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China discovers huge potassium deposit
Source: Xinhua 2016-07-29 20:10:57

BEIJING, July 29 (Xinhua) -- A huge deposit of potassium, which China desperately needs for agriculture, has been discovered in the northwestern province of Qinghai, the Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR) announced Friday.

More than 156 million tonnes of potassium chloride was found during a preliminary exploration in the western part of the Qaidam Basin, according to the MLR.

More deposits are expected to be discovered, said the ministry.

The MLR called the recovery a "milestone" as China currently imports 70 percent of its potassium.

About 450 million mu (30 million hectares) of farmland in China uses potassium and about 6 million tonnes of potassium fertilizer is imported every year.

Canada, Russia and Belarus own 60 percent of the world's potassium fertilizer resources and production.
Saturday, July 30, 2016, 11:05
Fosun buys Indian pharma company
By Wu Yiyao


A view of Fosun Group signage in Shanghai. (Photo/IC)

Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co Ltd announced that it will acquire an 86.08 percent stake in Indian pharmaceutical enterprise Gland Pharma Ltd for $1.26 billion, in the largest overseas acquisition by a Chinese pharmaceutical company.

Gland Pharma, one of world's largest providers of injectable generic medicines, will remain headquartered in Hyderabad after the acquisition, and P.V.N. Raju, founder of Gland Pharma, and his son Ravi Penmetsa, will continue to be on the board. Penmetsa will continue to serve as managing director and CEO. The family will retain a stake in the company after the acquisition, according to the announcement.

The deal also included a payment of no more than $50 million, contingent on Gland Pharma's Enoxaparin sales in the US market.

Chen Qiyu, chairman of Fosun Pharma, said the deal will strengthen the company's global presence and accelerate its internationalization.

"It will enable us to provide more high-quality products and services to our patients worldwide. Fosun Pharma is dedicated to implementing our investment model of 'Combining China's Growth Momentum with Global Resources' with the win-win cooperation with Gland Pharma," said Chen.

China's pharmaceutical and healthcare enterprises have been expanding their appetites for acquiring stakes in overseas enterprises, particularly in fields of pharmaceuticals, biotechnologies and hospital assets, said market researchers.

According to data from Shanghai-based Wind Information, a financial information services provider, listed domestic players in healthcare and pharmaceuticals have reportedly acquired $3.9 billion total stakes in overseas companies in the first half of 2016, more than that of the entire year in 2015 and about tenfold the 2012 level.

Yan Tianyi, a researcher with Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Co, said a trend observed from these Chinese healthcare and pharmaceutical companies acquiring stakes in foreign companies is that Chinese buyers tend to look at those with proven overseas market demand, mature technologies and great potential for Chinese market demand.

Opportunities for buyers include pharmaceuticals, research and development resources, diagnosis and treatment technologies and internet-based information analysis, according to a research note from Shenwan Hongyuan Securities.

Gao Ting, head of China strategy at UBS Securities Co, said that as domestic enterprises take up going global strategies, more enterprises will look at opportunities to leverage resources from the overseas market, bringing more technologies, products and services into the domestic market to meet upgraded consumer demands.

Healthcare is one of the major sectors that will see more deals following this trend.
Gov't agency issues document to guide SOE restructuring
2016-07-27 09:04 | Global Times | Editor: Li Yan

The State Council Information Office issued a document on Tuesday to guide the restructuring and merger of the country's centrally administered State-owned enterprises (SOEs), said a statement on its website.

More government capital should be channeled toward crucial industries to support their development, according to the statement.

SOEs should become more innovative by optimizing their research and development programs and strengthening basic research for eventual application.

Companies in sectors including equipment manufacturing, construction and iron and coal should merge so as to pool their resources and cut production overcapacity.

Early in February, the State Council pledged to cut crude steel production by 100-150 million tons in the next five years .

Also, it plans to shut down 500 million tons of coal capacity and consolidate another 500 million tons over the next three to five years.

Through restructuring and mergers, centrally administered SOEs should achieve clear strategic positioning and rational overall structures, and enhance their innovation capacity and international competitiveness, said the statement.

Many centrally administered SOEs have announced or completed plans to merge.

For example, China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Industry Co and China South Locomotive and Rolling Stock Co merged into CRRC Co, said an announcement on the company's website.
Mega-merger of steel makers tests China's SOE reform
(Xinhua) Updated: 2016-07-31 08:10

BEIJING - The restructuring plan for two major steel companies will be a touchstone for China's state-owned enterprise (SOE) reform.

