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China Dominates the World TOP500 Supercomputers

Ohhhhh What you do is very great achievement and what you can not do is just not difficult. If it is not very difficult than why did you not do that. All money what we got would have gone to you. You troll and bregg here as much as you can. Now also say that mars mission was very esy so India sucesseded and moon mission was very difficult so you failed. Say that.
Indian need to wake up from reality. A successful Mars mission does not mean suddenly u can do everything. You failed manned mission. You failed lunar soft landing. You failed your Kaveri engine. You failed your Arjun tank. You failed world fastest supercomputer. You failed high speed rail. You failed HSV.

Indian self delusion at its best. :enjoy:

our super power dream is not flimsy like chinese goods that it will break so easily.
Indian only has dream but not reality. Indian is weak. :enjoy:
98.9 million is just 8% of our population. It would have shrunk to 5 or 6% by now.
8% population under poverty line? Great finding! PM Modi should give you a medal to your great contribution for cutting the Indian poverty rate significantly by some simple mouse clicks.

The most recent World Bank report said >20% population in India living under poverty line.

Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy 2014-15 (published by Reserve Bank of India in Sept. 2015) says the poverty rate is 21.9% in India.
8% population under poverty line? Great finding! PM Modi should give you a medal to your great contribution for cutting the Indian poverty rate significantly by some simple mouse clicks.

The most recent World Bank report said >20% population in India living under poverty line.
View attachment 312519

Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy 2014-15 (published by Reserve Bank of India in Sept. 2015) says the poverty rate is 21.9% in India.
View attachment 312524

First of all 8% is not my finding. It is world bank's finding. It says that India has 98.9 million poors. I just devided that by Indian population of 1200 million in 2014.

GO and read the link I have provided. It is from world bank considering new valuation of Poverty in PPP. FIrst of all read read before you breg here. You guys had reduce the PPP criteria for poverty determination from 1.25 USD PPP to 0.24 USD PPP. We have not done that. I have provided the multiple links . so read first before you start your usual bregging.
Reserve bank has more stringet criterioan that is why the poverty figures are high. If you want a uniform comparision than use world bank DATA.
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8% population under poverty line? Great finding! PM Modi should give you a medal to your great contribution for cutting the Indian poverty rate significantly by some simple mouse clicks.

The most recent World Bank report said >20% population in India living under poverty line.
View attachment 312519

Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy 2014-15 (published by Reserve Bank of India in Sept. 2015) says the poverty rate is 21.9% in India.
View attachment 312524
Delusional people just throw out some random numbers without even thinking about the rationale.
The most terrible diseases is that they don't even realise the existence of disease.

You broke his Indian supapower dream. How dare u :lol:
It's not a dream.
It's a reality declared by their dead president, achieved in 2012.
You guys had reduce the PPP criteria for poverty determination from 1.25 USD PPP to 0.24 USD PPP.

In fact, China's poverty line is 50% higher than global standard. Take a read at the article from the UK-based Economist, which said: "China’s poverty line is equivalent to $1.87 in 2005 purchasing-power parity dollars, almost 50% higher than the World Bank’s standard"


If you want a uniform comparision than use world bank DATA.

yes, I'm indeed using the World Bank data. The most recent World Bank database said India's poverty rate is 21.3%, the No.9 highest on earth. Or No.1 highest among none-African countries.

In fact, all the comments you make on this thread, from India's super super computer by 2020, to India does the "20 satellites/one rocket" mission earlier than China, to India and US are the only two countries capable of such mission, to India's 8% poverty rate, to China cuts its poverty rate to 0.24 USD PPP, all of them are wrong, completely wrong.

It's ok for people to make stupid words once or twice. But if the guy speaks stupid things constantly, then either this is a liar, or a fool.

Now I understand why you have that many negative ratings, but NO positive ratings.
In fact, China's poverty line is 50% higher than global standard. Take a read at the article from the UK-based Economist, which said: "China’s poverty line is equivalent to $1.87 in 2005 purchasing-power parity dollars, almost 50% higher than the World Bank’s standard"


yes, I'm indeed using the World Bank data. The most recent World Bank database said India's poverty rate is 21.3%, the No.9 highest on earth. Or No.1 highest among none-African countries.
View attachment 312554

In fact, all the comments you make on this thread, from India's super super computer by 2020, to India does the "20 satellites/one rocket" mission earlier than China, to India and US are the only two countries capable of such mission, to India's 8% poverty rate, to China cuts its poverty rate to 0.24 USD PPP, all of them are wrong, completely wrong.

