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China Economy Forum

Seriously tho. We can teach and train our tongues to eat a lot of ice cream. Vanilla flavor, dark cherry flavor, strawberry flavor, banana mango flavor even sweet curry flavored! Human spirit is stronger than machine, ya? lol.
I hate cold food. I could teach you some traditional foods in our living philosophy. You know we like tepid food, right?
It is the following things if you like and I have enough time.

AOE is an old game and you guys still playing it? How come this picture all Viet gguys look taller and better looking than Chinese dudes whom look fat and short. I thought Chinese often made claim they are taller and are better looking?

Two best player from Viet team (red) and China team (black). Final result Vietnam 4 - China 1. :-)


Vietnamese fan with Chinese best gamer (in the middle)..

@Hu Songshan can you please leave the threads I created regarding gaming and ice cream as standalone threads because when you come to search for such things, it gets lost in the economy thread and multiple threads regarding the same issue gets created.
A lot of merging is ridiculous....
China Signs $6 billion Nuclear Plant Deal with Argentina
By Zhu Xi (People's Daily Online) 07:01, November 16, 2015

State-owned China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC) has signed a $6 billion deal for the construction of Argentina’s fourth nuclear power plant, China National Radio reported on Sunday.

Argentina’s fourth nuclear power plant, specifically the Atucha nuclear power plant Unit 3 reactor, will be installed with the capacity of 750,000 kilowatts, costing nearly $6 billion.

China will provide loans covering 85 percent of the total investments. The Nucleoeléctrica Argentina SA (NASA) will operate the facility after its completion.

The negotiation of a fifth nuclear power plant has also been initiated, which will implement Hualong One, China’s self-designed Integrated Pressurized Water Reactor (IPWR) technology.
Macedonia launches first electrical train purchased from China
2015-11-16 10:45
XinhuaEditor: Mo Hong'e

With a promotional ride from capital Skopje to the town Veles, Macedonian Railway Transport on Sunday launched the new train with electric engine, purchased from the Chinese CRRC corporation.

Among the first passengers on the promotional ride were Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.

The new train has capacity for 200 passengers and is the first of six trains purchased by the Macedonian government from China.

"Today is a historic day for the Macedonian people because there is a whole history behind us in which no one cared to buy new trains for the Macedonian citizens and improve the condition of the railway," Prime Minister Gruesvki explained on Sunday in Skopje.

"We don't need many words. All we need is to see the old trains at the rails and compare them to the train we put in traffic today. There is huge difference," said Gruesvki.

The new trains will cover around 60 percent of the railway lines operating in the country. The Macedonian government plans purchasing additional trains to cover the remaining 40 percent.

In the State Budget for the coming 2016 about 36 million euros are planned for modernizing the railway, which is 15 times more than in 2006, Macedonian Vice-Prime Minister and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski said.

"The goal is to give the Macedonian railway the look it deserves, to make it modern and functional. It should have been done many years ago, but we did it now and we can't postpone it anymore," Stavreski added.

All the ongoing projects for buying new trains, rebuilding of several train stations, as well as the improvement of the condition of the rails is a total investment worth 600 million euros. Such investments in the Macedonian railway have not been made in the past 30 years.

"The Railway enters a new era in which the citizens will understand what a quality, fast and comfortable transport means. This train with a capacity for 200 passengers is one of the most modern trains made, respecting all EU standards," Macedonian Transport Minister Vlado Misajlovski said.

The passengers are satisfied with the improvement.

"This new train is completely new experience. Everything is new and modern and I will feel much safer," Sasho Mitrovski, a retired citizen from Veles told Xinhua on Sunday.

Viktorija Volcheska, a student from Prilep at the University in Skopje, travels to her hometown by train at least once a month. Today she traveled with one of the old trains, but she hopes that new trains will also operate to Prilep soon.

"It is huge improvement. It will be much easier for me to travel now. I just hope that soon the other trains like this one will arrive to the country," she told Xinhua.

