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China has 7 new military bases in S. China Sea: U.S. | ABS-CBN News

Why don’t you use the official stance of the US on this issue instead of focusing on playing games interpreting the wording made by him. Even if he said the whole South China Sea should be owned by Ethiopia that doesn’t reflect the official policy of the US.
I have no idea what you are referring to.

The United States has vehemently opposed China's reclamation and militarization of the South China Sea islands.

The issue is: Why doesn't the US send its 11 aircraft carrier battlegroups to enforce its strenuous objections?

Here is the timeline.

China said the South China Sea was a core interest.

The Obama administration responded with its Pivot to Asia policy of challenging China in the South China Sea. The Philippines acted as the US surrogate and sued China at the Court of Arbitration.

China said the Court of Arbitration lacked jurisdiction and China would not give its consent to enter into arbitration.

China ignored the opinion of the Court of Arbitration and responded by building reclaimed islands in the South China Sea to assert its sovereignty.

China went further and militarized the South China Sea islands to hammer home Chinese sovereignty over the South China Sea.

The US has consistently said it opposed the reclamation of Chinese islands in the South China Sea. The US further opposed Chinese militarization of the South China Sea islands.

A simple question: What's the point of building 11 aircraft carrier battle groups if the US is just going to stand by and watch China do whatever it wants in the South China Sea?

There has to be an important reason that the US insists on doing nothing about China's reclamation and militarization of SEVEN South China Sea islands.

A year has passed since the Trump Administration vowed to stop China's island construction and Chinese access to those artificial islands.

When you look at the real world, the Trump Administration has done nothing to follow through on its vows to stop China's island building and militarization in the South China Sea.

U.S. Vows to Stop Beijing Taking Over South China Sea Islands | TIME (January 24, 2017)

"WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) – The new U.S. administration of President Donald Trump vowed on Monday that the United States would prevent China from taking over territory in international waters in the South China Sea....
Tillerson was asked at the hearing whether he supported a more aggressive posture toward China and said: 'We’re going to have to send China a clear signal that, first, the island-building stops and, second, your access to those islands also is not going to be allowed.'

Spicer declined to elaborate when asked how the United States could enforce such a move against China, except to say: 'I think, as we develop further, we’ll have more information on it.'"
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I have no idea what you are referring to.

The United States has consistently opposed China's reclamation and militarization of the South China Sea islands.

The issue is: Why doesn't the US send its 11 aircraft carrier battlegroups to enforce its strenuous objections?

Here is the timeline.

China said the South China Sea was a core interest.

The Obama administration responded with its Pivot to Asia policy of challenging China in the South China Sea. The Philippines acted as the US surrogate and sued China at the Court of Arbitration.

China said the Court of Arbitration lacked jurisdiction and China would not give its consent to enter into arbitration.

China ignored the opinion of the Court of Arbitration and responded by building reclaimed islands in the South China Sea to assert its sovereignty.

China went further and militarized the South China Sea islands to hammer home Chinese sovereignty over the South China Sea.

The US has consistently said it opposed the reclamation of Chinese islands in the South China Sea. The US further opposed Chinese militarization of the South China Sea islands.

A simple question: What's the point of building 11 aircraft carrier battle groups if the US is just going to stand by and watch China do whatever it wants in the South China Sea?

There has to be an important reason that the US insists on doing nothing about China's reclamation and militarization of SEVEN South China Sea islands.

U.S. protests after Chinese military jet lands on South China Sea island | CNN (April 19, 2016)

"Washington (CNN) China's apparent landing of a military jet on a man-made island in the disputed waters of the South China Sea drew a protest from the U.S. military Monday.
'In the South China Sea, China's actions in particular are causing anxiety and raising regional tensions,' Carter told sailors aboard the ship. 'In response, countries across the Asia-Pacific, both long-standing allies and new partners, are reaching out anew to the United States, to uphold the rules and principles that have allowed the region to thrive. And we're answering that call.'"

What part of my answers are you not understanding? You keep asking me the same questions and I keep answering it and then you ask the same question again. WTF.