It's ok for people to make stupid words once or twice. But if the guy speaks stupid things constantly, then either this is a liar, or a fool.

Now I understand why you have that many negative ratings, but NO positive ratings.
He has indeed added a lot of fun here and revealed a whole country's delusion grounded on nothing.

I guess, a person owning a TV in India can self-claim middle class. One Indian working in Shanghai once bragged to me how large their middle class was compared to China and how strong their domestic consumption was. I was speechless at that time. For his mental health, I chose not to poke the bubble.

屏幕快照 2016-06-22 22.06.17.png
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Indian need to wake up from reality. A successful Mars mission does not mean suddenly u can do everything. You failed manned mission. You failed lunar soft landing. You failed your Kaveri engine. You failed your Arjun tank. You failed world fastest supercomputer. You failed high speed rail. You failed HSV.

Indian self delusion at its best. :enjoy:

Indian only has dream but not reality. Indian is weak. :enjoy:

llok here who has delusion and who is a liar?

1) We never attempted man mission and it was not at all our priority nor it is a priority today.
2) It is china which failed in moon mission very badly. Our moon mission is sucessful of all till date and bring in a lots and lots of information including the search of water.
4) Yes we failed in Kaveri. We could not derive wet thrust as per requirement though we exceedd dry thrust. You failed miserably in engine inspite of earmarking 16 BN USD budget for engine and still using Russian engines. You could not even copy pest the same , for which you guys are famous for.
5) We are very sucessful with Arjun. We developed MK2 version as well. A very lethal tank comparable to anything in desert.
6) We never faile in super computing. We build all as per design very quickly. Now our world's fastes SC is coming. 600 times faster than yours.

And now

You failed with all of your copy cat J 1 to J100. Last year 5 J10 fell down (Declared figure) and four in previous year. . J20 has losts of design problems. J 31 is a junk. J 15 can not carry more than 2 ton payload from Aircraft career. Lioning engine failed and it was found not good for even training. You failed in engine inspte 16 bn USD engine. You filled in Mars mission. You have no plan for planatory study (Like we launched mini Hubble). You tried to copy Brahmos and failed. You tried to copy HQ 9 and ultimately ended up buying S 400. You said your planes are better than that of Russia and ultimately bought Su 35. Same is in the case of Submarine. After tall claims, you bought Russian submarine. We comissioned fast breeder reactor 30 years before you.

In fact, China's poverty line is 50% higher than global standard. Take a read at the article from the UK-based Economist, which said: "China’s poverty line is equivalent to $1.87 in 2005 purchasing-power parity dollars, almost 50% higher than the World Bank’s standard"


yes, I'm indeed using the World Bank data. The most recent World Bank database said India's poverty rate is 21.3%, the No.9 highest on earth. Or No.1 highest among none-African countries.
View attachment 312554

In fact, all the comments you make on this thread, from India's super super computer by 2020, to India does the "20 satellites/one rocket" mission earlier than China, to India and US are the only two countries capable of such mission, to India's 8% poverty rate, to China cuts its poverty rate to 0.24 USD PPP, all of them are wrong, completely wrong.

It's ok for people to make stupid words once or twice. But if the guy speaks stupid things constantly, then either this is a liar, or a fool.

Now I understand why you have that many negative ratings, but NO positive ratings.

ohhhhh it is stupid????

Let me quote the link once again.


in 2014 World bank Data.


Now if you are not stupid, you will be able to find out percentage of poors from the data of world bank from above chart.


Now I quote from this article.

When China claimed to have lifted 220 million people out of poverty, guess what its poverty line was? Just $85 per year, or $0.24 per day! Whatever statistical adjustments you make for comparability, it was far lower than today’s Tendulkar line. Did today’s critics of the Tendulkar line castigate China for fudging? No, they sang China’s praises.

