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It is criminal on Lenovo to ship hijacker software on its PC. I was thinking of buying a X1 Carbon, not anymore
RPT-China's $40 bln Silk Road fund starts work along PE lines - PBOC's Zhou

(Reuters) - China's $40 billion Silk Road infrastructure fund has started work along the lines of a long-term private equity (PE) venture to boost businesses in countries and regions along the road, China's central bank governor was quoted saying on Monday.

"The fund has already started operations, with registration on Dec. 29 and the first board meeting on Jan. 6," Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People's Bank of China, told the semi-official China Business News.

China has dangled financial and trade incentives, mostly to Central Asia but also to countries in South Asia, backing efforts to resurrect the old Silk Road trading route that once carried treasures between China and the Mediterranean.

Zhou said that the fund is not a state-owned sovereign fund, but was similar to a PE fund, although it planned longer-term investment than other PE funds.

"As for how it will be similar to global funds, it is somewhat like the World Bank's IFC (International Finance Corp), the African Development Bank's mutual development fund and the China Africa Development Fund," Zhou said.

"What is different is that those funds are financed by a handful of investors instead of raising funds from the public."

China has said that the Silk Road Fund will be "open" and welcome investors from Asia and beyond, focusing on China's Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiative, which aim to build roads, railways, ports and airports across Central Asia and South Asia.

Zhou said that China would not aim to develop the fund into a multi-party development organisation, although it would consider setting up subsidiaries and branches in various industries and regions.

He added that the fund would be mainly denominated in foreign currencies, instead of Chinese yuan, and rejected the speculation that the fund is the Chinese-style Marshall Plan.

In its essence, the Silk Road fund is not similar to the Marshall Plan," Zhou said, referring to the U.S. programme to help reconstruct Europe after the World War II.

China must establish a consortium of China, Russia, Pakistan and central asian countries, enable them to work on faster pace.
Zhejiang is not Guangdong. Zhejiang is much richer than Guangdong, in Zhejiang the most electricity consumption is civillian's living consumption and service sector consumption, not manufacturing sector,

Understand? By the way, A lot of Vietnamese illegal worlers are working in Guangdong,and Zhejiang's average income and GDP is much higher Guangdong

Zhejiang is the headquarter of compaies like Alibaba

the living standard of Zhejiang is much higher than its GDP per capita, the living standard in Zhejiang is higher than South Korea, while the GDP capital is lower than South Korea (South Korea about 23000 USD, Zhejiang about 13000 USD)

many of our peasants have assets more than millions of USD

In these regions, Peasants live in casual life.

They don't even need to work, just rent their houses and lands to others, then just collect their rent. A lot of peasants' families have assets worth over USD 10 million.

The following images shows some rural villages in Zhejiang's average peasants' life (Hangzhou city)

Zhuzhuang villages (outside of Hangzhou city)



Rural area villages outside of Fuyang county (A county belongs to Hangzhou city)

Rural area villages outside of Hangzhou city

Farmers prepare Salty ducks and fishes

Rural area near West lake, a road to Meijiawu villages



So this is Zhejiang.. The rural area are richer than cities. The peasants are richer than city people.

In Zhejiang, if government wants peasant's peice of land, the peasant will ask at least 5 million + USD. For example in Wenzhou city of Zhejiang, the government is poor, while the people are very rich.

"The Whealth are among the people" is the phrase to descirbe Zhejiang

Most third world countries like India still have slums in big cities like Mumbai and Dehli, so don't compare your places to our Yangze-river delta region (zhejiang, jiangsu provinces), because you can't compare them. The differences are too big.

in our Yangze-river delta region, we already elimnate the abosolutely poverty

But anyway, at least Vietnam is developed much better than India, because all the people are equal.

In india, the poor people living n the slums, for example those Dalit people they don't even have any basic human rights and dignity.

India is more like slavery society.
Who is comparing INDIA with CHINA moron???!! I think china is real 3rd world country which has worst human rights history:D
10-12 years back gdp size of china was 1/7 times of USA now it is 2/3....You will see INDIA's rapid gdp growth by 2017
There are slum in MUMBAI not in delhi(there are unauthorise colony in delhi)
Guangdong is the wealthiest province, more than Zhejiang.
You are completely wrong. Zhejiang is much wealthier than Guangdong. Zhejiang's GDP per capita is about 30% higher than Guangdong,but Zhejiang's wealth is much more beyond this. People from Zhejiang are the most entrepreneurial Chinese and invest everywhere in China and the world. While Guangdongese likes to work for worldwide exporters, Zhejiangese like to be boss and hate to work for others.
On politics, science, education, environment, business and wealth, Guangdong is at significant distance from Zhejiang. If you don't believe me, you can visit guangdong and zhejiang for comparison or you can just ask chinese in Japan. Very few of them are from Zhejiang. Zhejiangese think Japanese are poor people living on poor islands. We only compare living standard with United States for big cars and big houses.