According to the agreement with the Macedonian government, CRRC corporation will supply another electric train by the end of the year, and four other diesel trains in the first quarter of 2016.

The train promoted on Sunday is the first purchased new train for the Macedonian Railways in the past 40 years.

Additionally, as part of the project to modernize the railway, the Macedonian government is financing the repair of several train stations and has plans to improve the condition of the railway lines on some crucial points.

Macedonia launches first electrical train purchased from China


China's B2C market grows by half in Q3
Xinhua 2015-11-17 08:59

Third quarter is generally considered a slack season in the retail industry, but China's online business-to-consumer (B2C) market grew by 49.7 percent, according to a report released Monday by Analysys International.

Transactions reached 503.6 billion yuan (78.8 bln U.S. dollars) in the third quarter this year. Alibaba's Tmall led the way by claiming a share of 54 percent, followed by JD.com with 23.2 percent and Vipshop, a major flash sale operator.

Tmall, JD.com, Vipshop and their respective business models represent the big picture of China's B2C market, the report said.

The Internet research company also said e-commerce had entered a new phase where an industry reshuffle and big data applications had become key.

JD.com Q3 revenue surges
Xinhua 2015-11-17

Chinese online retailer JD.com on Monday posted 44.1 billion yuan (6.9 bln U.S. dollars) in net revenue for the quarter ending September, up 52 percent year on year.

The company's Q3 report showed a year-on-year increase of 71 percent in gross merchandise volume (GMV), which totaled 115 billion yuan.

Active accounts in the period grew 59 percent to 131.9 million. These accounts placed 329.7 million orders, an increase of 85 percent from the previous year.

Fifty-two percent of orders were done via mobile devices, surging 210 percent year on year.

JD CEO Liu Qiangdong said the increase in revenue was partly due to an increase in the number of people buying online thanks to WeChat and QQ marketing. Both are instant messaging apps under Tencent.

JD expects revenue growth to moderate between 47-51 percent in the fourth quarter.
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Feature: First hostess recruitment by China Eastern in Italy attracts enthusiastic candidates

by Marzia De Giuli, Ge Chen

ROME, Nov. 18 (Xinhua) -- "I love flying and I am very much attracted by Asia. I talked with some girls in France and Germany who have been hired by China Eastern Airlines and were very satisfied. That is why I am here," said Luisa Santana, an Italian girl attending the first recruitment event in Italy by Chinese carrier China Eastern on Tuesday.

Santana told Xinhua she has worked for AlbaStar, a Spanish charter airlines, on a five-month contract. "Temporary contracts are now very widespread in Europe," she said. "This is something bad. It is just that they save money and can change the crew whenever they want."

The recruitment took place on Tuesday at the Ergife Palace Hotel, a venue in Italian capital Rome which is famous for often hosting big events.

Chen Xiao, general manager of China Eastern Airlines Rome branch, explained to Xinhua that Italy is the third country in Europe where the Shanghai-based carrier has started recruitment of local personnel, after France and Germany.

The interests shown by many candidates who have worked at important carriers like Italian national airline Alitalia, highlights the growing influence of Chinese companies as well as China's fast economic growth on the global level, Chen said.

"Italian passengers sometimes cannot speak English, they can only speak Italian," Chen went on saying.

There will be two Italian crew on every China Eastern Airlines flight. This not only will be useful for communication, especially in critical moments, but will make the Chinese carrier more international, embellished by so many beautiful smiles from different countries, he stressed.

A smile lightened up the face of Veronica Goslino, a girl from Rome, when she learnt that she had been selected in the first recruitment round. "I chose this company as she gives me the opportunity to be based in Rome, my city, and at the same time travel far away from here," she told Xinhua.

In her view, "China is the future," being a fast developing country which offers work opportunities presently absent in Italy. For example, Goslino told Xinhua, "it is very difficult to join some big companies in Italy unless you know someone in the company." She also said she refused to sign a contract with another airline company because "there was too much control of my personal life," she noted.