Now keep bregging and exposing your idiocy. I am closing. I have to go.
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Jack Dongarra Shares his Assessment of World’s Newest No. 1 Supercomputer

June 20, 2016

The release of the 47th TOP500 list of the world’s top supercomputers on June 20 at the International Supercomputing Conference in Germany showed a new No. 1 system – the Sunway TaihuLight machine in China that is nearly three times as fast and three times as efficient as system it displaces in the top spot.

The Sunway TaihuLight, at the National Supercomputer Center in Wuxi, has a theoretical peak performance of 125 petaflops and achieved a performance of 93 petaflops running the LINPACK benchmark. To get some perspective on the system and what it means for HPC, the SC Blog talked with Jack Dongarra, one of the four editors of the TOP500 list, a longtime member of the SC conference planning committee and one of the developers of LINPACK.

Dongarra, who is a professor of computer science at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville with a joint appointment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has a report on Sunway TaihuLight at http://bit.ly/sunway-2016.

SC16: So, what happened here?

China has built a very powerful machine that is 2.75 times as powerful as the former No. 1 system, Tianhe-2, which is also in China. The Sunway TaihuLight has 10.6 million cores and has a theoretical peak performance of 125 petaflops. Running LINPACK at 93 petaflops means it performed at 74 percent of the theoretical peak. Tianhe-2 achieves 62 percent of its theoretical peak with LINPPACK, while Titan at Oak Ridge National Lab achieves 65 percent.

It also has the best power efficiency, performing 6 gigaflops per watt, while the other top systems are around 2 gigaflops per watt. Tianhe-2 is at 1.9 and Titan at Oak Ridge National Lab is at 2.1. So, this new machine has three times the efficiency of the next two most powerful supercomputers on the list.

SC16: Was this system’s showing a surprise?

There was a rumor for the last year plus that China is building two systems on the order of 100 petaflops, this one and an upgrade of Tianhe-2 called Tianhe-2A, which isn’t ready yet. This system is bigger than expected with more performance. The fact that they got LINPACK to run on the system and achieved this efficiency is very impressive.

SC16: What other insights can you provide about the system’s performance?

Even though LINPACK runs fast, the machine does have slow memory. With HPCG, the High Performance Conjugate Gradients benchmark, Sunway TaihuLight achieved 0.371 petaflops, or 0.3 percent of the theoretical peak. Compare this with Titan, which achieves 1.2 percent of the theoretical peak on HPCG and Tianhe-2, which posted 1.1 percent. So, TaihuLight is a lot slower for applications that involve a lot of memory traffic (data movement).

There are currently four key application domains for the Sunway TaihuLight system:

  • Advanced manufacturing: CFD, CAE applications
  • Earth system modeling and weather forecasting
  • Life science
  • Big data analytics.
There were three finalist submissions for the Gordon Bell Prize at SC16 that are based on the new Sunway TaihuLight system. These three applications are: (1) a fully-implicit nonhydrostatic dynamic solver for cloud-resolving atmospheric simulation; (2) a highly effective global surface wave numerical simulation with ultra-high resolution; (3) large scale phase-field simulation for coarsening dynamics based on Cahn-Hilliard equation with degenerated mobility.

All three of these applications have scaled to around 8 million cores (close to the full system scale). The applications that come with an explicit method (such as wave simulation and phase-field simulation) have achieved a sustained performance of 30 to 40 petaflops. In contrast, the implicit solver achieves a sustained performance of around 1.5 petaflops, with a good convergence rate for large-scale problems.

The system has a heck of a lot of memory – 1.3 petabytes, compared to 0.7 petabytes for Titan.

It’s also a big step up in terms of its impressive efficiency. It consumes 15.3 megawatts, which is impressive given the number of cores and rate of execution.

SC16: What does this mean for China?

Tianhe-2A was supposed to be upgraded with Intel’s Knights Landing processors, but last year the U.S. Department of Commerce blocked the export of Intel technology to some parts of China.

When the Commerce Department blocked the exports, China invested heavily in HPC research and development and they are replacing Intel with their own designs. This system is based on a Chinese processor with 260 cores. For comparison Intel’s Knights Landing has 72 cores. Both of the processors have about the same cycle time – 1.45 gigahertz for the Chinese processor and 1.40 GHz for Knights Landing. It means that China has continued in leapfrogging the U.S. by a considerable amount.

