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China disagrees to so-clled G2, calling for effort to fight protectionism

grey boy 2

Jul 23, 2009
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United States
Wen: China disagrees to so-called G2, calling for effort to fight protectionism - People's Daily Online
November 18, 2009

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao meets visiting U.S. President Barack Obama in Beijing on Nov. 18, 2009. (Xinhua/Ma Zhancheng)

China disagrees to the suggestion of a "Group of Two" (G2), Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said at a meeting with visiting U.S. President Barack Obama here on Wednesday.

China is still a developing country with a huge population and has a long way to go before it becomes modernized, Wen said, stressing "We must always keep sober-minded over it".

China pursues the independent foreign policy of peace and will not align with any country or country blocks, Wen said.

Global issues should decided by all nations in the world, rather than one or two countries, he added.

"Meanwhile, we believe Sino-U.S. cooperation can play a unique role in advancing the establishment of the new international political and economic order, as well as promoting world peace, stability and prosperity," Wen said.

Wen noted that the bilateral trade volume between China and the United States has increased greatly since the two countries established diplomatic ties 30 years ago.

"This is in the fundamental interests of both countries and their people," Wen said. "We do not pursue trade surplus and I hope the United States would lift its policy of restricting high-tech products exports to China and increase their proportion in the U.S. exports to China.

"Meanwhile, our two countries should strengthen mutual investment and cooperation in such fields as energy, environmental protection and high technology for a more balanced bilateral trade," Wen said.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao meets visiting U.S. President Barack Obama in Beijing on Nov. 18, 2009. (Xinhua/Yao Dawei)

The revival of world trade and investment is beneficial to the global effort to cope with the financial crisis and help accelerate the recovery of the world economy, he said.

"China and the United States should work together to fight against protectionism in trade and investment," Wen said.

Obama, who described U.S.-China relations as of global significance, said U.S.-China cooperation is crucial as far as major global issues such as economic recovery, climate change and regional and global peace are concerned.

He hoped the two countries would abandon distrust and misunderstanding, strengthen exchange and cooperation, so as to push U.S.-China relations forward.

The United States appreciates and supports the Chinese government's efforts in developing the economy and reducing poverty, said Obama, adding that the development of China is beneficial to the world.

The United States and China are important trade partners for each other, which has brought huge benefits to both countries, while trade protectionism does no good to either side, Obama said.

He said the United States appreciates China's efforts to adjustthe economic structure, expand domestic demand, protect intellectual property rights and reform the Renminbi exchange rateregime.

The United States would properly handle bilateral trade frictions so that they would not harm the interests of the two countries, Obama said.

The United States has noted China's concern over the export control to China and is willing to take measures and increase high-tech product exports to China, he added.

Before their formal meeting in the State Guesthouse Wednesday morning, Wen said Obama's fruitful visit, the first state visit to China since he took office in January, would be of far-reaching significance.

He expressed his "sincere hope" that Obama's China visit would lift the comprehensive and cooperative China-US relations to a new level.

"The history of Sino-US relations has made it clear that cooperation benefits both sides while confrontation results in harms, and mutual trust brings progress while suspicion causes setbacks," Wen said.

Cooperation is better than containment, dialogue is better than confrontation, and partnership is better than rival ship, he added.

Wen and Obama also exchanged views on global climate change, the Korean Peninsula situation, the Middle East issue and Doha round of world trade talks.

Obama arrived in Shanghai on Sunday night to kick off his four-day visit to China, where on Monday he met with municipal officials and college students and then flied to Beijing in the afternoon.

On Tuesday in Beijing, Chinese President Hu Jintao held talks with Obama, and they reached a wide range of agreements on furthering strategic mutual trust, maintaining exchanges at all levels and meeting global and regional challenges together.

A joint statement was issued after the talks.

Obama also met with China' top legislator Wu Bangguo during his stay in Beijing.

Source: Xinhua
China got guts to disagree with the USA, whereas India is always under USA foot.

Kudos to china.

China got guts to disagree with the USA, whereas India is always under USA foot.

Kudos to china.


