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Good development there! Sounds like the Tibetans have waken up and want to get rich too:) I always thought Tibet has potential to be one of the most wealthy regions in China. They very low population density but occupy a vast land that is full of natural resources. Many, many beautiful natural and historical sites can be good tourist attractions. With smart management and policy guidance Tibet is going to take off!

More good news for Tibet.

Tibetan farmers, herdsmen see double-digit growth in income
Updated: 2015-01-12 10:54


Road on the plateau in Tibet. [Photo/tibet.cn]

LHASA - Farmers and herdsmen in China's Tibet autonomous region saw their average income increase 14 percent year-on-year in 2014, marking a straight 12th annual double-digit growth, local authorities said on Sunday.

Tibetan farmers and herdsmen is estimated to have earned about 7,500 yuan ($1,200) on average last year.

Farmers and herdsmen make up for more than 80 percent of the population in the region.

"We used to get money mainly from farming. Now we have multiple sources of income. We also run some inn and transportation businesses," said Padma in Medog county of Nyingchi prefecture. "My family earned more than 10,000 yuan last year."

Tibet has made the growth of famers and herdsmen's income the top priority in social and economic development, improving infrastructure and social security.
China trade surplus soars 45.9pc in 2014
  • From: Business Spectator
  • January 13, 2015 2:54PM
CHINA’S trade surplus came in ahead of forecasts in December, on the back of better-than-expected exports and imports.

According to official data, China’s trade surplus narrowed to $49.61 billion in December from $54.47bn in November.

Analysts surveyed by Bloomberg had expected the trade balance to come in at a surplus of $US49 billion.

China’s exports rose 9.7 per cent in December from a year earlier. This was up from a 4.7 per cent rise in November and above the median forecast for 6.6 per cent growth by 17 economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal.

Imports fell 2.4 per cent from a year earlier after a 6.7 per cent fall in November, less than economists’ median forecast for a 7 per cent decline.

For the full year 2014, the country reported a trade surplus of $382.46bn, compared with a surplus of $259.75bn in 2013. Exports rose 6.1 per cent in 2014, down from an increase of 7.9 per cent in 2013. Imports climbed 0.4 per cent, down from growth of 7.3 per cent in 2013.

The Australian dollar lifted on the news, hitting US81.89c at just before 1.30pm (AEDT).

China imported 86.85 million tonnes of iron ore in December and 932.5 million tonnes for the full year, both record-high volumes for the month and year respectively, according to General Administration of Customs data yesterday.

Imports for December rose 18.3 per cent from a year earlier and 29 per cent from November.

The volume for the full year was a 13.8 per cent rise from 2013, customs said.

Meanwhile, China imported 30.37 million tonnes of crude oil in December, equivalent to 7.2 million barrels a day, preliminary data from the General Administration of Customs showed.

Imports were 13.4 per cent higher than the 26.78 million tonnes of crude shipped during the corresponding month last year, and up around 19.5 per cent from 25.41 million tonnes in October, according to Wall Street Journal calculations.

December’s imports surpassed a previous absolute high in January of 28.16 million tonnes and a previous daily high in April of 6.8 million barrels a day.

Refined oil-product imports totalled 3.2 million tonnes, while exports totalled 2.82 million tonnes, the data showed.

China imported 27.22 million tonnes of coal and lignite and exported 430,000 tonnes in October, according to the data.

The figures come as China’s economy rounds out a disappointing 2014, with growth slowing amid manufacturing weakness, falling property prices and high corporate and local government debt burdens, prompting the central bank in November to cut benchmark interest rates for the first time in more than two years.

Gross domestic product (GDP) expanded an annual 7.3 per cent in the third quarter, the slowest since the height of the global financial crisis in early 2009 and economists are broadly expecting there to have been further weakness at the end of last year and in the year ahead as authorities face what they themselves openly describe as a “new normal” of slower, and hopefully, more sustainable expansion.

With Dow Jones Newswires and AFP
Shanghai-based WinSun 3D Prints 6-Story Apartment Building and an Incredible Home


JANUARY 18, 2015

A 6-story tall building which has been 3D printed by Winsun

The 3D printed home is an accomplishment which many architects and designers have at least been contemplating for a few years now. We have seen numerous companies as well as individuals jump into the space recently, with design concepts which take home building well into the 21st century. Although China has been lagging behind the U.S and Europe in terms of consumer and manufacturing-based 3D printing, one China-based company seems to be leading globally when it comes to the 3D printing of large-scale structures such as homes.

