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China Deployed J-11B jets in Tibet

:lol:...JHMCS is not a radar which can track only target at a time, what i does is that instead of looking at radar scope and outside the cockpit, it brings up all the information gathered through AC systems into the visor so the pilot dont have to look into the radar scope and work with the systems. if there is no system integrationa and data management, then yes you do need a buddy to do this. but if a radar can track 15 targets and engage 4, then JHMCS will show you all the targets in the visor and also identify and lock the four closest ones. I hope you have good readings on JHMCS before posting

You didn't get my point.

Its not only about JHMCS I was mentioning during the tracking, It is a combat situation where you have to maneuver to avoid & engage simultaneously, will you first try to evade then attack, right?, as you are alone.

What if the pilot evades and the navigator keeps his eye on the censors& weapon systems?
Actually technology is alone is not a solution always in a manned aircraft.. human + technology complements each other.. Take for an example a trainer F16.. there is an expert and a novice in the cockpit.. the expert monitors the novice and does not fly the bird, where as novice learns the machine and does not monitor the expert which is the assigned role.. means learning is easy right??.. same applies here in MKI.. it makes the work easy..

India having huge land mass and where MKI is configured for mission from 10-20 hours it is better to have two people.. one can fly and other can take rest and share the work.. and the pilots dont feel alone in the dark mission... when the mission is on board each will do there duty and ultimately it is a team effort for the success..
If human+technology was the main Idea then world would not have been rushing for the unmaned airel vehacles. I agree, as for training yes you need some instructor, this what i exactly said before. but just compare F-22 and MKI here. All the F-22s are single seaters...I mean the sophistication of the systems that it has...going by your logic it should be two seaters. And regarding long range strike, F-22 is not built to point defence fighter, it will have to take longer flights than MKI, and LM knew this from the word go but why didn't they designed it to be a single seater? A simple answer is that when pilot will only get stressed up when he will have to work with the systems. check his spead, whether engines are working properly, any malfunctioning, this is what essentially creats stress and thus the need for another body. When all a pilot has to do is fly, i dont think that this would be that stressful.
You didn't get my point.

Its not only about JHMCS I was mentioning during the tracking, It is a combat situation where you have to maneuver to avoid & engage simultaneously, will you first try to evade then attack, right?, as you are alone.

What if the pilot evades and the navigator keeps his eye on the censors& weapon systems?

Exactly,this is where sensor fusion and system integration works at its best. You know where is who and what is coming at you from where and what to do,this enhance your situation awareness.
by kingdurgaking

Originally Posted by hasnain0099
Sir what I mean is that when you have 360% of view thanks to JHMCS and that too telling you where your adversary is and what weapons can you launch, would there bee a need for second pilot?..why to burden an airfraft with another seat when your systems can process all the information for which second pilot is needed?...
Actually technology is alone is not a solution always in a manned aircraft.. human + technology complements each other.. Take for an example a trainer F16.. there is an expert and a novice in the cockpit.. the expert monitors the novice and does not fly the bird, where as novice learns the machine and does not monitor the expert which is the assigned role.. means learning is easy right??.. same applies here in MKI.. it makes the work easy..

India having huge land mass and where MKI is configured for mission from 10-20 hours it is better to have two people.. one can fly and other can take rest and share the work.. and the pilots dont feel alone in the dark mission... when the mission is on board each will do there duty and ultimately it is a team effort for the success..
i agree with you sir.SU 30 MKI is two seated so pilots wont feel alone and work burden will be shared.
If human+technology was the main Idea then world would not have been rushing for the unmaned airel vehacles. I agree, as for training yes you need some instructor, this what i exactly said before. but just compare F-22 and MKI here. All the F-22s are single seaters...I mean the sophistication of the systems that it has...going by your logic it should be two seaters. And regarding long range strike, F-22 is not built to point defence fighter, it will have to take longer flights than MKI, and LM knew this from the word go but why didn't they designed it to be a single seater? A simple answer is that when pilot will only get stressed up when he will have to work with the systems. check his spead, whether engines are working properly, any malfunctioning, this is what essentially creats stress and thus the need for another body. When all a pilot has to do is fly, i dont think that this would be that stressful.

Flying is not a game just like that.. please ask the pilots around you how tough it is..
It seems you are reading the posts in hurry... i specifically mentioned in manned aircraft... where human intervention is must.. w.r.t to F-22
I am not sure the total capability of F-22..
i am not sure whether it makes the pilot dummy...
I am not sure whether all the work like take off, navigation, missile launch, missile lock , handling threats of missile is automated in F-22..
I am not sure whether the pilot just holds the throttle on stick and the bird does everything after that..

