so useless that you have no money and technology to do it. You pinoy are just bunch of loser. I pity you Philippine continue being so poor and low esteem. Come to China and live to better yourself. For your intelligence and lifestyle. :lol:
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