If you are familiar with China, this shouldn't be surprised, since Zhejiang and southern Jiangsu remains the economical center of china for the last 1000 years. Shanghai can be the economical center of China simply because the powerful Zhejiang and JIangsu economy behind it. People from Shanghai call Zhejiang their Garden while Zhejiangese simply treat Shanghai as one city we controls since almost all richest people in Shanghai are from Zhejiang.

In Zhejiang, People are not interested in discussion about jobs and wages. People are only interested in your business and your company. If your family don't have a business, even in the village, people will look down on you and your family. Everyone are forced to start a business, even if you have to go to xinjiang, Africa, or South America. Zhejiang Business Association are always the most powerful association everywhere.
You are completely wrong. Zhejiang is much wealthier than Guangdong. Zhejiang's GDP per capita is about 30% higher than Guangdong,but Zhejiang's wealth is much more beyond this. People from Zhejiang are the most entrepreneurial Chinese and invest everywhere in China and the world. While Guangdongese likes to work for worldwide exporters, Zhejiangese like to be boss and hate to work for others.
On politics, science, education, environment, business and wealth, Guangdong is at significant distance from Zhejiang. If you don't believe me, you can visit guangdong and zhejiang for comparison or you can just ask chinese in Japan. Very few of them are from Zhejiang. Zhejiangese think Japanese are poor people living on poor islands. We only compare living standard with United States for big cars and big houses.

If you are familiar with China, this shouldn't be surprised, since Zhejiang and southern Jiangsu remains the economical center of china for the last 1000 years. Shanghai can be the economical center of China simply because the powerful Zhejiang and JIangsu economy behind it. People from Shanghai call Zhejiang their Garden while Zhejiangese simply treat Shanghai as one city we controls since almost all richest people in Shanghai are from Zhejiang.

In Zhejiang, People are not interested in discussion about jobs and wages. People are only interested in your business and your company. If your family don't have a business, even in the village, people will look down on you and your family. Everyone are forced to start a business, even if you have to go to xinjiang, Africa, or South America. Zhejiang Business Association are always the most powerful association everywhere.

Are you a girl from Zhejiang?
Am i only one who wonder that how GDP of zhejiang will be 4times of current gdp size after 10 years?!!(if gdp per capita of zhejiang will be eual to gdp per capita of japan)
This will happen only if gdp will grow annualy 14.86% over 10 years...currently gdp of china is growing at 7% and will further slow down...correct me if i am wrong

if you know the facts of China and Japane economy, you will not compare them in your way.
just for example, the recently RMB and Japane Yuan exchanger rate:

and 2010 China just passed the Japane, only 5 year, now is twice above Japane.
if you know the facts of China and Japane economy, you will not compare them in your way.
just for example, the recently RMB and Japane Yuan exchanger rate:
View attachment 195068

and 2010 China just passed the Japane, only 5 year, now is twice above Japane.
View attachment 195067
I also think in 10 years, GDP per capita in Zhejiang will surpass Japan. The current economic transformation favors Zhejiang-style economy over guangdong-style economy. That's why Xi became Chinese President. Xi JinPing's term as Zhejiang Party Secretary played significant role. Chinese government want to transform the whole China from Guangdong-style economy to Zhejiang Style economy.
Another important factor is Yen will drop to at least 160. The more industrialized East Asia, the worse Japan's competitive advantage. Japan's wealth was built on the fact that Japan was the only industrialized country in Asia. Japan's lead in technology will worsen, japan's defects in markets and resources will be amplified. Japanese leadership clearly don't want to admit this fact and still try to pretend it as an economic superpower. Japan is more and more sidelined from Asia economy. TPP will sideline Japan economy instead of Chinese economy since TPP will cut Japan-China links and encourage more direct China-USA links.

I am Shanghainese, but my ancestry came from Shaoxing-Hangzhou.
Most Shanghainese are from Zhejiang. That's why I say Zhejiangese treat Shanghai as one city we control. Many Shanghainese go back to Zhejiang villages for lunar new year. Lunar new year is very important for Chinese. For many chinese, the time of lunar new year is also the time to identify himself/herself.
Most Shanghainese are from Zhejiang. That's why I say Zhejiangese treat Shanghai as one city we control. Many Shanghainese go back to Zhejiang villages for lunar new year. Lunar new year is very important for Chinese. For many chinese, the time of lunar new year is also the time to identify himself/herself.

Not the absolute majority, but I say around 30-40%, since the Ningbonese is the most dominant Zhejiangnese group in Shanghai.
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