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China does it again...

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Oct 28, 2010
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China court jails father of 'tainted milk' child

A Chinese court has handed down a two-and-a-half year jail sentence to a man who organised a website for parents of children who became ill from drinking tainted milk after his own son became sick.

The court found Zhao Lianhai guilty of "inciting social disorder", his wife Li Xuemei told Reuters.

"Of course we cannot accept this. We will appeal. This is something we have to do," Li said by telephone after the verdict was read out in a Beijing court.

Zhao founded "Kidney Stone Babies" in 2008 to provide information and resources for parents after about 300,000 Chinese infants were taken ill, with some 50,000 hospitalised, after drinking milk formula deliberately tainted with melamine. At least six babies died.

Police formally arrested Zhao last December, charging him with the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble. The charge carries a maximum penalty of five years' imprisonment.

"He has already been in jail almost a year. It's so unfair," Li added.

Amnesty International condemned the sentence.

"We are appalled that the authorities have imprisoned a man the Chinese public rightly view as a protector of children, not a criminal," said Catherine Baber, Amnesty International's deputy director for the Asia-Pacific region.

"Zhao Lianhai should never have been arrested for organising a self-help group and exercising his legal rights to seek compensation from a commercial firm," Baber added.

After an initial cover-up during the Olympic Games in Beijing, China jailed or executed a handful of farmers, milk dealers and executives at Sanlu – the dairy firm that sold the tainted milk – but never announced the sentences for government officials detained after the scandal.

Farmers and dealers had put melamine, an ingredient in plastics and fertiliser, in poor quality milk to show higher protein levels in tests.

Sanlu executives said they reported the problem to the government in August 2008, shortly before the Olympic Games, but China took no public action until September, when Sanlu's partner, dairy co-operative Fonterra, took up the matter with the New Zealand government.

China set up a compensation fund for children whose health had been seriously damaged, but the children of many of the parents who allied with Zhao were not eligible for compensation.

China court jails father of 'tainted milk' child | World news | guardian.co.uk

I just don't understand why the Chinese don't wisen up regarding human rights. I can understand jailing political dissidents to protect the Government, even though I certainly don't condone it. But jailing parents who were requested compensation for their poisoned babies is just downright absurd. First Chinese corporations adulterate baby milk for profit and then you jail parents who complain.

After all this, the Chinese still calmly say that the have the highest regard for human rights. You can't blame the rest of the world for criticizing China after things like this occur. In my opinion, unless this blatant disregard for free speech is rectified, China will never be able to shrug of it's image of having an oppressive communist regime.
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This is a controversial decision, even among the Chinese people, I personally oppose, although it is indeed a lenient sentence, but this is not a good method, however, it is only to expose some facts that will help China to solve some real problems. Do not need to take such a decision.
Even if it is a legally valid decision, but I even do not support this law,that needs some modifications. As for the communist, I suggest you shut up that it did not help to explain things.
I am so ashamed to be a part of a repressive and totalitarian race, thank you for showing me the light. I don't where'd I'd have ended up if not for you looking down on me.
China court jails father of 'tainted milk' child | World news | guardian.co.uk

I just don't understand why the Chinese don't wisen up regarding human rights. I can understand jailing political dissidents to protect the Government, even though I certainly don't condone it. But jailing parents who were requested compensation for their poisoned babies is just downright absurd. First Chinese corporations adulterate baby milk for profit and then you jail parents who complain.

After all this, the Chinese still calmly say that the have the highest regard for human rights. You can't blame the rest of the world for criticizing China after things like this occur. In my opinion, unless this blatant disregard for free speech is rectified, China will never be able to shrug of it's image of having an oppressive communist regime.

Who do u think you are to tell us about human rights? the biggest violation of human rights is poverty, and just a little hint the number of people living in poverty in india is more than the whole of african continments combined.
However, it is a legally valid decision, but I even do not support this law.that needs some modifications. As for the communist, I suggest you shut up that it did not help to explain things.

Listen buddy, I don't think you were paying any attention. No one suggested that this is because China is a Communist country. Anyone who follows international media will however realize that many western countries are still paranoid regarding communism, and the fact that human right abuses happen in China does not do communism any good.

I hail from one of the few communist ruled states in India and I am far from anti-communist. You, however have to accept that certain criticism may harm your political ideals, instead of asking people who state the obvious to shut up. I come from a country where there is free speech buddy and I like saying what i think....not that i expect you to understand it.
Human right is going better and better in China, I think more than 80% chinese won't support this decision
Listen buddy, I don't think you were paying any attention. No one suggested that this is because China is a Communist country. Anyone who follows international media will however realize that many western countries are still paranoid regarding communism, and the fact that human right abuses happen in China does not do communism any good.

