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China Displaces U.S. as the EU’s Largest Trade Partner


Nov 4, 2011
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China Displaces U.S. as the EU’s Largest Trade Partner
Published on July 14, 2021

How China Became the Largest EU Trade Partner
Historically, America has long been the EU’s top country to trade with, but in 2020, that trend came to a screeching halt.

A $26.7 billion boost for Chinese imports, in addition to a $5.3 billion increase in EU exports, has resulted in China officially becoming the EU’s largest trade partner.

This data looks at a decade of growing trade between the EU and China.


Playing Catch Up
Displacing the U.S. as a trade partner serves as yet another reminder that China is playing catch up to America’s economy. In 2020, there was an approximate $5.6 trillion gap in nominal GDP between the two nations. A decade ago, the gap was larger at $9 trillion.

The gap continues to shrink due to the differing growth rates in GDP. Between 2010-2020, U.S. nominal GDP growth was in the 1-2% range. During the same time, China’s GDP growth ranged from a high of 10.6% to a low of 6.1%.

An Economic Love Story
If you’re counting on China to run out of stuff to sell, don’t hold your breath. China is a manufacturing titan, and has become a top trading partner of 128 countries. EU imports from China grew 35% in the last decade, and overall imports were worth around $463 billion in 2020.

The EU buys much more from China than what it sells. Exports valued at $245 billion make up just over half (52%) of what it imports. As a result, the EU has a ballooning trade deficit.

Past Rivals
Challenging the U.S. for the economic throne is hardly a new endeavor. In the post-WWII era, Japan experienced a similar economic trajectory. And at the time, concerns about Japan surpassing America were alive and well. At one point, Japanese equities collectively represented some 46% of global stock market capitalization, and the value of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo was notionally worth more than all the real estate in California.

But eventually things began to subside, and a new challenger in China emerged. Today, China is experiencing similar milestones that hint at a growing economic power. Such as Beijing becoming the top city for global billionaires.

Will the 21st century mimic the 20th? Or will we witness the U.S. fall from the top of the economic food chain?

The US could not accept the fact that they are no more number 1 hence they resolving in hideous tactic ussually gentlemen will not use to bash and lie about CN. Insecure and lost without honor.


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bound to happen... China is a manufacturing superpower by some distance!!!!!!! Just hope we Pakistanis can learn something from you guys!
Now China is the top trading partner for almost every country on this planet, why US is still the top economy in dollar term?
China is the top trading partner bcs Covid make most of factories in EU-India etc closed, they can manufacture products anymore but buying PPE, ventilators, oxygen cylinder etc from CN.

but when Covid is over, then CN may even have to face with a every hard punishment from EU-India and US of course.
Few Brahmos can also help Vietnamese people to join the party, even better of you guys can develop nukes somehow ;)
I bet that CN don't want Covid to be over soon, so they can keep export their products to the world while many countries (India-EU-US) can't open their factories and those CNese can keep bragging how "good" their export is....but they just don't know what will happen to CN when Covid is over, more punishment will slap on CN for sure :p:
China is the top trading partner bcs Covid make most of factories in EU-India etc closed, they can manufacture products anymore but buying PPE, ventilators, oxygen cylinder etc from CN.

but when Covid is over, then CN may even have to face with a every hard punishment from EU-India and US of course.
You are right, the economic growth rate is now much lower than the previous two years.

The figure puts average H1 growth for the past two years at 5.3 percent, 0.3 percentage points faster than the two-year average of Q1 growth from the 2019 level, according to the NBS.

According to the Chinese central bank's mid-price, the average exchange rate against the U.S. dollar in the first half of the year was 6.4718, and the half-year U.S. dollar GDP was $822.29 billion, with a nominal U.S. dollar growth rate of 26.6%.
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You are right, the economic growth rate is now much lower than the previous two years.

The figure puts average H1 growth for the past two years at 5.3 percent, 0.3 percentage points faster than the two-year average of Q1 growth from the 2019 level, according to the NBS.
Im not sure u are saying CN economic growth rate is now much lower or much faster, but CN suddenly , CN is the top trading partner mainly bcs factories in India-EU-US still have to close due to Covid and those countries are accusing CN for spreading Corona virus.
I bet that CN don't want Covid to be over soon, so they can keep export their products to the world while many countries (India-EU-US) can't open their factories and those CNese can keep bragging how "good" their export is....but they just don't know what will happen to CN when Covid is over, more punishment will slap on CN for sure :p:
will covid be over by 2023?
I am glad that CN lives in mediaeval times and thinks that world is still filled with barbarians. 😂 They effectively United almost entire Asia, Europe and USA in single group. 😂😂

Their foreign policy is a gift that keeps on giving. 😆

While we can't export our weapons we have USA and Europe on our side and not to mention Russia as well. 😉
so funny .
those countries are accusing CN for spreading Corona virus.
Yes, they are doing that. And it's not just in the virus piece that they're blaming China for. They are working and ramping up their accusations against China in almost every area. It's in their interest and their feelings that they have to do everything they could to stop the renaissance of China.

"New China Collapse Theory" from a Vietnamese
This is no different from the United States, Japan, South Korea, and India. A weakened China is in their interest and feelings.
Yes, they are doing that. And it's not just in the virus piece that they're blaming China for. They are working and ramping up their accusations against China in almost every area. It's in their interest and their feelings that they have to do everything they could to stop the renaissance of China.
Btw, just don't delude yourself that CN will still be the top trading partner for almost every country on this planet . India-EU-US still have to buying PPE, ventilators, oxygen cylinder etc from CN bcs their factories are still close due to Covid. When Covis is over , then CN will not able to export a huge amount of PPE, ventilators, oxygen cylinders anymore.
Btw, just don't delude yourself that CN will still be the top trading partner for almost every country on this planet . India-EU-US still have to buying PPE, ventilators, oxygen cylinder etc from CN bcs their factories are still close due to Covid. When Covis is over , then CN will not able to export a huge amount of PPE, ventilators, oxygen cylinders anymore.

When COVID is over, CN will export new products of what the world need efficiently at a more cost effective
price compared to the rest of world. The world is changing all the time, but CN also changing to meet the new demand of the world.
That's why CN will continue to prosper. VN needs to continue to learn from CN. :bunny::-)
When COVID is over, CN will export new products of what the world need efficiently at a more cost effective
price compared to the rest of world. The world is changing all the time, but CN also changing to meet the new demand of the world.
That's why CN will continue to prosper. VN needs to continue to learn from CN. :bunny::-)
Of course VN will keep learning from CN, thats why VN also make our own 5G stuff/ EV cars and plan to sell them in EU-US markets now.

CN can keep making 6G/7G , but those products will get ban and high tariff from EU-US like Huawei 5G/ phones, so not many ppl will buy those products .... And when CN can't sell PPE, ventilators, oxygen cylinders anymore then CN will get stuck in the middle income trap like Libya and Argentina .
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