Back in April of last year, Shanghai, China-based WinSun Decoration Design Engineering Co. revealed what many believed was a hoax initially; 10 homes which were almost entirely 3D printed with a recycled concrete material. The company seemingly emerged from nowhere and surprised us all.

Well, today it was revealed that WinSun has made significant progress in their drive to 3D print livable homes and other structures. They have managed to 3D print an entire apartment building, consisting of 6 stories, as well as an impressive home, which certainly doesn’t appear to be 3D printed by any means. These structures were unveiled at the Suzhou Industrial Park, of east China’s Jiangsu Province, and the apartment building alone features a structure which is approximately 1,100 square meters in size.


A stand-alone villa, which has been 3D printed

Using a machine which measures a staggering 20 feet tall, 33 feet wide and 132 feet long, the team at WinSun started with a basic CAD drawing which they fed to the massive 3D printer that was able to fabricate the structure piece-by-piece using a specially formulated and patented ‘ink’. The ink, which includes construction waste such as concrete, fiberglass, sand, and a special hardening agent, is an incredible way to recycle general construction materials — not to mention it is flexible, self-insulating, and resistant to strong earthquakes. The walls and other components of the structure were fabricated offsite with a diagonal reinforced print pattern and then shipped in and pieced together. The company then placed beam columns and steel rebar within the walls, along with insulation, reserving space for pipe lines, windows and doors.

The construction methods, according to the company, are able to save 60 percent of the materials typically needed to construct a home, and can be printed in a time span which equates to just 30 percent of that of traditional construction. In total, 80 percent less labor is needed, meaning more affordable construction, and less risk of injury to contractors.

Without a doubt, this is probably one of the the most exciting accomplishments within the 3D printing space we have covered. To be able to construct a 6-story building with 3D printed material is certainly a feat that’s guaranteed to garner further attention. WinSun is not done by any means. They will continue to further the technology behind this incredible 3D printer, and hope to eventually construct numerous homes at affordable prices within mainland China. Check out some additional photos below of the construction process and the structures themselves. Let’s hear your thoughts on this incredible accomplishment in the 3D Printed Apartment Building forum thread on 3DPB.com.

Front view of the 3D printed stand-alone villa

Sinopec, China’s Largest Oil and Gas Producer, Entering 3D Printing Materials Market


JANUARY 19, 2015

China Petrochemical Corp., the largest single refiner of oil and gas in Asia, says they plan to invest in developing 3D printing materials over the course of the next decade as they look to reduce the company’s dependence on oil production and processing.

Known as Sinopec Group, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation says they’ll need to discover technological breakthroughs as part of their long-term planning. The company also says investments will be made in creating industrial parks, investment funds and a research institute to push innovation forward.

The Chairman of Chinese petroleum giants Sinopec, Fu Chengyu, says the development of 3D printing materials will be a key to the success of the fifth largest company in the world.

Sinopec Chairman, Fu Chengyu, didn’t provide details about the plans, but analysts say new business ventures will be key to providing Sinopec with growth in the coming decade.

“It’s smart to explore opportunities in high-margin products in new materials and services businesses, as lower crude prices have choked almost every oil explorer in the world,” says Shi Yan, an analyst at UOB-Kay Hian Ltd. in Shanghai. “Sinopec wants to turn itself into China’s DuPont.”

Sinopec is based in Beijing, China, and the company is listed in Hong Kong and trades in Shanghai and New York. It’s the world’s fifth largest company by revenue, and the world’s second largest chemical producer. As the major state-owned petroleum energy and chemicals company in China, the firm is heavily involved in oil and gas exploration, refining, production and sales of petrochemicals, chemical fibers, chemical fertilizers, and other chemical products.

In 2011, Sinopec was ranked as the 5th largest company in sales in the Forbes Global, ranked 9th by Fortune Global 500, and it was also the first Chinese corporation to make the top ten. As recently as 2007, Sinopec was ranked by Forbes as number one of the Top 500 Enterprises in China.

Established as a joint stock entity under the China Petrochemical Corporation Group (Sinopec Group) in February 2000, Sinopec Limited was then simultaneously listed on the Hong Kong, New York, and London exchanges in October 2000.