India has not granted any Country the liberty to cross its limitations, and why would Indian reject the offers which are helpfull to INDIA, and what happend to USA when it put china as the boss of south asia and appointed them to Monitor Indo-pakistan relations...India rejected it, we dont want a boss. USA is never an ally at all, its just a trading prtner and a strategic one, but can never trust them for sure, USA can never come even close to our alliance with russia...

And how do u say That India is under USA's foot? Are they giving aid to us? are we agreeing to every law they make ? nop I dont think so
... and what happend to USA when it put china as the boss of south asia and appointed them to Monitor Indo-pakistan relations...India rejected it, we dont want a boss. ...

Wrong perception.

No, this is not called boss. China wants to be nobody's boss.

Its called "stake holder". The US has a stake in SA and would like to share that stake with China. It also shares some Afghani stake with India.

If you have a sharable stake, it is up to you to share it with other or not.

Are you a boss over Afghanistan? Of course, not. :lol:

neither u got the guts to make our gov to send troops to afghanistan and sign the n deal in its real form

and dont talk about foot thing india is the one country which has been problem for usa for very long time -forgot the russia thing and ctbt and nuclera test and 1971 and npt and many more, india is boss of its own
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India has not granted any Country the liberty to cross its limitations, and why would Indian reject the offers which are helpfull to INDIA, and what happend to USA when it put china as the boss of south asia and appointed them to Monitor Indo-pakistan relations...India rejected it, we dont want a boss. USA is never an ally at all, its just a trading prtner and a strategic one, but can never trust them for sure, USA can never come even close to our alliance with russia...

And how do u say That India is under USA's foot? Are they giving aid to us? are we agreeing to every law they make ? nop I dont think so

Every time USA does something, that hurt India little bit , Indian Government raise voice, than USA would say, "India is our good friend".
After that Indian government get happy and start thinking that WE are really good friend of USA.

neither u got the guts to make our gov to send troops to afghanistan and sign the n deal in its real form

and dont talk about foot thing india is the one country which has been problem for usa for very long time -forgot the russia thing and ctbt and nuclera test and 1971 and npt and many more, india is boss of its own

Can you please give more info on it?
i disagree with that.
Please post any example of your intellecual post.

You may not like my post, but this post does make sense to other chiness and Pakistani members, So you alone cannot just judge my post, whether it's intellectual or not.

i always tries to be neutral, when it's Indian government fault, i blame them. just because i am an Indian does not mean i will overlook about India government work.
You may not like my post, but this post does make sense to other chiness and Pakistani members, So you alone cannot just judge my post, whether it's intellectual or not.

i always tries to be neutral, when it's Indian government fault, i blame them. just because i am an Indian does not mean i will overlook about India government work.

My post was more of sarcasm rather than judgement.

I still do not get how India is "under" USA's foot? If you can give some example, I would be thankful.

History shows otherwise. There are many instances of them. Some are NAM, closeness towards USSR/Russia, Indo-Iran relation, 1998 nuclear test etc. etc. Clearly USA was never in favour of these. I mean India does what suites it best.

Can you please give more info on it?
i disagree with that.

evrybody knows usa wanted indian troops in afghanistan .in 1971 ur
mr. president nixon almost tried everything in order to stop us but in vain
.everybody knows our relation with ussr is good when ur gov was busy trying
to turn everybody into anti ussr.in cold war we refused to be non-alligned another initiative by ur gov.there are many more but for a while this is enough
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evrybody knows usa wanted indian troops in afghanistan .in 1971 ur
mr. president nixon almost tried everything in order to stop us but in vain
.everybody knows our relation with ussr is good when ur gov was busy trying
to turn everybody into anti ussr.in cold war we refused to be alligned another initiative by ur gov.there are many more but for a while this is enough

^^^ adding to this Bush wanted Indian troops in Iraq too..We rejected sending our troops there..So much arrogance for someone under the boot of US :disagree:
india is kindal of **** magazine to superpower,when you have girls,it's nothing.but it's really working in hard times.especially when you feel so alone
india is kindal of **** magazine to superpower,when you have girls,it's nothing.but it's really working in hard times.especially when you feel so alone

Care to elaborate??

this is the path chosen by us not to support anybodys evil cause so we r alone but not out

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