All i know is even if it is of such technological advantage if we have two person inside the F-22 cockpit the work will be still made easy for the pilots by monitoring the stats on the screen alternatively every hour dont you think so? this is what IAF does.. split the task and work... team work is always powerful than individual contribution because errors can be rectified then and there...
Guys, don't waste your time on the xx VS xx topic any more. there have been many of these and have been discussed to death. if you don't have an idea, just do a little bit search in this forum and you will got the answer.
Guys, don't waste your time on the xx VS xx topic any more. there have been many of these and have been discussed to death. if you don't have an idea, just do a little bit search in this forum and you will got the answer.


a country which brag sometimes is ordinary,but...which brag day by day is so thin.i have to acclaim for their clinging.
After illegally occupying Tibet, killing its people, building rail and road for military proposes, building troops barracks, military exercise near border to bully neighbor.

Now, another war mongering act by china. :tdown::tdown:

And they and their prime minister wen still claim th Indian media to create the hype of chinese threat.:devil:


where is the india man taking over after 1962?

no india amy ,no medal.pla expect you so many years~~~~

remember the truth,inida will never get tibet by braging.:azn:
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;1375592 said:
WeLL SaiD Bro. , TruLy Very weLL saiD inDeeD ... :agree:

:china: :pakistan:

His personal attack and your support to that, really shows maturity levels.
After illegally occupying Tibet, killing its people, building rail and road for military proposes, building troops barracks, military exercise near border to bully neighbor.

Now, another war mongering act by china. :tdown::tdown:

And they and their prime minister wen still claim th Indian media to create the hype of chinese threat.:devil:

His personal attack and your support to that, really shows maturity levels.

such as india guy provocationg chinese in tibet affair
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. :rofl:

You made me laugh so bad. :lol:
Do you have any idea what max take-off weight is?

MKI has more max take of weight, which means that it can carry more load. Even when its engines are not as powerful as the F-22, it can carry just as much load. That's the power of perfect aerodynamics, and design.

Max take off weight doesn't mean that its the weight of the aircraft. :rofl:

Still can't stop laughing. :lol:

The more max take-off weight means the better Maneuveabilty?
I wish all Indias are as so smart as you guy.
According to your theory,the maneuver ability of Su30MKI is the best in the wold,so could you explain why it had no Maneuver energy,and beated by F15C ruthlessly from the top in 2008 red-flag Against drill.
Or Indian pilot is poor quality?

You should know in this Against drill F15C take 3 fuel tank,but 30MKI didn't.And It proved that:TVC in 30MKI is useless.
The more max take-off weight means the better Maneuveabilty?
I wish all Indias are as so smart as you guy.
According to your theory,the maneuver ability of Su30MKI is the best in the wold,so could you explain why it had no Maneuver energy,and beated by F15C ruthlessly from the top in 2008 red-flag Against drill.
Or Indian pilot is poor quality?

You should know in this Against drill F15C take 3 fuel tank,but 30MKI didn't.And It proved that:TVC in 30MKI is useless.

I already stated before, MKI with a pair of underpowered engines won't become supermaneuvrable because of TVC. Too bad, our Indian friends refused to believe it.:disagree:
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. :rofl:

You made me laugh so bad. :lol:
Do you have any idea what max take-off weight is?

MKI has more max take of weight, which means that it can carry more load. Even when its engines are not as powerful as the F-22, it can carry just as much load. That's the power of perfect aerodynamics, and design.

Max take off weight doesn't mean that its the weight of the aircraft. :rofl:

Still can't stop laughing. :lol:

Max take off weight means the max total weight of this plane when it can still take off safely.

But more of it does not mean more weapon load if the weight except weapons are much more bigger.

As I know, an MKI itself is a good heavy plane which can carry at least as much load of what an F-22 can. But TVC won't help much if the plane's relative energy to the enemy is too low, because it will neither have enough lift to stay relatively high in the air nor be controllable for long.

Take one super maneuver you may shoot the enemy down, take 2 in a short period or at low speed, you doom yourself by stall.

And you'd better shoot the enemy down after the first energy cost super maneuver if your jet's T-W ratio is not that big as F-22s, because after losing too many energy this plane can not take any effective controllable maneuver any more.
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