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China Didn't Give Us the Coronavirus. Europe Did.

The question is if this is a manufactured agent or a natural transmission from animals which is the official narrative. Suppose that it is manufactured there are several unanswered questions.

One scenario is this was first seen in usa in summer there were cases of lung disease connected to electronic cigarettes (https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1181292.shtml). Unless tests are made to show otherwise there is still possibility that the cases were covid. Also After China it spread to Iran's religeous city Kum which is not a touristic place. Where did those cases come from What is the genetic linking of the virus samples there for example. It can show that the agent is planted if the genetic relationship is low or more related to ground zero initial virus samples in wuhan than other areas.

From Chinese side there are accusations that the first cases are reported by some doctors before december outbreak and it was dismissed. This also is an issue that needs to be investigated by Chinese officials and find the responsibles if any since global criminal power groups-secret societies have its reach to any place and community.

But it is sufficient to say that trump or anyone else who uses this to start a conflict, a war is connected to this power group. Jumping into conflict blindly without finding the power group behind it will give them the opportunity they want. Last time when Ottoman empire entered ww1 blindly it lost most of what it had left and also israel started to establish itself there. Maybe this time the aim is to catch all muslim countries unprepared and not strong enough if we jump into any conflict blindly throwing oil into fire without trying to first how to neutralize the conflict, solve it finding the reason and responsibles behind it. Otherwise China is a long term ally and is known to have high self control resolving previous conflicts with usa and others. Since China is a nuclear power trump can't risk a military conflict but some show off as always. China is also well prepared against a limited Usa standoff in South China sea which is deterrant enough. We should help China with intel, logistics and trade against usa economic attacks and threats.
China successfully contained the virus without time luxury of prior preparation other countries had, now there's no new cases in the country, viruses come and go throughout the human history, if you are unable to deal with them, that's your problem. US gave China AIDS, we didn't complain cause we know Americans are victims too

I completely agree with it.

The world today is already very different.

Politics is getting more intense, human emotion is getting higher.

Like a rolling snowball, I don't know what the world politics look like 20 years from today.
What matters to all the China haters and jealous sour grapes is not where it started, who got infected by whom or how countries managed the crisis, but that China gets blamed even if it did not start in China, even if less countries have been infected by China than by America or Europe and even if China handled it better and more transparently than selfproclaimed "civilized" "free" "leaders" of the world despite no month long early warnings.
China successfully contained the virus without time luxury of prior preparation other countries had, now there's no new cases in the country, viruses come and go throughout the human history, if you are unable to deal with them, that's your problem. US gave China AIDS, we didn't complain cause we know Americans are victims too

for the record AIDS originated in Africa
I don't know.

Because seeing the number of total infections, Group A existence, and some Twitter comments from USA.

It's like USA who infected Europe, rather than its way around.

But only science can tell.
If we infected Europe as you said, and the virus escaped from out lab back in the summer, you know how quick it would travel and killed as you see now, as well as in the states with 100k plus deaths in 3 months. Wouldn't start in Spring of this year. Would have started in the fall of last year.
China successfully contained the virus without time luxury of prior preparation other countries had

China actually did have a luxury for proper containment before it spread to the rest of the world, china didn't care and kept it secret, even when it became a public knowledge china still complaint that why the countries were putting ban on travel and flights to china.

I do agree that the US and NATO did know about it and yet they did nothing, donald trump and boris jhonson were not eager parties to impose a lockdown.

If we infected Europe as you said, and the virus escaped from out lab back in the summer, you know how quick it would travel and killed as you see now, as well as in the states with 100k plus deaths in 3 months. Wouldn't start in Spring of this year. Would have started in the fall of last year.
In that case, let WHO investigate to see if the Virus had mutated to become more efficient in infecting since it FIRST ORIGINATED IN THE US.
Its now a FACT that the virus start much earlier, let INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATIONS to determine where IT STARTED IN THE US.

The ORIGINAL virus strain that STARTED IN THE US is type A, which is predominant in the US and Australia.
Cases in the US became severe after the latest strain type C returned to the US from the EU.
China to Europe to USA.

What counts is where it started from.

A car slips on the road during a fog and rolls into a snowbank. The driver puts out flares and sets his emergency blinkers, but another car is following him too closely and hits his car. Now both drivers are putting out flares and setting emergency blinkers.

A third car sees flares and emergency blinkers. The driver decides that flares are a hoax and emergency blinkers do not exist, and that the black ice and fog on the road is a liberal ploy to deny him the freedom to drive as fast as he wants.

He totals his car into a rock cliff. He blames the first 2 cars for setting out flares that distracted him.
A car slips on the road during a fog and rolls into a snowbank. The driver puts out flares and sets his emergency blinkers, but another car is following him too closely and hits his car. Now both drivers are putting out flares and setting emergency blinkers.

A third car sees flares and emergency blinkers. The driver decides that flares are a hoax and emergency blinkers do not exist, and that the black ice and fog on the road is a liberal ploy to deny him the freedom to drive as fast as he wants.

He totals his car into a rock cliff. He blames the first 2 cars for setting out flares that distracted him.

Like I say all that counts is where it came from.

If there was no spark in the first place, then no opportunity for others to mishandle anything.
Remember it doesnt matter where it came from.
It matters that China is blamed for what is in context of human history a frequent natural occurence.
So in doubt claim it came from China and hope for evidence that it actually came from China.
In the case there is hard proof it came from somewhere else, you can switch gear to "but China still bears responsibility because China somehow allowed/worsened the spread for reason x" or just pretend you didnt hear it and either way continue to blame China.
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In that case, let WHO investigate to see if the Virus had mutated to become more efficient in infecting since it FIRST ORIGINATED IN THE US.
Its now a FACT that the virus start much earlier, let INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATIONS to determine where IT STARTED IN THE US.

The ORIGINAL virus strain that STARTED IN THE US is type A, which is predominant in the US and Australia.
Cases in the US became severe after the latest strain type C returned to the US from the EU.
:o: Yes let the independent investigators support that assertion when China before refused such investigation if they were that confident it started last summer in the states.
:o: Yes let the independent investigators support that assertion when China before refused such investigation if they were that confident it started last summer in the states.
Sorry, do not twist the facts.
5 eyes witch hunting China centric "blame China" investigations led by Australia is DEAD.
Of course China would object.
The new initiative is by the EU.
An independent investigation with NO PRE-CONCEIVED BLAME led by WHO.

China has given its SUPPORT.
Where is the US SUPPORT, is it guilty conscious?
Hopefully the US will cooperate and ALLOW THE WORLD to check the MYSTERIOUS VAPING DEATHS and its relation with the LEAKS AT FORT DETRICK BIOWEAPONS LAB.
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Chinese eat bats. Bats are reservoir of deadly viruses. One unlucky Chinese contacted the mutated virus and then it spread like wildfire.

Chinese government is a professional liar and propagandist. Now we know they even hid information from WHO.

It's obvious China used it as a bio-weapon to destroy the economy of other countries while it profits.

Just the fact that China objected to countries locking down their borders shows their evil intentions
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