Last month, Wuhan Iron and Steel and Shanghai-based Baosteel said they were planning for "strategic restructuring." If completed, the new behemoth will be the largest steel producer in China with annual output reaching at least 60 million tonnes a year.

The plan was announced as China's steel industry has suffered heavy losses due to overcapacity amid sagging global demand.

In 2015, more than half of China's steel companies reported losses totaling 64.53 billion yuan (9.78 billion U.S. dollars), the China Iron and Steel Association estimated.

Wuhan Iron and Steel reported a loss of 7.52 billion yuan. Baosteel's profits shrank by more than 80 percent from a year ago to its lowest level in 18 years.

Ma Guoqiang, Board chairman of Wuhan Iron and Steel, said restructuring is a must if China wants to cut excess steel capacity, improve efficiency and create globally competitive firms.

The steel sector was once a profit engine for China's economy as the infrastructure investment boom bolstered demand for commodities such as steel and cement.

As the economy cools, the production glut has been exacerbated.

Li Jin, deputy head of the China Enterprise Reform and Development Society, observed the restructuring will cut excess capacity of the two steel companies, and encourage them to use their complementary advantages to improve overall competitiveness.

The restructuring plan also marks a key part of the country's SOE reform, as the government has identified it as an essential step in the structural transformation of China's economy.

Over the last three decades, SOEs have underpinned China's emergence as a global manufacturing powerhouse and came to dominate key strategic sectors.

However, the traditional single-sided markets are now being disrupted by new technology firms and private companies, which has underlined the weaknesses of SOEs, such as inefficiency and high operational costs.

Chinese authorities unveiled a new chapter of SOE reform early this year, putting the focus of reform on mega-mergers of state groups in order to boost competitiveness through economies of scale.

After approval by the State Council, China International Travel Service Group Corporation is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the China National Travel Service (HK) Group Corporation.

The country has seen a mega-merger between its two largest train makers, CNR Corp. Ltd. and CSR Corp. Ltd. The government has also approved a merger between China Metallurgical Group and China Minmetals Corporation, both of which are Fortune 500 companies, and created the world's fourth-largest container shipper through the merger of China Ocean Shipping Group and China Shipping (Group) Company.

However, mega-mergers do not necessarily lead to good restructuring, Ma Guoqiang said, adding that realignment without true restructuring would not sort out the overcapacity problem.

Li Jin observed the size, complexity, and organizational culture of SOEs will also complicate implementation of reform.
Rio Olympic Line begins operation, all trains made in China
By Zhang Tianrui (People's Daily Online) 15:21, August 01, 2016


Line 4 of the Rio Underground System, which exclusively utilizes China-made trains, is set to start operating today. Line 4 will transport 300,000 people per day. The travel time from downtown Rio to the Olympic Park will be shortened to around half an hour.

An opening ceremony for Line 4 was held on July 30. Since this line connects Rio with the Barra Olympic Park, it is also called the "Olympic Line". Acting Brazilian President Michel Temer took the train and attended the ceremony.

Temer also delivered a speech in which he claimed that the infrastructure developed to prepare for the Olympic Games would be an important part of Rio's future. "We are getting into the Olympic time. Rio de Janeiro is the capital of Rio state, but on August 5 it will be the capital of world."

Given its status as the Olympic Line, each station of Line 4 is decorated with Olympic elements. A running track is painted on the floor from the hall to the inbound gateways, while swimming tracks provide outbound guidance. In one station located close to Rocinha, the largest slum in Rio, photos of impoverished children hang on the hall. "Peace" is written in several languages on the wall of Ipanema Station.

Construction of this special line started in 2010. It was initially expected to begin operation in December 2015. However, owing to economic and political factors, the date was pushed back to August 1. For now, only Olympic ticketholders and athletes can use this line. As for Rio citizens, they have to wait until September 19, when the Paralympic Games finish.





News Analysis: Higher coal, steel prices challenge China's mission to cut capacity
Source: Xinhua 2016-08-05 19:23:18

BEIJING, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) -- Chinese authorities are alarmed by the slow progress in reducing overcapacity in the coal and steel industries as a temporary market recovery impeded efforts to shut down production.

