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CHINA- emerging Superpower


Mar 18, 2006
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China: emerging superpower

While all eyes turn to the so-called clashof civilisations between Islam and the West, in the long run China will have the most profound impact on the world,” writes Ted C. Fishman in “China Inc.” To him, China’s rise is the attack of the “one-point something billion brains for global domination and world resources.” The economic and military rise of China has upset the apple cart of the United States.
The rapid rise of another challenger threatens to thwart the imperialistic designs of the United States and humble its pride. No wonder the superpower is on its guard and has accelerated its efforts to encircle China. The nuclear deal with India is also a major risk in this chain. The object: to build India into a regional power strong enough to contain China.
“The mightiest states,” says Professor John Mearsheimer of the Chicago University, “attempt to establish hegemony in their own region while making sure no rival great power dominates another region. Their ultimate aim is to be the hegemon, the only great power in the system. Regional hegemonism in other words, does not want peer competitors.” China will, therefore, want to make sure that it is so powerful that no state in Asia has the wherewithal to threaten it.
The US-China relations are already under strain ahead of the summit. There is increasing domestic political pressure for the United States to treat China as the next major adversary. This anti-China stance, however, is not new. American relations with China have been antagonistic since the early 1990s.
The conflicts between the two countries, Deng Xiaoping said in September 1991, constituted “a new cold war.” The United States can therefore be expected to go to great lengths to contain China. Apart from India, Japan and Russia and smaller powers like Singapore and South Korea are also worried about China’s ascendancy.
Japan’s insistence that it be allowed to maintain regular armed forces and strengthen its military capability could also be a pointer in the direction. Last July’s ten-year military agreement between United States and India in Chinese eyes foreshadows a full military alliance between the sole global superpower and Asia’s other emerging giant. China is also not oblivious to the setting up of new American military bases to its west in Afghanistan, Kvrgyzstan and Tajikistan. It is well aware of the geo-strategic changes taking place around it. The US-India nuclear deal has drawn a sharp response from it.
The rise of China will have a global impact but its effect would be felt chiefly in Southeast Asia and possibly lead to the formation of power blocs. “For Pakistan,” writes Noorilhuda, a geo-political analyst, “it would make sense to enhance co-operation with the rising China power for long-term benefits, them to win petty battles of ‘us v/s India’ with America.
Pakistan is a small country but it can play to its strengths - geo-strategic importance, abundant natural resources and labour.” With growing political and economic discontent in the Muslim world, Pakistan could become a key player in the global arena rather than a mini player in the regional field.
Notwithstanding Iran’s claims, Pakistan is the only nuclear Islamic power that is strategically placed between China, India and the Middle East and is a gateway to the landlocked Central Asian oil-rich states. Pakistan is thus of great importance from China’s perspective.
Pakistan-China gathered warmth and momentum when Prime Minister Husain Shaheed Suharwardy visited China. Later Mr Bhutto as Foreign Minister carried this relationship to new heights.
Every Pakistani ruler has given the highest priority to Chinese friendship. Chinese leaders acknowledge this. Despite American urging Pakistan did nothing to compromise Chinese interests in the Sino-Indian border war of 1962. After the fall of Dhaka, China categorically declared that it would not recognise Bangladesh unless Pakistan did so.
China has helped Pakistan in the industrial sector as well. The Taxila Heavy Mechanical Complex and the Aeronautical Complex at Kamra are splendid examples in this regard. Dozens of massive projects are being completed in collaboration with China.
The 21st century is the Chinese century. No coalition can stop the emergence of China as the new global superpower. The United States, Japan, Australia, Europe will, no doubt, do their worst to clip its wings but who can halt the march of destiny. Pakistan and China have remained friends through thick and thin. Their friendship transcends of political expediency, short-term compromises and Machiavellian opportunism.
Our geo-political, economic industrial and technological future is linked with the future of China. If China prospers so would Pakistan.
Hi All,

Yes, its clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The US is sliding towards India and away from Pakistan. They understand that Only India can be trusted and being worth of their trust.