As of August 2013, Sinopec acquired a 33% stake in Apache Corporation’s oil and gas business in Egypt for $3.1 billion, and in December 2013, MCC Holding Hong Kong Corp.Ltd. and MCC Petroli Hong Kong Corp.Ltd., acquired a 18% stake of Sinopec’s oil and gas business for $9.3 billion.

Analysts say these most recent moves, particularly the company’s focus on alternative businesses like 3D printing materials development and sustainable energy, are an adjustment by the company resulting from the recent collapse of the world oil market.

Chairman Fu says 2014 was a “challenging year” for the company, but added that lower crude prices expected in 2015 forced the moves. Fu says the future of the company will change from a classic oil and gas company. He added that Sinopec intends to change its focus from “manufacturing” to “technology.”

“I hope that after a decade or so, we’ll be a science-based petrochemical company,” Fu added, and that the development of 3D printing technologies will be key to the plans. “Research (is being) conducted to explore 3D printing businesses, and to create conditions for the development of 3D printing materials.”

What do you think about the news that the single largest business in China plans to focus a major share of their effort on developing 3D printing materials? What could this mean for the materials market in general? Let us know in the Sinopec 3D Printing Materials forum thread on 3DPB.com.

Sinopec, China’s Largest Oil and Gas Producer, Entering 3D Printing Materials Market - 3DPrint.com
China, Switzerland to sign financial deal on offshore RMB market in Zurich

ZURICH, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- China and Switzerland are poised to sign a financial deal on Wednesday to pave the way for the establishment of an offshore renminbi market in Zurich.

"A memorandum of understanding will be signed between the central banks of the two countries during Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's visit to Switzerland," a government official told Xinhua. "It is an important step in the internationalization of the RMB, especially in Europe."

Li arrived in Zurich Tuesday to attend the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in the Swiss ski resort of Davos and pay a short working visit to Switzerland.

He is scheduled to deliver a keynote speech on China's economy and reform efforts to the participants of the forum and meet with Swiss leaders on Wednesday.

"Financial cooperation will be the brightest spot of Premier Li's visit to Switzerland," the official said. "The two countries will announce the plan to set up an offshore RMB market in Zurich."

Under the deal to be signed, China will give Switzerland a quota of 50 billion yuan (about 8 billion U.S. dollars), under its Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII) scheme to support the establishment of the Zurich offshore RMB market, while the first branch of a Chinese bank will be set up in the Swiss financial hub for future RMB clearance after it gets approval from regulators of both sides.

The QFII program kicked off in 2002 to allow foreign investment in Chinese securities using foreign currencies.

China has established offshore RMB markets in Hong Kong, London, among other places, in a drive for the internationalization of its currency.

The Chinese and Swiss central banks already signed a bilateral currency swap agreement worth 150 billion yuan (24 billion dollars), in July last year, which was intended to provide liquidity support to economic and trade exchanges between the two countries.

It is Li's second visit to Switzerland since he took office in 2013, and this year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

"This shows the importance China attaches to its relations with Switzerland," said Dong Jinyi, former Chinese ambassador to Switzerland. "Though Switzerland is not of big size, it plays a big role in China's overall relationship with Europe."

The Chinese Foreign Ministry said Li's visit is also aimed to reap the "dividend" of a free trade agreement between the two countries after it took effect in July 2014.

Switzerland, famous for its precision instruments and pharmaceuticals, was the first country among the world's top 20 to have a free trade agreement with China.

"The China-Switzerland free trade agreement has exemplary effect. It will not only enhance the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, but also encourage other countries to follow the lead and work together with China for common development," said Chen Fengying, a senior researcher with China Institute of Contemporary International Relations.
what's RMB market?

"Under the deal to be signed, China will give Switzerland a quota of 50 billion yuan (about 8 billion U.S. dollars), under its Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII) scheme to support the establishment of the Zurich offshore RMB market, while the first branch of a Chinese bank will be set up in the Swiss financial hub for future RMB clearance after it gets approval from regulators of both sides."
Pakistan have 2 banks registered and operating in Zurich!
Those were registered in good old days, when army generals used to govern Pakistan.

