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China developing Anti Gravity Machine

and what's new with that ?

India is "also"-ing EVERYTHING, we get it.

whts new..india is also developing..

Why cannot you guys appreciate some development by Pakistan or China as a human achievement? Why you have complex of showing your D!C every time you see something good? Tch! Its not a WAR MACHINE that is coming to destroy India. Teach yourself some human values. Please!
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Oh the Indians have always been ahead with everything lol

They have been doing it for ages :D

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All the work that has been done in India in the name of "anti-gravity" has focused on generation of EM flux through the Lenz's law....which I think is quite lame...
how is China going about it?
I hope they have found a break-through...which I am sure would be very very difficult...
The Russians have been brilliant in physics...and they have been trying a lot to achieve a breakthrough in anti-gravity...they havewasted 10 years in the pursuit.
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