An inter-ministerial meeting held Thursday urged stronger efforts to press ahead with the capacity cuts. Inspection teams will be sent to local governments to oversee the work starting in mid-August, the People's Daily reported Friday.

In the first seven months of the year, China only achieved 38 and 47 percent of this year's reduction targets for the coal and steel sectors, respectively, official data showed.

Some local governments and companies have wavered in cutting capacity due to increases in steel and coal prices in recent months, said Xu Shaoshi, head of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the country's top economic planner.

"We must be cool-headed about it," Xu said at the meeting, attributing the price upticks to expectations for lower supply and warning that excessive capacity remains huge in the two sectors.

China is the world's largest producer and consumer of steel and coal. The two industries have long been plagued by overcapacity and felt the pinch even more in the past two years as the economy cooled and demand has fallen.

However, coal and steel prices have risen in the past few months amid temporarily strained supply as some producers scaled back output to avoid losses.

The price of a popular coal product rose by 30 yuan (about 4.5 U.S. dollars) in the first six months to 400 yuan per tonne at the beginning of July, while the composite steel price index increased by 11 points to 67.83 points, according to data from the NDRC.

As prices picked up, some coal mines and steel plants quietly resumed production and were reluctant to close down, speculating that business could turn around, an industry insider told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.

For example, monthly crude steel output has returned to growth since March, with the daily average output hitting record highs in April and June.

Both analysts and officials said the recovery is unsustainable.

"The price increases were just the result of a short-term mismatch between supply and demand," said Xu Xiangchun, an analyst with mysteel.com, a Shanghai-based steel information service provider. "It cannot hide the fact that the coal and steel market remain seriously oversupplied."

In the first half of the year, China's steel consumption dropped 2.7 percent year on year while coal consumption fell 5.1 percent, showing that there is no basis for sustained price increases, said NDRC's Xu Shaoshi at Thursday's meeting.

"We should stand firm and not to be disrupted by price fluctuations in working to reduce overcapacity, or else the two industries will face more trouble," he said.

Officials at Thursday's meeting demanded local authorities clearly define responsibilities and fulfill the reduction targets without delay or compromise.

Local governments were ordered not to allow any new projects that would expand steel or coal capacity. They were also required to protect the legitimate interests of all employees who are redundant.

China plans to cut steel and coal capacity by about 10 percent -- as much as 150 million tonnes of steel and half a billion tonnes of coal -- in the next few years, with 100 billion yuan in funds set aside to help displaced workers

For this year, the government aims to pare steel production capacity by 45 million tonnes and shave off coal capacity by 250 million tonnes.
China's Midea to hold about 95 pct stake in German robotics firm
(Xinhua) 19:33, August 08, 2016



BEIJING, Aug. 8 -- China's home appliance manufacturer Midea said Monday that it was taking a 95 percent holding in German robotics maker Kuka.

Midea will take 37,605,732 shares, 94.55 percent of Kuka after the bid is settled. Kuka shareholders who have not yet tendered their shares will be unable sell their stake to Midea now as the bid has expired, according to a statement from Midea.

Midea announced the bid on June 16, offering to pay 115 euros (127 U.S. dollars) per share. It held a 13.5 percent stake in Kuka before the bid.

To alleviate concerns over the takeover, Midea has pledged to maintain Kuka's independence, and has no plans to seek a domination agreement or delist the company. It will not change the headquarters nor reduce the workforce.

One of the world's top robot makers, Kuka, founded in 1898 and based in Augsburg, has a workforce of 12,000. Its 2015 revenue was nearly 3 billion euros.
07:32, August 09, 2016

China should facilitate regional trade and expand global use of renminbi,expert says

China's exports rose by 2.9 percent year-on-year in July, while imports fell by 5.7 percent,leading to a monthly trade surplus of 342.8 billion yuan ($51.45 billion), figures released bythe General Administration of Customs showed on Monday.

The country's foreign trade outlook for the whole year is not optimistic, due to higheroperational costs, loss of production orders and jobs and growing trade friction, said WangDongtang, deputy director-general of the Ministry of Commerce's Department of ForeignTrade.

Export growth in July was 1.6 percentage points higher than in the previous month, whilethe fall in imports increased from 2.3 percent in June.

"As external markets will not fundamentally improve for the rest of this year, China mustspeed up its restructuring of regional trade and value chains, including expanding theglobal use of its currency and facilitating regional trade through more free tradeagreements and connectivity programs," said Yao Weiqun, vice-president of the ShanghaiWTO Affairs Consultation Center.