A monitor shows a diver with the Chinese navy walks out of a 19-cubic-meter cylinder to perform a saturation dive effort, a technique involving a pressurized environment that allows for longer dives while reducing the risk of decompression sickness. Four divers with the Chinese navy have reached a depth of over 330 meters on Jan. 4, 2015. They were released from the cylinder yesterday after the decompression process was completed. To date, eight countries, including Britain, the United States, and Russia have succeeded in 400-meter saturation dive. [Photo: Chinanews.com]

Chinese navy soldiers make some preparations for a saturation dive effort, a technique involving a pressurized environment that allows for longer dives while reducing the risk of decompression sickness. Four divers with the Chinese navy have reached a depth of over 330 meters on Jan. 4, 2015. They were released from the cylinder yesterday after the decompression process was completed. To date, eight countries, including Britain, the United States, and Russia have succeeded in 400-meter saturation dive. [Photo: Chinanews.com]

Chinese navy soldiers make some preparations for a saturation dive effort, a technique involving a pressurized environment that allows for longer dives while reducing the risk of decompression sickness. Four divers with the Chinese navy have reached a depth of over 330 meters on Jan. 4, 2015. They were released from the cylinder yesterday after the decompression process was completed. To date, eight countries, including Britain, the United States, and Russia have succeeded in 400-meter saturation dive. [Photo: Chinanews.com]

Four divers with the Chinese navy enter a 19-cubic-meter cylinder to perform a saturation dive effort, a technique involving a pressurized environment that allows for longer dives while reducing the risk of decompression sickness. Four divers with the Chinese navy have reached a depth of over 330 meters on Jan. 4, 2015. They were released from the cylinder yesterday after the decompression process was completed. To date, eight countries, including Britain, the United States, and Russia have succeeded in 400-meter saturation dive. [Photo: Chinanews.com]

Four divers with the Chinese navy enter a 19-cubic-meter cylinder to perform a saturation dive effort, a technique involving a pressurized environment that allows for longer dives while reducing the risk of decompression sickness. Four divers with the Chinese navy have reached a depth of over 330 meters on Jan. 4, 2015. They were released from the cylinder yesterday after the decompression process was completed. To date, eight countries, including Britain, the United States, and Russia have succeeded in 400-meter saturation dive. [Photo: Chinanews.com]

Chinese navy soldiers make some preparations for a saturation dive effort, a technique involving a pressurized environment that allows for longer dives while reducing the risk of decompression sickness. Four divers with the Chinese navy have reached a depth of over 330 meters on Jan. 4, 2015. They were released from the cylinder yesterday after the decompression process was completed. To date, eight countries, including Britain, the United States, and Russia have succeeded in 400-meter saturation dive. [Photo: Chinanews.com]

Monitors show the working and living of divers with the Chinese navy in a 19-cubic-meter cylinder. Four divers with the Chinese navy have reached a depth of over 330 meters on Jan. 4, 2015. They were released from the cylinder yesterday after the decompression process was completed. To date, eight countries, including Britain, the United States, and Russia have succeeded in 400-meter saturation dive. [Photo: Chinanews.com]

Chinese navy soldiers make some preparations for a saturation dive effort, a technique involving a pressurized environment that allows for longer dives while reducing the risk of decompression sickness. [Photo: Chinanews.com]

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) announced on Jan. 18 that the sixth round of negotiations for a trilateral free trade agreement (FTA) between South Korea, China, and Japan was held in Tokyo, Japan from Jan. 16 to 17.

South Korean Assistant Commerce Minister Woo Tae-hee, Chinese Assistant Minister of Commerce Wang Shouwen, and Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister Yasumasa Nagamine attended the event as chief negotiators. This is the first time for the chief negotiators to hold talks.

Previously, the three countries agreed to separately hold working-level talks and those between chief negotiators from the sixth round of negotiations, to advance them in a more meaningful manner.

The three top negotiators made comprehensive and intensive discussions about products, services, investment, subjects, and the scope of the FTA.

The seventh round of negotiations will take place in Korea in April.

- See more at: Korea-China-Japan FTA: 6th Round of Korea-China-Japan FTA Negotiations Held in Japan | BusinessKorea
"The villas created using 3D printers: £100,000 five-storey homes made using construction waste in China "

The process is expensive, but at £100,000 a house the properties are cheaper than the average home.

The display site also featured a single-story house pre-ordered by the Egyptian government, which will soon be shipped to its owner.

Mr Ma said: 'This house was printed within a single day, and is part of a total order of 20,000 units.'

Chinese company creates houses made using 3D printers | Daily Mail Online

This 5-storey building and villas by Winsun are tremendous advancements over the company's prior project reported in April 2014

You can see the vid of the 3-D printing in the link below
3D printer builds houses in China - video | Technology | The Guardian

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