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China economy boost the Navy, 6th 052C DDG finished next 055

The best is to see pics, in Chinese "眼见为实" / Truth in our eyes.

China was developing new Phased Array Radar for PLAN ships

China Type346 AESA radar for 052C DDG


China Type346A AESA radar for 052D DDG

India is also developing AESA radar apart from the MF Star and honestly speaking China is ahead of India in this and many other fields. Where India can hold its own against China is the integration processes and sensor fusion especially with the help of softwares. In hardware arena there is no way we can catchup with yours in next 10 to 20 years. Although future is uncertain but this is my belief under current situation.
According to China current technology & equipments, 052D is the best DDG China can build but 64x vls still less and single anti-sub helicopter. 052D need new powerful power system to carry 90x vls missiles.

When China improve Phased Array Radar/ Power system / Weapons system , 052 also will update from Block II (052D) => Block III (052E) in the future.
One thing I don't understand is that only 1 to 2 years back Chinese people were saying that China has identified its main workhorse for destroyer in 52D but after just 1 or 2 years we are seeing new designs. Honestly I don't think there is anyway that China developed groundbreaking in just 2-3 years. Maybe new class will help in increasing the nos in operational status with slight increase in tech. In my opinion PRC should maintain the no of missiles at same level in a 52D class while working on increasing the sensor fuison within and outside ship in team way. But that's my opinion only.
One thing I don't understand is that only 1 to 2 years back Chinese people were saying that China has identified its main workhorse for destroyer in 52D but after just 1 or 2 years we are seeing new designs. Honestly I don't think there is anyway that China developed groundbreaking in just 2-3 years. Maybe new class will help in increasing the nos in operational status with slight increase in tech. In my opinion PRC should maintain the no of missiles at same level in a 52D class while working on increasing the sensor fuison within and outside ship in team way. But that's my opinion only.
As far as i knew & saw in China, China was experiencing the Science Revolution. New Technology & New Equipment Invention, first Ten~Twenty years of 21 century it's a Great Golden Time for China development. There's World N.o2 economy support R&D and ships building, PLAN's A.C Fleet project.

For PLAN, 052D (60x vls) as the air-defence guard of A.C Fleet, 055 (100+ vls) not only the fleet guard also can execute Ocean Task leaving A.C Fleet. Compared ship cost, 055 also more expensive than 052D. Future PLAN strategy 052D & 055 DDG has different task function, that's the reason why CSSC building 052D & 055 together.:-)

At the same time, China was developing new technology in some small boats first, when it's mature CSSC will build new DDG with new mature & reliable technology.

1. China Triple-hulled Vessel design :pop:



2. CCG 3,000ton (The full integrated electric propulsion, IFEP) full electric power system ship :tup:


Above mature technology will used in future PLAN new DDGs ↑ There will be 052E & 055A etc... 8-)
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to me that means there's less creativeness in each model. minor upgrades not create new design.

One thing I don't understand is that only 1 to 2 years back Chinese people were saying that China has identified its main workhorse for destroyer in 52D but after just 1 or 2 years we are seeing new designs. Honestly I don't think there is anyway that China developed groundbreaking in just 2-3 years. Maybe new class will help in increasing the nos in operational status with slight increase in tech. In my opinion PRC should maintain the no of missiles at same level in a 52D class while working on increasing the sensor fuison within and outside ship in team way. But that's my opinion only.

Zumwalt is really creativeness

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to me that means there's less creativeness in each model. minor upgrades not create new design.

Zumwalt is really creativeness

U.S government should award the VISA to u, and u don't understand what's INNOVATION especially no such technology in ur hands.

Zumwalt is standard offshore assault ship, air-defence still provided by A.B BlockI & BlockII DDG fleet. Future whether U.S can build A.B Block III and more DDG-1000, it depend on their financial budget, too expensive.

Right now U.S won't export their Tomahawk, Arleigh Burke, Ticonderoga, DDG-1000, SeaWolf, Ohio, Los Angeles, California class to any foreign nation just retired them, even nobody can afford each 1billion ~ 2billion price. So just envy the American achievement, China building & update our DDGs, the good thing is technology gap reducing.
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As far as i knew & saw in China, China was experiencing the Science Revolution. New Technology & New Equipment Invention, first Ten~Twenty years of 21 century it's a Great Golden Time for China development. There's World N.o2 economy support R&D and ships building, PLAN's A.C Fleet project.

For PLAN, 052D (60x vls) as the air-defence guard of A.C Fleet, 055 (100+ vls) not only the fleet guard also can execute Ocean Task leaving A.C Fleet. Compared ship cost, 055 also more expensive than 052D. Future PLAN strategy 052D & 055 DDG has different task function, that's the reason why CSSC building 052D & 055 together.:-)

At the same time, China was developing new technology in some small boats first, when it's mature CSSC will build new DDG with new mature & reliable technology.