Please refer all your same questions to these same answers

1) the islands in question may end up being determined to be legitimately owned by China thus:
A) Attacking the islands militarily is out of the question since we would be attacking islands found to be legitimately owned by China. It can’t be justified.
B) All your talk about the US military action or inaction is ridiculous. Nobody has ever mentioned attacking those islands.

2) Since the ownership of the islands has not been determined the US Navy drives by them with a business as usual attitude. All your crying about leaving the area is ignored and you guys get yourselves all worked up. After a day you guys calm down until the next time and then you get yourselves all worked up again. After a day you guys calm down until the next time and then you get yourselves all worked up again. After a day you guys calm down until the next time and then you get yourselves all worked up again.After a day you guys calm down until the next time and then you get yourselves all worked up again.After a day you guys calm down until the next time and then you get yourselves all worked up again. Rinse and repeat for years and years and years and years.
What part of my answers are you not understanding? You keep asking me the same questions and I keep answering it and then you ask the same question again. WTF.

Please refer all your same questions to these same answers

1) the islands in question may end up being determined to be legitimately owned by China thus:
A) Attacking the islands militarily is out of the question since we would be attacking islands found to be legitimately owned by China. It can’t be justified.
B) All your talk about the US military action or inaction is ridiculous. Nobody has ever mentioned attacking those islands.

2) Since the ownership of the islands has not been determined the US Navy drives by them with a business as usual attitude. All your crying about leaving the area is ignored and you guys get yourselves all worked up. After a day you guys calm down until the next time and then you get yourselves all worked up again. After a day you guys calm down until the next time and then you get yourselves all worked up again. After a day you guys calm down until the next time and then you get yourselves all worked up again.After a day you guys calm down until the next time and then you get yourselves all worked up again.After a day you guys calm down until the next time and then you get yourselves all worked up again. Rinse and repeat for years and years and years and years.
Can you read English?

Secretary of State Tillerson said the United States would not allow China to continue building islands in the South China Sea. He also said the United States would not permit China access to those reclaimed islands.

What happened to those vows by President Trump and Secretary of State Tillerson?

When the Trump Administration made those vows in January 2017 (as reported by TIME), China had almost completed three artificial islands.

Today, we're at SEVEN artificial islands.

China completed four more artificial islands after the vows expressed by President Trump and nominated Secretary of State Tillerson (at his confirmation hearing).

China is ignoring the Trump Administration's demand to stop island-building and militarization. China has unfettered access to its artificial islands.

Why isn't the Trump Administration using the 11 American aircraft carrier battlegroups to enforce Trump's and Tillerson's vows of stopping China in the South China Sea.

1. No more island building. China ignored this Trump demand. China went from three to seven completed South China Sea islands.

2. No Chinese access to reclaimed artificial islands. China ignored this Trump Administration vow. China has militarized its seven reclaimed islands in the South China Sea.

As far as I can see, US demands in the South China Sea are completely worthless. The Trump Administration has made no attempt to enforce its vows on stopping China in the South China Sea.
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Can you read English?

Secretary of State Tillerson said the United States would not allow China to continue building islands in the South China Sea. He also said the United States would not permit China access to those reclaimed islands.

What happened to those vows by President Trump and Secretary of State Tillerson?

Even they don't believe the crap that comes out of their own mouths. :lol:

Meanwhile China keeps building islands and military facilities all over the SCS.
Can you read English?

Secretary of State Tillerson said the United States would not allow China to continue building islands in the South China Sea. He also said the United States would not permit China access to those reclaimed islands.

What happened to those vows by President Trump and Secretary of State Tillerson?

When the Trump Administration made those vows in January 2017 (as reported by TIME), China had almost completed three artificial islands.

Today, we're at SEVEN artificial islands.

China completed four more artificial islands after the vows expressed by President Trump and nominated Secretary of State Tillerson (at his confirmation hearing).

China is ignoring the Trump Administration's demand to stop island-building and militarization. China has unfettered access to its artificial islands.

Why isn't the Trump Administration using the 11 American aircraft carrier battlegroups to enforce Trump's and Tillerson's vows of stopping China in the South China Sea.

1. No more island building. China ignored this Trump demand. China went from three to seven completed South China Sea islands.

2. No Chinese access to reclaimed artificial islands. China ignored this Trump Administration vow. China has militarized its seven reclaimed islands in the South China Sea.