Trade with the United States, China's second-biggest trade partner, fell by 4.8 percentyear-on-year between January and July, while trade with the Association of SoutheastAsian Nations, its third-largest trade partner, declined by 2.2 percent.

Trade with the European Union, China's biggest trade partner, climbed by 1.8 percentyear-on-year in the first seven months, the GAC data showed.

Song Ge, deputy general manager of Guangzhou Bosma Optoelectronic Technology Co, anoptical products manufacturer in Guangdong province, said that although the company setan export target of $14 million this year, it only reached 42 percent of that amount duringthe first seven months.

"This is because market orders from the EU declined and our latest telescope products inthe US didn't sell as well as we expected earlier this year," said Song.

Song hoped the company could reach its annual export goal by the end of the year, sincesales are expected to pick up in the fourth quarter, a busy sales season for developedmarkets.

China's first refrigerated container train leaves for Moscow

21:04, August 08, 2016


DALIAN, Aug.8 -- China's first refrigerated-container train left for Moscow from northeastChina's Dalian on Monday, marking the opening of a new transport link between the twocountries.

The new refrigerated-freight line is 8,600 km long, with trains taking about 10 days toreach Moscow. The train is carrying products worth 150,000 U.S.dollars, including pearsfrom Hebei, pomelos from Guangdong and garlic from Shandong.

After crossing the border, goods will switch to a Russian freight train in Baikal, Siberia.

The new transport link will shorten the journey time by 60 percent as the old route usedsea and rail travel.

China's refrigerated-product exports to Russia have been on the rise.

Brazil now China's biggest source of beef imports

14:42, August 08, 2016

Imports of beef and other items from the South American country overtakethose from Australia

Limited domestic output and rising per-capita incomes are pushing beef-hungry China toimport the high-protein, low-fat meat in increasing quantities from Brazil.

About a year after recovering from a scare related to mad cow disease, Brazil hassupplanted Australia as the biggest seller of beef to China.

A production deficit is widening in China, and imports are heading for a record.

Brazil's ample supplies and low prices helped companies including JBS SA, Minerva SA andMarfrig Global Foods SA to boost exports to China by 65 percent in the first half of theyear.

While the Chinese eat far more pork than any other meat, per-capita consumption isfalling. At the same time, demand for beef is increasing.

Only the US imports more beef than China. Rapid economic growth over the past decade inChina has created the world's second-largest economy and an expanding middle class thatcan afford more protein in their diets.

At the same time, Brazil has plenty of surplus beef, as domestic demand stagnates, and thecountry's exports are appealing to buyers after its currency plunged last year.

China ended a three-year-old embargo on Brazilian beef imports in May last year, imposedbecause of the mad cow disease epidemic that hit Brazil in 2012.

"China will have a major impact on the beef trade," said Miguel Gularte, head of JBS'sMercosul beef unit. "It's a fantastic market for Brazil" because the Asian country has"hundreds of millions of people moving to consume red meat," he said.


Workers process meat on a production line at the Minerva SA meat processing plant inBarretos, Brazil. [Provided to China Daily]

Per-capita consumption of beef in China will reach a record 3.864 kg this year, comparedwith 3.029 kg a decade ago, according to estimates by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development.

But production has not kept pace, so China's imports this year will jump 22 percent to 1.23million tons, including purchases by Hong Kong, according to the US Department ofAgriculture.

That is an almost fourfold increase from 2012, and imports now account for 36 percent ofdemand, up from 25 percent last year.

Wang Kai, a professor at Nanjing Agricultural University in Jiangsu province, said demandfor lamb in China's western region, particularly in the Ningxia Hui and Xinjiang Uygurautonomous regions, and Qinghai and Gansu provinces, has quickly grown over the pastfive years, mainly because it is getting more expensive to raise cattle in western China,where the economy and livestock industry are less developed than in the easternprovinces.

Because of rising feed prices, limited grazing land and the breeding cycle, China's cattle-raising sector lags behind consumer demand, resulting in higher lamb prices over the pastfive years, according to a report released last December by the Chinese Academy ofAgricultural Sciences.