For comparison, Tianhe-2, which was the top machine on the last six TOP500 lists, was twice as fast as the Oak Ridge Titan, or the equivalent of Titan combined with Sequoia at Lawrence Livermore. This new system is twice as powerful as Tianhe-2.

SC16: What does this mean for the U.S.?

China now has a very big machine running and producing real results. We are going to have three machines with similar power in 2017, going into production probably in 2018. China has plans to deploy an exascale system in 2020, and the U.S. target date for exascale is 2023.

There is every indication that if they put four times the processors in each node, they can build half of an exascale machine. If they turn the crank a couple of times, they can get to an exaflop. China is clearly ahead of where we are in petascale deployment. If they are truly competitive for the ACM Gordon Bell Prize at SC16, we’ll see the real impact of this system.

Jack Dongarra Shares his Assessment of World’s Newest No. 1 Supercomputer - SC16
llok here who has delusion and who is a liar?

1) We never attempted man mission and it was not at all our priority nor it is a priority today.
2) It is china which failed in moon mission very badly. Our moon mission is sucessful of all till date and bring in a lots and lots of information including the search of water.
4) Yes we failed in Kaveri. We could not derive wet thrust as per requirement though we exceedd dry thrust. You failed miserably in engine inspite of earmarking 16 BN USD budget for engine and still using russian engines. You could not copy pest the same .
5) We are very sucessful with Arjun. We developed MK2 version as well. A very lethal tank comparable to anything in desert.
6) We never faile in super computing. We build all as per design very quickly. Now our world's fastes SC is coming. 600 times faster than yours.

And now

You failed with all of your copy cat J 1 to J100. Last year 5 J10 fell down (Declared figure) and four in previous year. . J20 has losts of design problems. J 31 is a junk. J 15 can not carry more than 2 ton payload from Aircraft career. Lioning engine failed and it was found not good for even training. You failed in engine inspte 16 bn USD engine. You filled in Mars mission. You have no plan for planatory study (Like we launched mini Hubble). You tried to copy Brahmos and failed. You tried to copy HQ 9 and ultimately ended up buying S 400. You said your planes are better than that of Russia and ultimately bought Su 35. Same is in the case of Submarine. After tall claims, you bought Russian submarine. We comissioned fast breeder reactor 30 years before you.
We all admit India is much better and stronger than us from deep heart, as we and our leaders always say:"China is still very poor and will be a developing country for a long time." We are far behind from India which is a superpower. Leave us alone, thx.
We all admit India is much better and stronger than us from deep heart, as we and our leaders always say:"China is still very poor and will be a developing country for a long time." We are far behind from India which is a superpower. Leave us alone, thx.

China is still very poor and will be developing country for a long time. Far behind from India is fake.
If you want a uniform comparision than use world bank DATA.

Now I quote from this article.

When China claimed to have lifted 220 million people out of poverty, guess what its poverty line was? Just $85 per year, or $0.24 per day! Whatever statistical adjustments you make for comparability, it was far lower than today’s Tendulkar line. Did today’s critics of the Tendulkar line castigate China for fudging? No, they sang China’s praises.

Now keep bregging and exposing your idiocy. I am closing. I have to go.

While you requested me to use WORLD BANK DATA for a uniform comparison, you refused to cite any data from the World Bank website directly. What a nice example of double-standard!!

Now let me paste you the data again. All of them comes from worldbank.org



Totally incorrect. Trust me I have met many people who actually work on these things. Our national supercomputing mission aims to put three 5-10 Petaflops machines by 2020.

(1) Breakingnews by CCTV

Chinese scientists have "captured" the mysterious particle that has eluded physicists for the last 80 years - Mojorana particle


The age of quantum computing is really upon us thanks to this major discorvery. :coffee::enjoy:

(2) Quantum fingerprint identification realized over 20km optical-fibre circuit


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llok here who has delusion and who is a liar?

1) We never attempted man mission and it was not at all our priority nor it is a priority today.
2) It is china which failed in moon mission very badly. Our moon mission is sucessful of all till date and bring in a lots and lots of information including the search of water.
4) Yes we failed in Kaveri. We could not derive wet thrust as per requirement though we exceedd dry thrust. You failed miserably in engine inspite of earmarking 16 BN USD budget for engine and still using russian engines. You could not copy pest the same .
5) We are very sucessful with Arjun. We developed MK2 version as well. A very lethal tank comparable to anything in desert.
6) We never faile in super computing. We build all as per design very quickly. Now our world's fastes SC is coming. 600 times faster than yours.