1. China Triple-hulled Vessel design :pop:



2. CCG 3,000ton (The full integrated electric propulsion, IFEP) full electric power system ship :tup:


Above mature technology will used in future PLAN new DDGs ↑ There will be 052E & 055A etc... 8-)
Yes I came to know about these new techs from you dear. And are these techs experienced after 52D design was finalized. If yes then it can be new addition. If not then probably PLAN didn't find these techs suitable for mass production in DDGs. Maybe somewhere else these techs can be utilized. And if built in greater no 52D can support area wide carrier ops. These new stated techs can be used to upgrade 52C and other older DDGs to bring them to ages. No of ships are important their weapon VLS no are important. But they are not the only important things to be taken care of. If mediam no of ships are dispursed around the carrier and share single integrated battle management system, they are more than capable of not only holding the adversary but also can overcome it. In my opinion China should focus on 52D only make upgrade in batch style every 5 years. That way it will be much more cost efficient and it can focus on system integration area wide battle management more robustly.
Yes I came to know about these new techs from you dear. And are these techs experienced after 52D design was finalized. If yes then it can be new addition. If not then probably PLAN didn't find these techs suitable for mass production in DDGs. Maybe somewhere else these techs can be utilized. And if built in greater no 52D can support area wide carrier ops. These new stated techs can be used to upgrade 52C and other older DDGs to bring them to ages. No of ships are important their weapon VLS no are important. But they are not the only important things to be taken care of. If mediam no of ships are dispursed around the carrier and share single integrated battle management system, they are more than capable of not only holding the adversary but also can overcome it. In my opinion China should focus on 52D only make upgrade in batch style every 5 years. That way it will be much more cost efficient and it can focus on system integration area wide battle management more robustly.
Future ten years the numbers of 052D & 055 DDG should match PLAN A.C Fleets, one standard A.C Strick Group at least need 4~5x powerful DDGs as air-defence fleet guard, next years CV16 is not the only Aircraft Carrier serve in PLAN.

After CV16 launch, PLAN's strategy depend on A.C Strick Group to replace original DDG Fleet, it's the main reason why China was building many 052C/052D 055(soon) DDGs. If China plan to build 4~5x A.C Strick Groups, then they need many DDGs as A.C guard and many DDGs to replace old 053H class.
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Future ten years the numbers of 052D & 055 DDG should match PLAN A.C Fleets, one standard A.C Strick Group at least need 4~5x powerful DDGs as air-defence guard, next years CV16 is not the only Aircraft Carrier serve in PLAN.

After CV16 launch, PLAN's strategy depend on A.C Strick Group not original DDG Fleet, it's the main reason why China was building many 052C/052D future 055 DDGs.
4-5 DDGs are above enough for a carrier strike group even if its primary target is offence 1 full load carrier. 2 DDGs, 2 stealth frigate with one in farword patrol 1 support ship replenishment, 2 SSN in case of strike mission with 1 SSN in farword intelligence gathering. These ships are able to coordinate the attack using one integrated battle management systmem. They bring raw firpower if combined effectively. That is why I say no are necessory but they are not everything.
4-5 DDGs are above enough for a carrier strike group even if its primary target is offence 1 full load carrier. 2 DDGs, 2 stealth frigate with one in farword patrol 1 support ship replenishment, 2 SSN in case of strike mission with 1 SSN in farword intelligence gathering. These ships are able to coordinate the attack using one integrated battle management systmem. They bring raw firpower if combined effectively. That is why I say no are necessory but they are not everything.
Don't forget PLAN still have many 053H old DDG built in 1990s need to replaced by new DDGs. Whatever right now China has urgent demand to air-defence DDGs, currently CSSC DDG building is to match within 10 years PLAN requirement.

Chinese is building a Great Navy like American did in last century. :pop:
Don't forget PLAN still have many 053H old DDG built in 1990s need to replaced by new DDGs. Whatever right now China has urgent demand to air-defence DDGs, currently CSSC DDG building is to match within 10 years PLAN requirement.

Chinese is building a Great Navy like American did in last century. :pop:
Yes I agree there.
Do you mean I am US personnel?

Try to clone this design first,

U just have no idea to design something to fit urself requirement, foreign stuffs not good & suitable for ur situation & budget.

Why China need "Black Bird" ? Why China need to clone that we didn't need ? China spy satellites and "BeiDou" GPS satellites chain can replace it.

24h watching u on ur head... :agree:




China Civil level satellite photos, 2m DPI :coffee:





↑ Do u think China still need SR-71 again ???:rofl:
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I means J58
J58 jet engine retired with SR-71 together, Mach 3.2. Now China HQ9 & HQ-16 missile engine can fly Mach 4+ and 3+.


Waste time to clone outdated SR-71, to build several PLAN 052D DDG Fleets much more useful for China. :azn:

Do you know when US got AIM-54 ?

If you thinking about S300, do you know how fast SR-72 fly ?
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