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China demands probe into Aussies’ crimes of murdering 39 Afghan civilians in Afghanistan

Lol.. of cos the white master will tell u uighur are persecuted by Chinese. They are plenty of fake video and photo manipulate of Uighur torture intend to stroke feeling of naviety like u to gain a few cheap shot against Chinese.

On the PDF, there is a Bangladeshi member insulting China.

He wants more PDF members to support his anti-China stance. So first he proves himself a lover of Chinese culture and history, and then writes down the reasons why he hates China, proving China is a bad country.

1. Chinese company does not let bangladesh workers pray.
2. The Rohanyal are treated badly in Myanmar, China has good relations with the Myanmar government-> China is wrong.
3. Uighurs are persecuted by the Chinese government

1. Chinese company does not let bangladesh workers pray.
The company is not a philanthropist. If religion and business conflict, negotiate first. And they choose to be quiet, take money and insult the Chinese company in their spare time, claiming the Chinese company does not respect their religion.
2. The Rohanyal are treated badly in Myanmar, China has good relations with the Myanmar government-> China is wrong.
- This view is very humorous. China does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. China and Myanmar are not in conflict. Why should China try to become an enemy of Myanmar?
- He condemned China for the Myanmar minority, but avoids mentioning the United States and Israel, not mentioning India and Kashmir ...

3. Uighurs are persecuted by the Chinese government
- He has never been to China or Xinjiang, all he knows is watch youtube and the western media. And he was certain that the genocidal Uighurs were real.

Conclusion: he is a liar and a hypocrite.

@Beast Do you see the same scenario here. A liar and hypocrite with twisted logic
Using your logic, now China is helping Australians to get rid of a racist, murderous regime.

If the North had not liberated the South from that America's puppet regime, now South Vietnam would have been like the Phillipines or Indonesia at best.

Maybe it would be like south korea? Vietnamese seem like pretty capable people why not?
If you are in china, you probably don't have access to the right information. You know bad things are happening to the uyugir, its a total disgrace. I can understand individuals can be terrorists or separatists, but these are whole families put into prisons or camps and god knows what happens to them there. Brain washing etc at the very least.

Anyway, do you think that The chinese in Malaysia or australia should get the same treatment as the uygirs and getting in china?

If I rounded up some chinese families and brainwashed them about democracy, performed some abortion on some women, and gave some women surgery to make them sterile, would you like me? would you think I'm a nice person?

They did, but that was not a racist thing. They did save vietnam after all.

Many soviet troops were asiatic/turkic. Many afghans (pashtuns particularly) are very quite sort of people. After a good shave a nice suit, they could easily pass as British. many others are like italians etc. I'd say good number of greeks and southern itlains are darker than many afghans.

Soviet union was not a racist society. Russia even today is not a very racist society either. Not even close to america or australia.

While I am no fan of China's forced assimilationist policies towards the Uighurs, much of the sensationalist news articles are straight up CIA propaganda with absolutely no proof. It is called "atrocity propaganda" and is a well worn tool just like Iraq's WMD, Saddam's killing of Kuwaiti babies, Assad gassing children, etc.

While I am no fan of China's forced assimilationist policies towards the Uighurs, much of the sensationalist news articles are straight up CIA propaganda with absolutely no proof. It is called "atrocity propaganda" and is a well worn tool just like Iraq's WMD, Saddam's killing of Kuwaiti babies, Assad gassing children, etc.

Well if you read a bit about what they are doing to the uygurs and indeed what they have done to their own people, any rational person will come to the conclusion that This is a criminal regime. I really feel sorry for the Chinese people. I mean look at Taiwan or Hong Kong, to see what Chinese people are capable of when allowed to be free.

This regime is now facing the west which will devote decades to dismantling china. But that's not much help to these poor victims of these horrors.

But as I said. china has played a crucial role in creating the only truly independent muslim country. Pakistan.

But I don't know if anyone with any humanity can look at the actions of the Chinese and be ok with it. They are a cruel people. Look how they milk some animals for their bile etc. its just sick.

At the end of the day, I as any person living in the west can simply never allow china to take a position where it would dominate western countries. That would be the end of the world as we know it for westerners.

Westerners probably have no greater fear than being dominated over by Chinese.
Well if you read a bit about what they are doing to the uygurs and indeed what they have done to their own people, any rational person will come to the conclusion that This is a criminal regime. I really feel sorry for the Chinese people. I mean look at Taiwan or Hong Kong, to see what Chinese people are capable of when allowed to be free.

This regime is now facing the west which will devote decades to dismantling china. But that's not much help to these poor victims of these horrors.

But as I said. china has played a crucial role in creating the only truly independent muslim country. Pakistan.