"I am ready to move to Shanghai if needed, it is an international city and I am sure I will not have problems in making new friends there," Goslino also added.

"We wish to bring the beautiful smiles of the world into our flights," said Wei Bo, deputy manager of Security Department at China Eastern Airlines and responsible for Tuesday's recruitment.

Wei said Chinese carriers are increasing their presence abroad. Italy, he added, is a favorite destination of Chinese passengers. "We hope that the Rome-Shanghai flight will become more and more international, offering excellent service to both Chinese and Italian tourists and business travelers," he explained.

"I think I have a feel for this work, I have an aptitude for hanging out with people, I would love this to become my job," said another candidate, Giorgia. "I think that China's culture is not so well-known in Italy yet, and being a bridge between the two cultures can be an important role," she said.

Giorgia told Xinhua that she studies Mandarin thus would be very happy to work for a Chinese company. "They asked us to introduce ourselves in English, and what we thought and knew about China Eastern Airlines. Before the interview I was feeling a bit anxious, but now I am feeling good," she said.

The newly hired crew are scheduled to undergo a two-month training so that will likely start flying at springtime. The French crew have already taken office, while the Germans are doing their training. Recruitment programs are also underway in Japan, Korea and the United States.

China Eastern Airlines opened its Rome-Shanghai route in March 2011, and since then the number of passengers has increased by as much as some 20 percent each year. The company plans to further develop, with a Rome-Wenzhou flight and other routes in particular focusing on the needs of Chinese nationals living abroad.

Feature: First hostess recruitment by China Eastern in Italy attracts enthusiastic candidates - Xinhua | English.news.cn
China starts probe into imported iron based alloy
November 18, 2015

China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) on Wednesday began to conduct an anti-dumping investigation over a kind of iron based alloy imported from the U.S. and Japan.

The MOC will try to determine whether the imports of iron based amorphous alloy ribbon (strip), which were allegedly at "lower than normal" prices, have damaged or affected domestic producers' interests, the ministry said in a statement.

The investigation started on Nov. 18, the statement said.

Iron based amorphous alloy ribbon is widely used in manufacturing power distribution transformer, electric reactor, motors and voltage transformers.
China to produce 350 metro cars for Istanbul

Istanbul Mayor, Kadir Topbas, announced that China will produce 350 metro cars, in Turkey, in cooperation with Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality.

In July, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Rail System Department (İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Raylı Sistem Daire) organised a tender for the purchase of 75 train sets with four cars (totalling 300 cars). The new metro trains will be used on the M7 Kabataş – Mecidiyeköy – Mahmutbey metro line. The best offer was given by Chinese Changchun Railway Vehicles with EUR 277 mn. Other offers were given by Hyundai Eurotem, Alstom and Siemens.

CNR Cooperation, which owns Changchun Railway Vehicles, also produces metro cars of Ankara and Izmir. CNR has a assembly plant in Ankara.

According to the documentation specifications 144 cars will be delivered within 42 months and the rest of 156 cars should be delivered within 22 months, after the signing of the contract.

The M7 Mecidiyeköy – Mahmutbey is a rapid transit line of the İstanbul Metro system on the European part of Istanbul.

China to produce 350 metro cars for Istanbul |
China to produce 350 metro cars for Istanbul

Istanbul Mayor, Kadir Topbas, announced that China will produce 350 metro cars, in Turkey, in cooperation with Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality.

In July, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Rail System Department (İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Raylı Sistem Daire) organised a tender for the purchase of 75 train sets with four cars (totalling 300 cars). The new metro trains will be used on the M7 Kabataş – Mecidiyeköy – Mahmutbey metro line. The best offer was given by Chinese Changchun Railway Vehicles with EUR 277 mn. Other offers were given by Hyundai Eurotem, Alstom and Siemens.

CNR Cooperation, which owns Changchun Railway Vehicles, also produces metro cars of Ankara and Izmir. CNR has a assembly plant in Ankara.