Strategiaclly, India is emerging as a biggest competetor to China, in tern of GDP or Military or Technology. Its fact that China is more sophesticated, but the rate of growth of India is immense than that of China. Its obvious that US doesn't want China to grow so do EU, Japan South Korea & Taiwan.

China is of course the most dangerous country!!!!!!!!! They are often communist and not open to the world. They are helping to Pakistan only to keep an eye on India.

Factually, China cannot take over the US. The US is the best in terms of technology, Strategy and most of all they have guts to do what they say.

When it comes to polarising new powers, China can have supporters i.e Pak, Iran, N Korea.

On the other side US has India, EU, Japan, taiwan and S Korea.

If Chinease are trying to overide either India or US it could initiate another world war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all its all dominating each other!!!!!!!!!!!

If the US want to be the pioneer then ther is only one way.......

Stopping chinese from becoming super power, Afterall they have lot of ways to do it and already doing it.

When it comes to Pakistan, its like a sandwich and there is no benifit or future from such a friendship from china.

They are going to be like Italy in World War II.
Rafale said:
Hi All,

Yes, its clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The US is sliding towards India and away from Pakistan. They understand that Only India can be trusted and being worth of their trust..
In world politics there is no trusted or untrusted only intrests rule. So yesterday it was Pakistan 2day its India US only safegurad her intrests.

Rafale said:
Its fact that China is more sophesticated, but the rate of growth of India is immense than that of China. Its obvious that US doesn't want China to grow so do EU, Japan South Korea & Taiwan.

If US dosnt want China to grow how wud she likes India to grow and pose US economic threat??

Rafale said:
China is of course the most dangerous country!!!!!!!!! They are often communist and not open to the world. They are helping to Pakistan only to keep an eye on India.

Dangerouse?? In terms of ?????
And now US is helping India to keep an eye on China its as simple as that nothing new.

Rafale said:
Factually, China cannot take over the US. The US is the best in terms of technology, Strategy and most of all they have guts to do what they say..

China never espressed to take over US its leader even in recent visit to US expressed desire to have peace and said China does not pose any threat to US.

Rafale said:
If Chinease are trying to overide either India or US it could initiate another world war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Why wud China take over US and specially the India. Its US who is sacred of chines economic growth and tryin to contain it. While on the other hand Its India who always said that it has to deal with the biger powe (China) thn Pakistan in the region.
Rafale said:
Hi All,

Yes, its clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The US is sliding towards India and away from Pakistan. They understand that Only India can be trusted and being worth of their trust.
Its a general misconception that the US is sliding away from Pakistan. Regardless how Indo-US friendship may evolve in the future, India can not provide the same geo-political advantage to the US as Pakistan. US is interested in longlasting strategical alliance with Pakistan and its dealings with Pakistan stand seperate from india.

Strategiaclly, India is emerging as a biggest competetor to China, in tern of GDP or Military or Technology. Its fact that China is more sophesticated, but the rate of growth of India is immense than that of China. Its obvious that US doesn't want China to grow so do EU, Japan South Korea & Taiwan.
Could you please elaborate how 'the rate of India is immense than tat of China'

China is of course the most dangerous country!!!!!!!!! They are often communist and not open to the world. They are helping to Pakistan only to keep an eye on India.
Should I comment on that? :lol:

Factually, China cannot take over the US. The US is the best in terms of technology, Strategy and most of all they have guts to do what they say.
factually, China will take over the US by 2050. :)

When it comes to polarising new powers, China can have supporters i.e Pak, Iran, N Korea.
Ever heard of the Shanghai group? It has the potential to become a military block in the future and yes, Pakistan will be a full member soon. :)

On the other side US has India, EU, Japan, taiwan and S Korea.

If Chinease are trying to overide either India or US it could initiate another world war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all its all dominating each other!!!!!!!!!!!

If the US want to be the pioneer then ther is only one way.......

Stopping chinese from becoming super power, Afterall they have lot of ways to do it and already doing it.

When it comes to Pakistan, its like a sandwich and there is no benifit or future from such a friendship from china.