But I don't know if anyone with any humanity can look at the actions of the Chinese and be ok with it. They are a cruel people. Look how they milk some animals for their bile etc. its just sick.

At the end of the day, I as any person living in the west can simply never allow china to take a position where it would dominate western countries. That would be the end of the world as we know it for westerners.

Westerners probably have no greater fear than being dominated over by Chinese.

Have you ever traveled to China? Or are all of your sources just from the Western media?

I've been to China many times. Each time it improves. They are literally the greatest economic success story in history. Over a billion lifted out of poverty in just 30 years.

About Islam in China, there are halal restaurants dispersed throughout all Chinese cities. It is as common as you see a McDonald's in a Western city, which btw is also dispersed widely through all Chinese cities. Mosques are also everywhere and tucked into little neighborhoods. College cafeterias offer halal food options.

Don't believe everything you read, especially when there is a political agenda. China is going to continue to rise and the vast majority of Chinese citizens support the direction they are going because they have seen their own lives improve by leaps and bounds. China and the West can co-exist, but it's the loss of complete control that is making the West become hysterical and irrational.
Have you ever traveled to China? Or are all of your sources just from the Western media?

I've been to China many times. Each time it improves. They are literally the greatest economic success story in history. Over a billion lifted out of poverty in just 30 years.

About Islam in China, there are halal restaurants dispersed throughout all Chinese cities. It is as common as you see a McDonald's in a Western city, which btw is also dispersed widely through all Chinese cities. Mosques are also everywhere and tucked into little neighborhoods. College cafeterias offer halal food options.

Don't believe everything you read, especially when there is a political agenda. China is going to continue to rise and the vast majority of Chinese citizens support the direction they are going because they have seen their own lives improve by leaps and bounds. China and the West can co-exist, but it's the loss of complete control that is making the West become hysterical and irrational.

Well yes, that's one of the reasons the west is becoming hysterical when it comes to china. I'm sure muslims are treated just fine (as badly as other religions) in china. There are many mandarin speaking native Chinese who are muslims. They don't get the reeducation camps. This is a uygur genocide. (I wish they had an easier name so I could spell it properly without googling it every time).

And yes china has had an amazing transformation. Its only more reason to think that such actions are so despicable. We deserve better behaviour form china. As I said, when you support me in rounding up Chinese families and separating them from their kids, brainwashing them and killing them randomly. come back and we can talk.

Australia did the same with aborigines. I don't support that either. its disgraceful also.
Well yes, that's one of the reasons the west is becoming hysterical when it comes to china. I'm sure muslims are treated just fine (as badly as other religions) in china. There are many mandarin speaking native Chinese who are muslims. They don't get the reeducation camps. This is a uygur genocide. (I wish they had an easier name so I could spell it properly without googling it every time).

And yes china has had an amazing transformation. Its only more reason to think that such actions are so despicable. We deserve better behaviour form china. As I said, when you support me in rounding up Chinese families and separating them from their kids, brainwashing them and killing them randomly. come back and we can talk.

Australia did the same with aborigines. I don't support that either. its disgraceful also.

Uyghurs aren't being genocided. It's one thing to re-educate radicals. It's another thing to genocide a whole population. There are tons of Uyghur celebrities in China and their population has been increasing not decreasing. Uighurs along with other minorities, also weren't subjected the one child policy either.

I can guarantee you that there are far more Uighur celebrities in China than there are Asian Australian celebrities in Australia.
Uyghurs aren't being genocided. It's one thing to re-educate radicals. It's another thing to genocide a whole population. There are tons of Uyghur celebrities in China and their population has been increasing not decreasing. Uighurs along with other minorities, also weren't subjected the one child policy either.

I can guarantee you that there are far more Uighur celebrities in China than there are Asian Australian celebrities in Australia.

Well I'm glad Chinese like Uyghurs so much. Please lobby your government to just leave them alone. Criminals should go to prison, but this is just terrible. Even if half of it is true. Its terrible.
Well I'm glad Chinese like Uyghurs so much. Please lobby your government to just leave them alone. Criminals should go to prison, but this is just terrible. Even if half of it is true. Its terrible.

It's not my govt as I have never even lived in China. I do agree that some of their policies are paranoid and draconian but there is a huge difference between heavy censorship and political repression versus outright concentration camps and killing people. I was once a big critic here of China's policies in that regard but since the Western media coverage has become so outlandish, publicizing every fairytale made up by CIA funded front groups and evangelical psychos to the point that any lie can be believed, I have found it very revolting because I care about the fucking truth. Also, it is quite coincidental that Uyghur terrorist groups are actually funded by and supported by the CIA.

Anyways, China is not perfect but it's not a monster either. Their policies have an aim and that is national unity and stability. Uyghurs are not being genocided, but I definitely agree that Uyghur nationalism and separatism is being repressed. However, at the same time, the Chinese govt. is pouring in money to develop the region and give Uyghurs career paths so they will have a stake in the system which will lead to political stability.