According to the documentation specifications 144 cars will be delivered within 42 months and the rest of 156 cars should be delivered within 22 months, after the signing of the contract.

The M7 Mecidiyeköy – Mahmutbey is a rapid transit line of the İstanbul Metro system on the European part of Istanbul.

China to produce 350 metro cars for Istanbul |

I would argue this sort of deals must be what China must seek after with countries with questionable foreign policies. Defence systems or others with deep technology transfers might eventually blowback.
I would argue this sort of deals must be what China must seek after with countries with questionable foreign policies. Defence systems or others with deep technology transfers might eventually blowback.

Agreed. This type of deal is about as much business you can do with those types of countries.


China shifting to nation of consumers: expert
English.news.cn 2015-11-20 06:07:50

NEW YORK, Nov. 19 (Xinhua) -- China is transformed from a nation of producers to a nation of consumers, said Stephen Roach, senior fellow of Yale University's Jackson Institute of Global Affairs, on Thursday.

"The key understanding of China is not the number of GDP, but the mix of economy," said Roach on a discussion held in China Institute.

In his eyes, China has two models of economy: the old one driven by fixed investment and exports, and the new one boosted by private consumption.

The old model, which fueled China's economy growth in the past three decades, is decelerating, while the new model is still in its incipient stage, he said.

And the gap is continuing to widen. Services activity grew 8.4 percent year on year in the first half of 2015, far outstripping the 6.1-percent growth in manufacturing and construction, according to an article written by Roach recently.

In 2014, the service sector contributed 48.2 percent to China's GDP, exceeding the combined 42.6 percent share of manufacturing and construction, according to the article.

The shift toward a services-based new model lifted the downside pressures in the manufacturing-based old model, he said.

During the meeting, Roach predicated that the service sector could account for 65 percent to 70 percent of China's economy in next 20 years. "This is the key piece of transformation story of China."

He stressed that services is the infrastructure of a consumer society and generated more jobs. In China, services require about 30 percent more jobs per unit of output than manufacturing and construction.

Roach also pointed out that jobs in China have been shifted to labor-intensive, services-led growth. The urban job creation target has been 10 million per year since 2013.

China shifting to nation of consumers: expert
- Xinhua | English.news.cn
Moody's: Falling Chinese steel demand to drive capacity cuts, restructuring

BEIJING - Capacity cuts and restructuring of China's steel industry will be accelerated in the coming year thanks to weak domestic demand, a Moody's report said.

Slow investment in property sector and infrastructure development, as well as weakening manufacturing activities, will drag down domestic demand for steel, which will in turn reduce profits of steel makers and force small players to exit the market, according to Jiming Zou, a Moody's vice president and senior analyst.

"The slowdown in demand is worsening oversupply and sending Chinese steel prices to historic lows," Zou said.

According to data from the China Iron & Steel Association, large and medium-size steel companies swung to an overall loss in the first eight months of 2015 from profit a year ago.

Domestic demand for steel will fall by 5 percent year on year over the next 12 months, Moody's anticipated, adding overall sales volumes will fall 3 to 4 percent.

Moody's predicted capacity removals and restructuring of the steel manufacturing industry will speed up in the coming one or two years, in view of the weak business conditions.

Small private steel mills will exit the market due to limited resources to cover losses and rising environmental costs, Moody's noted. While leading companies such as Baosteel Group Co., should gain bigger market share because of their strong product offerings and capacity expansions.

In the first 10 months of this year, China's crude steel production dropped 2.2 percent year on year to 675.1 million tons, the National Development and Reform Commission said Saturday.

The composite price index for domestic steel products stood at 60.11 points in October, down 1.62 points from September and 26.24 points from a year earlier, the statement said.

The data came amid indicators of slowing economy. China's GDP expanded by 6.9 percent in the third quarter of this year, the slowest quarterly growth in six years.

Moody's: Falling Chinese steel demand to drive capacity cuts, restructuring - Business - Chinadaily.com.cn
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