They are going to be like Italy in World War II.
Dude, either you've no clue at all about China and Pakistan or you have simply spent too much time on BR...:rolleyes:
Rafale said:
Strategiaclly, India is emerging as a biggest competetor to China, in tern of GDP or Military or Technology. Its fact that China is more sophesticated, but the rate of growth of India is immense than that of China.
It's gonna take a long time for India to be able to compete with China...and last time I checked, China's GDP grew by 9.9% in 2005 while Inida only grew by 8.1% in 2005, how is 8.1% greater than 9.9%? India's economy is still around $ 700 billion GDP while China is already $ 2.25 trillion GDP...by 2050, most economists predict China's GDP to be around $ 16 trillion GDP and India at $ 9.6 trillion GDP, that is if India's corrupt democracy and inflation doesn't kick in or the high population growth causing problems...

Rafale said:
China is of course the most dangerous country!!!!!!!!! They are often communist and not open to the world. They are helping to Pakistan only to keep an eye on India.
China is not the most dangerous country...US practices first use policy with its nuclear weapon while China doesn't, what does that say.

Rafale said:
Factually, China cannot take over the US. The US is the best in terms of technology, Strategy and most of all they have guts to do what they say.
Back in the 80s and 90s, US had the best technology. But not anymore. And US doesn't have the guts to do what it says...what is going to happen to North Korea when they have nuclear weapons that can hit US?

Rafale said:
If Chinease are trying to overide either India or US it could initiate another world war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is bs, US will never wage war against a country with nuclear weapons, or at least US wouldn't win...no one will.

Rafale said:
Stopping chinese from becoming super power, Afterall they have lot of ways to do it and already doing it.
There is not a single thing US can do economically or militarily.

Rafale said:
When it comes to Pakistan, its like a sandwich and there is no benifit or future from such a friendship from china.
I think you are jealous.

Rafale said:
They are going to be like Italy in World War II.
In this case, US would Germany since it is the strongest military power, which would actually make India to be Italy
Rafale said:
Yes, its clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The US is sliding towards India and away from Pakistan. They understand that Only India can be trusted and being worth of their trust.

When it comes to Pakistan, its like a sandwich and there is no benifit or future from such a friendship from china.

There is only one difference between Iraq and Afghanistan; and that is Pakistan. It has been with Pakistan's government's writ that U.S. forces have suffered such light casualties in Afghanistan. There are tens of thousands of Pakistani's who would love nothing better than to give the U.S. a bloody nose in Afghanistan.

It has been the strong response of Pakistan's government with the use of the military to prevent militants from using Pakistani territory for bases, training and recruitment. The U.S. recognises this and that is why Pakistan is rewarded, should U.S. truely turn away from Pakistan and act in against it by arming India with Nuclear techonlogy, the fireworks will begin in Afghanistan.

Of course this will only happen if U.S. cuts all aid to pakistan, acts against it and rearms India.

As things stand, the situation in Afghanistan is getting worse. India has not sent a single soldier to either Iraq or Afghanistan and the U.S. recognises that India is only useful as a counter balance to China and not much more.
look, u said the Afghanistan, if she cant rebuilt his nation she have no future like Iraq.
as the same time, china india can not keep on their developing they also have no future.(so many serious problem than the war or which nation is more useful.)
1.the Tremendous population pressure:
so many ppl need food, job, house and so on.
2. the Environmental pollution:
no one can live in the moon(joke:))
3.the Domestic stability:
it is the most important, look the west nations do what:
they let a National unity separate into severl small nations in order to let they fight before Annexate them.( india and pakistan also is a nationla unity not long before).

PS: my poor eng. i just use some translation software.
nifei_scott said:
china india can not keep on their developing they also have no future.(so many serious problem than the war or which nation is more useful.)
1.the Tremendous population pressure:
so many ppl need food, job, house and so on.
2. the Environmental pollution:

People dont only consume, they also produce. The population growth therefore can be seen as a plus or a minus, depending on ones views.