As far as I can see, US demands in the South China Sea are completely worthless. The Trump Administration has made no attempt to enforce its vows on stopping China in the South China Sea.

Please refer to my answers. Tillerson's views were before he was made Secretary of State were his opinions and not the policy of the US. Until the US announces some big change stop searching for a new one.
Please refer to my answers. Tillerson's views were before he was made Secretary of State were his opinions and not the policy of the US. Until the US announces some big change stop searching for a new one.
No. They were made at Secretary of State Tillerson's confirmation hearing.

As President (Monday January 23, 2017), Trump made his demand that China must stop island construction.

Defense Secretary Mattis said (Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on June 3, 2017) the US will NOT ACCEPT Chinese militarization of the South China Sea islands.

What I want to know is why isn't the US Navy being deployed to enforce President Trump's demand, Defense Secretary Mattis' demand, and Secretary of State Tillerson's demand (at his confirmation hearing).

China flouted President's Trump demand. Four additional islands in the South China Sea were completed AFTER President Trump's demand for no further island construction.

China ignored Defense Secretary Mattis' demand by militarizing SEVEN South China Sea islands.

China clearly has access to all of its South China Sea islands. At his confirmation hearing, it should be obvious Secretary of State Tillerson was voicing Administration policy by threatening to cut off China's access to its artificial islands.

What is the point of threatening China if the United States won't lift a military finger to ENFORCE US foreign policy in the South China Sea?

What is the point of building and maintaining 11 aircraft carrier battlegroups if not a SINGLE carrier battlegroup will be risked to ENFORCE President Trump's demand of no more Chinese island construction in the South China Sea?
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No. They were made at Secretary of State Tillerson's confirmation hearing.

As President (Monday January 23, 2017), Trump made his demand that China must stop island construction.

Defense Secretary Mattis said (Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on June 3, 2017) the US will NOT ACCEPT Chinese militarization of the South China Sea islands.

What I want to know is why isn't the US Navy being deployed to enforce President Trump's demand, Defense Secretary Mattis' demand, and Secretary of State Tillerson's demand (at his confirmation hearing).

LOL! What the hell??
Obama also declared China should stop island building.
That doesn't mean we should go attack you if you don't. What kind of a planet do you think we live on?? You guys have angrily demanded countries to stop inviting the Dalai Lama from visiting. Countries still do it anyway. Are you going to attack all these countries militarily now? What's wrong with you?
LOL! What the hell??
Obama also declared China should stop island building.
That doesn't mean we should go attack you if you don't. What kind of a planet do you think we live on?? You guys have angrily demanded countries to stop inviting the Dalai Lama from visiting. Countries still do it anyway. Are you going to attack all these countries militarily now? What's wrong with you?
Obama also demanded China stop island construction.

Who cares what the US demands?

Obama made no effort to enforce his demands on China.

President Trump is also making empty threats.

Due to the consistent ZERO follow-through by US presidents and top administration officials, China is going to keep ignoring the US government.

The US Navy's 11 aircraft carrier battlegroups might as well not exist. No US president is willing to attempt their use against China.

Hence, China does whatever it feels like in the South China Sea. That is the definition of sovereignty over the South China Sea.
Obama also demanded China stop island construction.

Who cares what the US demands?

Obama made no effort to enforce his demands on China.

President Trump is also making empty threats.

Due to the consistent ZERO follow-through by US presidents and top administration officials, China is going to keep ignoring the US government.

The US Navy's 11 aircraft carrier battlegroups might as well not exist. No US president is willing to attempt their use against China.

Hence, China does whatever it feels like in the South China Sea. That is the definition of sovereignty over the South China Sea.

..yes and until the ownership of those islands are determined we will keep driving by those islands like we have been for the last 100+ years. Even as year after year after year you keep crying over and over and over about how we shouldn't..and of course we don't listen to anything you say.
Obama also demanded China stop island construction.

Who cares what the US demands?

Obama made no effort to enforce his demands on China.

President Trump is also making empty threats.

Due to the consistent ZERO follow-through by US presidents and top administration officials, China is going to keep ignoring the US government.

The US Navy's 11 aircraft carrier battlegroups might as well not exist. No US president is willing to attempt their use against China.