And now

You failed with all of your copy cat J 1 to J100. Last year 5 J10 fell down (Declared figure) and four in previous year. . J20 has losts of design problems. J 31 is a junk. J 15 can not carry more than 2 ton payload from Aircraft career. Lioning engine failed and it was found not good for even training. You failed in engine inspte 16 bn USD engine. You filled in Mars mission. You have no plan for planatory study (Like we launched mini Hubble). You tried to copy Brahmos and failed. You tried to copy HQ 9 and ultimately ended up buying S 400. You said your planes are better than that of Russia and ultimately bought Su 35. Same is in the case of Submarine. After tall claims, you bought Russian submarine. We comissioned fast breeder reactor 30 years before you.

ohhhhh it is stupid????

Let me quote the link once again.


in 2014 World bank Data.


Now if you are not stupid, you will be able to find out percentage of poors from the data of world bank from above chart.


Now I quote from this article.

When China claimed to have lifted 220 million people out of poverty, guess what its poverty line was? Just $85 per year, or $0.24 per day! Whatever statistical adjustments you make for comparability, it was far lower than today’s Tendulkar line. Did today’s critics of the Tendulkar line castigate China for fudging? No, they sang China’s praises.

Now keep bregging and exposing your idiocy. I am closing. I have to go.

Why go so fast after posting so many garbage? Our engine is doing well.

Your kaveri engine cant even power any plane. :lol:

You supercomputer claim is as good as India bragging to be superpower in 2012 or surpass Shanghai with Mumbai in 2012 which all failed miserably. :enjoy:

Arjun is a real failure as 300 more T-90s ae bought.

As for manned mission, can't do it of cos you claimed as not a priority. Then why need to test manned capsule? :lol:
While you requested me to use WORLD BANK DATA for a uniform comparison, you refused to cite any data from the World Bank website directly. What a nice example of double-standard!!

Now let me paste you the data again. All of them comes from worldbank.org

View attachment 312583

View attachment 312584

View attachment 312585
We should have a clear understanding that we need work harder since our per capita level is still quite low.
No delusional bragging and work harder.
屏幕快照 2016-06-22 22.46.37.png
屏幕快照 2016-06-22 22.48.10.png
屏幕快照 2016-06-22 22.47.53.png
llok here who has delusion and who is a liar?

1) We never attempted man mission and it was not at all our priority nor it is a priority today.
2) It is china which failed in moon mission very badly. Our moon mission is sucessful of all till date and bring in a lots and lots of information including the search of water.
4) Yes we failed in Kaveri. We could not derive wet thrust as per requirement though we exceedd dry thrust. You failed miserably in engine inspite of earmarking 16 BN USD budget for engine and still using russian engines. You could not copy pest the same .
5) We are very sucessful with Arjun. We developed MK2 version as well. A very lethal tank comparable to anything in desert.
6) We never faile in super computing. We build all as per design very quickly. Now our world's fastes SC is coming. 600 times faster than yours.

And now

You failed with all of your copy cat J 1 to J100. Last year 5 J10 fell down (Declared figure) and four in previous year. . J20 has losts of design problems. J 31 is a junk. J 15 can not carry more than 2 ton payload from Aircraft career. Lioning engine failed and it was found not good for even training. You failed in engine inspte 16 bn USD engine. You filled in Mars mission. You have no plan for planatory study (Like we launched mini Hubble). You tried to copy Brahmos and failed. You tried to copy HQ 9 and ultimately ended up buying S 400. You said your planes are better than that of Russia and ultimately bought Su 35. Same is in the case of Submarine. After tall claims, you bought Russian submarine. We comissioned fast breeder reactor 30 years before you.

The change on arms imports between China and India, either absolute value, or as a percentage of total defense budget, tells us who is making steady progress, who is becoming more and more reliant on imported technology.


BTW, when I was a very small child and heard the name of Arjun MBT for the first time, the tank game I played looks like this.

But now, the tank game my nephew plays looks like this.

But almost 40 years passed, has the Arjun MBT program been completed? Maybe DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) of India thinks yes, but the Indian Army, the actual user of Arjun, thinks NO.


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