The enviornmental pollution is mcuh greater by U.S. and Europe then it is by China, India or other developing nations.
remember one child policy? china's population is dropping....... while indian population going sky high, is expect to exceed china in the coming years........ (hopefully china will abandon its stupid one child policy)
master_fx said:
remember one child policy? china's population is dropping....... while indian population going sky high, is expect to exceed china in the coming years........ (hopefully china will abandon its stupid one child policy)

Its not followed as strictly as it used to be, regardless significant momentum has already been into population it will continue to increase unabated till it hits 1.5billion. As years go by i have no doubt they will continue to further ease one child policy.
sigatoka said:
People dont only consume, they also produce. The population growth therefore can be seen as a plus or a minus, depending on ones views.

The enviornmental pollution is mcuh greater by U.S. and Europe then it is by China, India or other developing nations.

production only require so much labour, there is such thing as excess labour force.
Rafale said:
Hi All,

Yes, its clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The US is sliding towards India and away from Pakistan. They understand that Only India can be trusted and being worth of their trust.

Strategiaclly, India is emerging as a biggest competetor to China, in tern of GDP or Military or Technology. Its fact that China is more sophesticated, but the rate of growth of India is immense than that of China. Its obvious that US doesn't want China to grow so do EU, Japan South Korea & Taiwan.

China is of course the most dangerous country!!!!!!!!! They are often communist and not open to the world. They are helping to Pakistan only to keep an eye on India.

Factually, China cannot take over the US. The US is the best in terms of technology, Strategy and most of all they have guts to do what they say.

When it comes to polarising new powers, China can have supporters i.e Pak, Iran, N Korea.

On the other side US has India, EU, Japan, taiwan and S Korea.

If Chinease are trying to overide either India or US it could initiate another world war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all its all dominating each other!!!!!!!!!!!

If the US want to be the pioneer then ther is only one way.......

Stopping chinese from becoming super power, Afterall they have lot of ways to do it and already doing it.

When it comes to Pakistan, its like a sandwich and there is no benifit or future from such a friendship from china.

They are going to be like Italy in World War II.

india should know more about china's development and policy and has its standpoint. do not just follow perspectives of us and japan.

us does wish to see a powerful china, does us wish to see a powerful india? us will benefit from the conflicts between china and india. so what we do?
bushsuck said:
production only require so much labour, there is such thing as excess labour force.

Only a person without knowledge of economics can hold such a view.....

When population increases.........the increased people will want to consume.....and thus the demand 4 labour will increase.......
Who does Indias economy serve? Last i read in China 150 million farmers had been brought out of poverty, whilst India still has the worlds largest poverty level.
Hi All,

Yes, its clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The US is sliding towards India and away from Pakistan. They understand that Only India can be trusted and being worth of their trust.

Strategiaclly, India is emerging as a biggest competetor to China, in tern of GDP or Military or Technology. Its fact that China is more sophesticated, but the rate of growth of India is immense than that of China. Its obvious that US doesn't want China to grow so do EU, Japan South Korea & Taiwan.

China is of course the most dangerous country!!!!!!!!! They are often communist and not open to the world. They are helping to Pakistan only to keep an eye on India.

Factually, China cannot take over the US. The US is the best in terms of technology, Strategy and most of all they have guts to do what they say.

When it comes to polarising new powers, China can have supporters i.e Pak, Iran, N Korea.

On the other side US has India, EU, Japan, taiwan and S Korea.

If Chinease are trying to overide either India or US it could initiate another world war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all its all dominating each other!!!!!!!!!!!

If the US want to be the pioneer then ther is only one way.......

Stopping chinese from becoming super power, Afterall they have lot of ways to do it and already doing it.

When it comes to Pakistan, its like a sandwich and there is no benifit or future from such a friendship from china.

They are going to be like Italy in World War II.


Who does Indias economy serve? Last i read in China 150 million farmers had been brought out of poverty, whilst India still has the worlds largest poverty level.

Read this :

India's China Envy
India's China Envy | 89.3 KPCC

In India, democracy moves slowly. Some Indians are jealous of the efficiency of the one-party state.

Some citizens of India, the world's largest democracy, find themselves looking jealously at a neighbor with a very different sort of government: China.
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