I hail from one of the few communist ruled states in India and I am far from anti-communist. You, however have to accept that certain criticism may harm your political ideals, instead of asking people who state the obvious to shut up. I come from a country where there is free speech buddy and I like saying what i think....not that i expect you to understand it.

A tear in appreciation of your sympathy.
do not turn the thread into democracy vs communuists please.....as for the news, good that it got exposed, hopefully the right action will be taken, but arresting Zhao Lianhai was undpubtedly a wrong move.
I am so ashamed to be a part of a repressive and totalitarian race, thank you for showing me the light. I don't where'd I'd have ended up if not for you looking down on me.

There you go, making it sound like this has something to do with racism........

Who do u think you are to tell us about human rights? the biggest violation of human rights is poverty, and just a little hint the number of people living in poverty in india is more than the whole of african continments combined.
Today 09:10 PM

And the next standard reply.... India's poverty...and what has that got to do with free speech in China??. At least we don't try to poison all the poor with tainted baby milk. Poverty is not human rights violation, if so all the leaders of poor nations should be immediately arrested. It just means that people are too poor to live afford basic necessities .... not that I expect you to know anything about human rights.

But then again, it's your country. If you feel that parents asking for compensation for their poisoned babies should be thrown in jail, why should I bother to correct you? My country however, gives me the right to give my opinion on anything I feel like and that is what I have done. If you don't like it, go back to reading your little red books, it's not like you can throw me into jail anyway.
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Who do u think you are to tell us about human rights? the biggest violation of human rights is poverty, and just a little hint the number of people living in poverty in india is more than the whole of african continments combined.

India has more population then all of Africa. And look at the state of pretty much every post-colonial nation(not so good). India will get better, and its on the right direction.

And this is really non of Indians buisness. Why do Indians care about this news? Let China take care of its problems.
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I was envious of China for giving the death sentence to the perpetrator of the poisoned baby milk food case. That kind of quick and harsh justice is sometimes called for. Even though, it may not meet the rigorous judicial scrutiny standards of Europe, we in India sorely need such judgments to meets the ends of justice for our people. It would also help rekindle the confidence of the public in their government.

Now this latest development as reported in this thread is perhaps not a step in the right direction.
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Listen buddy, I don't think you were paying any attention. No one suggested that this is because China is a Communist country. Anyone who follows international media will however realize that many western countries are still paranoid regarding communism, and the fact that human right abuses happen in China does not do communism any good.

I hail from one of the few communist ruled states in India and I am far from anti-communist. You, however have to accept that certain criticism may harm your political ideals, instead of asking people who state the obvious to shut up. I come from a country where there is free speech buddy and I like saying what i think....not that i expect you to understand it.

There you go, making it sound like this has something to do with racism........

And the next standard reply.... India's poverty...and what has that got to do with free speech in China??. At least we don't try to poison all the poor with tainted baby milk. Poverty is not human rights violation, if so all the leaders of poor nations should be immediately arrested. It just means that people are too poor to live afford basic necessities .... not that I expect you to know anything about human rights.

This is laughable, you recoil at being called a racist but then you automatically assume that anyone ethnically Chinese (even if they are citizens of liberal democratic countries) is racially inherently unable to understand HR and freespeech.

You are a hypocrite without enough self-awareness to even realize it.
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Listen buddy, I don't think you were paying any attention. No one suggested that this is because China is a Communist country. Anyone who follows international media will however realize that many western countries are still paranoid regarding communism, and the fact that human right abuses happen in China does not do communism any good.

I hail from one of the few communist ruled states in India and I am far from anti-communist. You, however have to accept that certain criticism may harm your political ideals, instead of asking people who state the obvious to shut up. I come from a country where there is free speech buddy and I like saying what i think....not that i expect you to understand it.

1, the news can be found, all not to take any freedom of speech nonsense.


2, in law, it is a reasonable decision, which can not be denied, or that it is procedural justice.

But my personal attitude is the need to change the law, or with a lighter sentence, it is better for everyone.
Listen buddy, I don't think you were paying any attention. No one suggested that this is because China is a Communist country. Anyone who follows international media will however realize that many western countries are still paranoid regarding communism, and the fact that human right abuses happen in China does not do communism any good.

I hail from one of the few communist ruled states in India and I am far from anti-communist. You, however have to accept that certain criticism may harm your political ideals, instead of asking people who state the obvious to shut up. I come from a country where there is free speech buddy and I like saying what i think....not that i expect you to understand it.

I suggest you shut up because you do not even know that China is more capitalist than the U.S. now, so shut up, you do not have any common knowledge.
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