"As China has found it impossible to grow all of the food it needs and has consequentlyformed closer ties with the world food market, demand for beef, mutton, fruit, wine anddairy products will certainly provide many opportunities for major agricultural produceexporters such as Chile, Brazil, Argentina and the United States."

Bilateral trade between China and Brazil stood at $71.59 billion in 2015, making ChinaBrazil's largest export destination and source of imports, data released by the GeneralAdministration of Customs show.

Not only agricultural products, China has purchased large sums of raw materials fromBrazil over the years, where it has also invested heavily in infrastructure, includinghydropower facilities, construction machinery and automobile production. Chinesecompanies had invested $18.94 billion in Brazil by the end of 2014.

Australia had been China's top foreign beef supplier, but its output declined. That createdan opportunity for Brazil, where a 33 percent plunge in its currency last year because of arecession and political scandal made its exports more appealing to buyers.


Shipments to the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong in the first six months of this year werea combined 265,800 tons, up from 161,000 tons a year earlier, industry data show. Totalexports to all countries rose 12 percent to 736,000 tons.

"There's a lot of tailwinds for the Brazilian industry at this moment," Justin Sherrard, ananimal-protein global strategist at Rabobank, said in a telephone interview from Utrecht,Netherlands.

Brazil almost missed out. A single positive test for mad cow disease in 2012 led to importbans by China and other countries, including South Korea and Japan. The case wasconsidered a "negligible risk," based on criteria established by the World Organization forAnimal Health, because the animal never made it into the food chain. That meant a quickerpath to lifting the ban, which China did in May 2015.

While some forms of Brazilian meat are still restricted, like organs or boned meat, Chinanow permits most common meat cuts including steaks and ground beef, though most of thepurchases are the low-end cuts used in processed meat products. With most of the so-called premium markets including Japan and South Korea still closed to Brazilian beef,most of the country's shipments of prime cuts like steaks end up in Europe.

"China is emerging as the first alternative to Europe for Brazil's premium beef," AntonioCamardelli, head of Brazil's beef industry group, Abiec, said in a telephone interview fromSao Paulo. "There's still a lot of room to increase exports of gourmet beef to China."

There are signs that demand will slow from China buyers who are "pressuring pricesdown," Mercosul's Gularte said. Still, Brazilian shipments to China this year will be twicewhat they were in 2015, he said.

Asia represented 26 percent of exports for Minerva in the year ended in March, making itthe main destination for Sao Paulo-based company's exports. That's up from 18 percent ayear before.

"There are consumers that are willing to pay a premium for having a differential,"Fernando Galletti Queiroz, chief executive officer of Minerva SA, said in an interview in SaoPaulo. "The price gap to Europe is shrinking."

Not only purchasing agricultural products from Brazil, China has also invested more in bothBrazil and Latin America's manufacturing, financial and infrastructure sectors to boostgrowth as it adjusts its trade structure and diversifies investment categories under currentglobal business setting.

China's outbound investment in the non-financial sector of Latin America reached $21.4billion in 2015, surging 67 percent year-on-year. Its investment mainly flowed intocountries including Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina and Ecuador, data from the Ministry ofCommerce show.
I don't understand this trend of sudden rise in export in this quarter. Even after a continuous decline in export for 18 months India's export also grew by some 2% in last 1-2 months. Is it some kind of restructuring going on in this period ?
For the first half year of 2016, trade surplus was US$ 265.602 billion

Imports value saw a -10.2% on year-on-year comparison, a decrease, mainly due to lower commodity prices. However in physical volume terms, imports actually rose for many major items:
  • Crude oil +14.2%
  • Natural gas +22.7%
  • Copper ores and concentrates +34.7%
  • Coal +8.2%
  • Iron ore +9.1%
I suppose now is a good time for stockpiling primary resources, e.g. building SPR for oil, when commodity prices are so low.

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The following table shows China's raw materials imports volume and value Jan. to July, 2016. I made a quick calculation on the numbers given. Because of the raw material price decline, China has made $40B saving on raw material imports in this year!!
The following table shows China's raw materials imports volume and value Jan. to July, 2016. I made a quick calculation on the numbers given. Because of the raw material price decline, China has made $40B saving on raw material imports in this year!!
View attachment 324412

Quick maths you got there bro! Now is excellent opportunity for China to accelerate imports of commodities, stockpile them whenever applicable, while maintaining hefty trade surplus.

I think China can sustain a $600 billion/year of trade surplus, godspeed!
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