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China has Established a Long Range Bomber Regiment Near India


Sep 26, 2018
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PLAAF is rapidly enhancing its capabilities along the Indian Theatre. Not only it's building multiple airbases but also deploying its front line aircraft and bombers along the LAC. Among other bases in Xinjiang PLAAF has deployed a dedicated Regiment of bombers in KORLA airbase in that region. Images below are taken from April to September 2021.



The H6K bombers seen on the tarmac have the capability to strike deep inside India with a variety of devastating payloads.
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PLAAF is rapidly enhancing its capabilities along the Indian Theatre. Not only it's building multiple airbases but also deploying its front line aircraft and bombers along the LAC. Among other bases in Xinjiang PLAAF has deployed a dedicated Regiment of bombers in KORLA airbase in that region. Images below are taken from April to September 2021.
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The H6K bombers seen on the tarmac have the capability to strike deep inside India with a variety of devastating payloads.
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AKASH is enough to bring down this flying buffalo in the picture to dust.....
AKASH is enough to bring down this flying buffalo in the picture to dust.....
Lol, Akash has only 70 km Range H6K can carry 2000 KM range CJ10/DH10, so tell me please how your GOD Akash will Intercept H6K will Fire DH10/CJ10 from Mid Tibet to Delhi and other Indian strategic location and Remember LAC/Laddakh is mountainous region reducing its (AKASH) detection/Tracking range significantly LOL
Lol, Akash has only 70 km Range H6K can carry 2000 KM range CJ10/DH10, so tell me please how your GOD Akash will Intercept H6K will Fire DH10/CJ10 from Mid Tibet to Delhi and other Indian strategic location and Remember LAC/Laddakh is mountainous region reducing its (AKASH) detection/Tracking range significantly LOL
CJ-10 is outdated, something new is cooking.
China is sending a clear message to India: Don't get foolish because of Australia joining the US in the Pacific. If your navy moves you might have problems in the mountains.
Lol, Akash has only 70 km Range H6K can carry 2000 KM range CJ10/DH10, so tell me please how your GOD Akash will Intercept H6K will Fire DH10/CJ10 from Mid Tibet to Delhi and other Indian strategic location and Remember LAC/Laddakh is mountainous region reducing its (AKASH) detection/Tracking range significantly LOL
He has no knowledge, just needed to make a feel good statement. Now wait until they start quoting new range parameters for Akash or bring in S300 or change physics itself to somehow show their “winning”.
Chinese Military deployed Long-Range bomber planes to Indian Border
China has once again tried to threaten India. Chinese forces have deployed bomber planes on the border with India. These aircraft are equipped with CJ-20 long-range missiles.

China has once again tried to threaten India. Chinese forces have deployed bomber planes on the border with India. These aircraft are equipped with CJ-20 long-range missiles, which also have Delhi in its JD. Last week, on November 11, on the 72nd anniversary of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force, China Central Television also released footage of these H-6K bombers flying near the Himalayas.

Delhi also comes in the range of bomber aircraft
According to the South China Morning Post, China has also shifted its fighter jets, which are usually stationed close to Beijing, in the Xinjiang area. This area is close to the place where there is a dispute between India and China. In a conversation with the Post, military analyst Anthony Wong said that Delhi also comes in the range of bomber aircraft and their CJ-20 missiles. This is a direct warning to India.

Chinese military would be better off targeting airbases
Chinese Military deployed Long-Range bomber planes to Indian Border
Image Credit: DB
Another analyst Song Jongping believes that the Chinese military would be better off targeting airbases that are more in range than India’s capital. He said that China would not want to attack the residential areas and in such a situation it would not want to target Delhi with its long-range missiles.

Differences among military experts on China’s move, 2 reasons
First: Long-range missiles not seen in aircraft

Another analyst, after studying footage from China Central Television, said that several short-range missiles were fitted on the bomber planes, but these long-range missiles were not visible. It is clear that this is a deliberate step taken by China.

Second: China does not want to escalate the dispute between Corona

Chinese Military deployed Long-Range bomber planes to Indian Border
Image Credit: Deccan
Military science researcher Zhou Chenming said that this is just a simple warning step. China certainly does not want to escalate the border dispute. The reason for this is that the corona epidemic is expected to be more effective in winter.

Stealth bombers were also tested against Ladakh
In June this year, China tested the stealth bomber jet H-20 in its area close to Ladakh for several days. This jet has the ability to destroy the target without coming under the radar. According to military experts, this stealth bomber is equipped with many modern technologies. Whether it can carry out a nuclear attack is not yet clear.

Taiwan was also threatened with these bombers
Chinese Military deployed Long-Range bomber planes to Indian Border
Image Credit: Morning Express
In January this year, China sent its H-6K bomber aircraft to Taiwan’s airspace. Taiwan was very angry with this action and in response, it also took China on the target of its missiles. After this China had recalled these bomber aircraft. Immediately after the incursion of Chinese planes, Taiwan issued continuous alerts and these planes were targeted.

13 rounds of talks to resolve the dispute were inconclusive
There have been 13 rounds of talks between India and China at the military commander level. The Indian Army made many suggestions to China regarding the areas adjoining the LAC and other disputed parts, but the neighbors did not agree to these. As such, these talks did not yield any results.

Pakistan should send 400 fighter jets + China should contribute and send 400 Jets... 800 jets combined assault will cripple India within a few hours.

It will be the gulf war but on steroids. Simply level every single IAF air base/ SAM system. Everything else will fall after that like dominos!
Xinjiang Military Command has deployed H-6Ks long range bomber near China India LAC. The latest footage shows one H-6K flying over the Himalayas. With a combat range of more than 3,500km, the H-6K is designed to carry long-range CJ-20 cruise missiles for attacks on land and sea targets.
First of all, I find that title wrong and in fact very much misleading: "China has Established a Long Range Bomber Regiment Near India" is twisting words from the original tweet, where "Iron Lady" / @nuwangzi simply asked "Did #PLAAF just established a new bombers regiment in #Korla, #Xinjiang?"

Actually I don't think a new unit has been formed ... IMO these are more likely regular deployments and if you look at the serial numbers known, they are all from the 36th Bomber Division.

Another formation of H6K bombers based in Kashgar AB near LAC equipped with Six KD-20As, the air-launched version of the DF-10 land-attack cruise missiles. The image was taken last year.

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No, so far NO H-6K was ever seen with 6 KD-20. More likely these are KD-63, which in fact makes much more sense against hardened targets than the strategic capable KD-20.
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