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China gives $16mn aid to Somalia

They escaped into Afghanistan and Yemen there is a difference

Or, the incompetent Saudis allowed them to escape to Afghanistan for future use, and when Taliban wanted to extradite Osama to a Muslim country Saudi didn't take the garbage back. Of course, Saudi can care less if millions of Afghan die anyway.

Who said that the entire Peninsula is holy?? Who said even Saudi Arabia is holy?? Only Makkah and Madina in the Arabian peninsula are holy.

So you are admitting to the fact that there are pubs, night clubs, and bars and what not.

So you bring these isolated incidents as your evidence for how ALL Gulf Arabs are?? So all of our population should be saints and monks?? There can not be a single bad person in the entire Gulf Arab population??

Not isolated incidents since most of the incidents go unreported due to the victims fear of being lashed or punished for being raped, for example that Pakistani girl who was kidnapped by a Saudi Arab and raped in his car, when she reported to the police what that Saudi Arab did to her instead of punishing the rapist the victim and her family were punished, and not a thing happened to that Saudi Arab.

Treating other non-Arab Muslims like trash and subhumans created as slaves for the "holy Arabs" is a problem, in other words it is the Gulf Arab/Arab mentality: if you want a slave then better to have a non-Arab slave versus a Arab slave, if you want to rape a girl then better to rape a Non-Arab girl rather than a Arab girl because raping a Arab girl will be disrespectful and the Arab girl and her family/clan/tribe will be dishonored and you will be beheaded, and if a Arab Sheikh wants a Camel Jockey for the up coming Camel Race, would he choose a Arab boy or a Pakistani and Bangladeshi boy? Of course because it is harram to starve a Arab boy and then use him as a camel jockey but it is completely Hallal to kidnap a Pakistani or Bangladeshi boy, starve him until he is nothing but skin and bones so that he doesn't become a burden on the Camel (even camels are treated better then those poor souls) and then use him as a camel jockey.

Being it a Pakistani source does not automatically means it is not propaganda. All countries of the world do propaganda even mine but at least I am willing to admit it while others wont.

"Propaganda"? First tell me how is it propaganda? Is Pakistan at war with Gulf Arab countries that we would spread propaganda? You don't make sense. Your only trying to sideline the truth by coming up with funny excuses.

Maybe Gulf Arabs can start by stop being lazy and start running their own country for once rather than depending on South Asian slaves to do even the smallest of things for them. If they stink that much then don't import them, put your own lazy prince's and princess's to work, oh but i forgot they are busy wasting their time on getting nose/face surgeries to look white, building more mansions somewhere in Europe or America, buying more expensive european cars, or starving adolescent Bangladeshi and Pakistani boys to be used as camel jockey's in camel races.

Again you quoted what I already answered.

You didn't answer anything, you only posted a one liner, and if you had read forum rules you would know that a 1 liner is not considered a "answer". You are only attempting to avoid my arguments.

And now you admit that you should NOT have generalized in your statements.

As i sad before, i'm only trying to get my point through to those who defend the wrong acts, and as in this case try to avoid the truth by making up petty excuses.
Oh yes, you are right. Somalia - no monetary aid from India. Either that or considering the current social activism grabbing headlines and the GoI's attention, media is not reporting any aid per se. But then there are reports about India sending aid for famine relief.

As for the "joke" part - is that the best you can come up with as usual? C'mon you can do better with ad hominem attacks - the hallmark of bots.

Yep you mad.
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