Hence, China does whatever it feels like in the South China Sea. That is the definition of sovereignty over the South China Sea.
Denying truth again ?? Dare CN stop blue whale oil project that completely "violate"your nine dash line ??

If not,then u'd better keep quiet now.
Denying truth again ?? Dare CN stop blue whale oil project that completely "violate"your nine dash line ??

If not,then u'd better keep quiet now.

Keep bragging, trying to violate our nine dashed line, Vietnam will get our retribution from our mighty 981 oil rig, and last time to vent their frustration, they burn down Taiwanese factory and then have pay millions as compensation :rofl:
LOL! What the hell??
Obama also declared China should stop island building.
That doesn't mean we should go attack you if you don't. What kind of a planet do you think we live on?? You guys have angrily demanded countries to stop inviting the Dalai Lama from visiting. Countries still do it anyway. Are you going to attack all these countries militarily now? What's wrong with you?
lol China did act, I think mongolia was squeezed and promised to never have him back lol!

Obama also demanded China stop island construction.

Who cares what the US demands?

Obama made no effort to enforce his demands on China.

President Trump is also making empty threats.

Due to the consistent ZERO follow-through by US presidents and top administration officials, China is going to keep ignoring the US government.

The US Navy's 11 aircraft carrier battlegroups might as well not exist. No US president is willing to attempt their use against China.

Hence, China does whatever it feels like in the South China Sea. That is the definition of sovereignty over the South China Sea.
..yes and until the ownership of those islands are determined we will keep driving by those islands like we have been for the last 100+ years. Even as year after year after year you keep crying over and over and over about how we shouldn't..and of course we don't listen to anything you say.
Its just a matter of time, I am confident you will infact “not” keep sailing pass those island like you did 10 years ago, if fact those 10 years might have been your last. Plus I though Washington had agreed with the rulings which was handed down by some court in Europe in favour of the Philippine, so by that it should have been proven by law that those island are within Philippine territorial waters. What court exactly is the Us waiting on to prove who owns those islands?
Obama also demanded China stop island construction.

Who cares what the US demands?

Obama made no effort to enforce his demands on China.

President Trump is also making empty threats.

Due to the consistent ZERO follow-through by US presidents and top administration officials, China is going to keep ignoring the US government.

The US Navy's 11 aircraft carrier battlegroups might as well not exist. No US president is willing to attempt their use against China.

Hence, China does whatever it feels like in the South China Sea. That is the definition of sovereignty over the South China Sea.

The US has been proven to be quite incapacitated over the past decade, which would be considered unimaginable in the glorious 90s. I guess the trend started with Georgian War. The Iranians joined the fray. Then the Pivot to Asia and the SCS Arbitration Case (explicitly supported by the US). And the Ukrainian Crisis and readmission of Crimea by Russia. Young Kim also did not help much as the DPRK is in a much stronger position now than ever before.

The US has remained a big mouth with little practical effect.

Obama's Pivot gained him only a curse by the President of the PH and Hillary Clinton was branded as the founder of ISIS by Trump himself.

I would say these cases are not at all convincing to little lackeys like Japan and Australia because, in the end, the US can seal itself behind the oceans and live happily ever after (with increased security in schools).

Even they don't believe the crap that comes out of their own mouths. :lol:

Meanwhile China keeps building islands and military facilities all over the SCS.

US diplomacy used to be an art. Right now, it is a clown show in the hands of the likes of Nikki Halley, Tillerson, Mattis etc.

The level is certainly below that of North Korea's foreign ministry. At least, North Korea, amidts all heated rhetoric, still gets certain strategic accomplishments.

US diplomacy plays with red buttons, and US officials are now known for their unruly behavior in foreign visits.
Keep bragging, trying to violate our nine dashed line, Vietnam will get our retribution from our mighty 981 oil rig, and last time to vent their frustration, they burn down Taiwanese factory and then have pay millions as compensation :rofl:
Oki Ah Q, keep making yourself happy on internet.We r sucking dry oil in nine dash line, the whole world is laughing at inexperience , coward,corrupted PLA now.

Still remember the bad Ending of Ah Q when lying so much ??:cool:


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