The reality is much more complicated and different than what is depicted. You can just repeat whatever you hear from the media, but if you have never been to China, you're just basically repeating propaganda with no regards to the actual truth.
It's not my govt as I have never even lived in China. I do agree that some of their policies are paranoid and draconian but there is a huge difference between heavy censorship and political repression versus outright concentration camps and killing people. I was once a big critic here of China's policies in that regard but since the Western media coverage has become so outlandish, publicizing every fairytale made up by CIA funded front groups and evangelical psychos to the point that any lie can be believed, I have found it very revolting because I care about the fucking truth. Also, it is quite coincidental that Uyghur terrorist groups are actually funded by and supported by the CIA.

Anyways, China is not perfect but it's not a monster either. Their policies have an aim and that is national unity and stability. Uyghurs are not being genocided, but I definitely agree that Uyghur nationalism and separatism is being repressed. However, at the same time, the Chinese govt. is pouring in money to develop the region and give Uyghurs career paths so they will have a stake in the system which will lead to political stability.

The reality is much more complicated and different than what is depicted. You can just repeat whatever you hear from the media, but if you have never been to China, you're just basically repeating propaganda with no regards to the actual truth.

Well how would I see the Uyghur camps as a tourist to china? I was lucky to see the Great Wall.

I have to believe some things that come out of the CIA. they cant lie about everything. The first religious building that I saw in china was a synagogue. That was a surprise. I can't say I udnerstand china but I know I would not want to be rued by that regime. Nor would I want the Chinese to be ruled by it either. Ive seen the Chinese people rule Singapore and Taiwan and hong kong, and its darn impressive.

I think the west had hoped that economic progress would lead to greater democratisation. but its going backwards.

On the other hand, the west is going fascist. America is going towards a civil war based on ideology and race. in 20 years its not certain where muslims will be safer, in the west or china. So I don't judge too harshly.
Well how would I see the Uyghur camps as a tourist to china? I was lucky to see the Great Wall.

I have to believe some things that come out of the CIA. they cant lie about everything. The first religious building that I saw in china was a synagogue. That was a surprise. I can't say I udnerstand china but I know I would not want to be rued by that regime. Nor would I want the Chinese to be ruled by it either. Ive seen the Chinese people rule Singapore and Taiwan and hong kong, and its darn impressive.

I think the west had hoped that economic progress would lead to greater democratisation. but its going backwards.

On the other hand, the west is going fascist. America is going towards a civil war based on ideology and race. in 20 years its not certain where muslims will be safer, in the west or china. So I don't judge too harshly.

Singapore and Taiwan do not have the West trying to upstage and destabilize their societies. China is authoritarian for a reason, and part of that is because there are powerful foreign forces trying to destabilize it in order to eliminate a competitor.

Anyways, with that said, I am optimistic about China's future and think it is still way too early to predict how it will ultimately turn out. I think the younger generations are far more educated and conscientious and ethical and ultimately China will end up being a more liberal, enlightened and developed society. But give it 20-30 years.
Maybe it would be like south korea? Vietnamese seem like pretty capable people why not?

If you think South Vietnam (populated mostly by Khmer and Fillipino-looking people) could have become a developed nation like South Korea, you must have listened too much to propaganda of Vietnamese Australian yellow-flaggers (South Vietnamese who served and still support the dead puppet regime), or you know nothing about Vietnam and East Asian history and culture.
True. Unfortunately Chinese diplomacy is run by kids today. Their infantile rants and warnings is embarrassing to say the least.

Here is Australian government trying to do the right thing, despite bringing shame to the illustrious SAS. This is laudable and example to follow.
Terminating means nothing, killing civilians on purpose is a war crime mate. Stop the white privelledge shit.
Lol...now pot is calling kettle black. What about the rampant violation of human rights in your own country?....Ironically, in China you cannot even have a "probe"...isn't it?
Well we are an evil regime, are you saying you guys are now equivalent to an evil regime? Gosh... Lol
If you think South Vietnam (populated mostly by Khmer and Fillipino-looking people) could have become a developed nation like South Korea, you must have listened too much to propaganda of Vietnamese Australian yellow-flaggers (South Vietnamese who served and still support the dead puppet regime), or you know nothing about Vietnam and East Asian history and culture.

I try to not think like a racist, so I don’t see the problem with brown south East Asians having a successful country. They seem to do ok in Singapore or Malaysia. Malaysia was doing quite well when China was having a famine in the 1960’s.

many Chinese I see are as dark as any Khmer or Philipino. Most of the time I can’t tell them apart. Most Japanese I see are darker looking than Chinese. Yet Japan is incredibly advanced
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