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China Daily special editorial today:Okinawa is not part of Japan


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China Daily special editorial today:Okinawa is not part of Japan
2013年08月15日 16:01 人民网-人民日报 我有话说(14308人参与)



yea..its not part of Japan..cause it is Japan altogether,unite...
Okinawa historically was a vassal state to China and was illegally annexed into Japan in the late 1800s,Before being annexed into Japan in the late 19th century, the independent Ryukyu kingdom, centred on Okinawa, paid tribute to China for centuries -- as did numerous other traditional Asian states -- often receiving favourable trading rights in return.
CCP is sowing the seeds of hatred just like Zia did with Pakistan, And China is behaving like a bully. Japanese Forces are still strong and backed by USA.

Chinese should act responsibly and maturely. This type of Jingoism will only harm China and Chinese interests.
Okinawa historically was a vassal state to China and was illegally annexed into Japan in the late 1800s,Before being annexed into Japan in the late 19th century, the independent Ryukyu kingdom, centred on Okinawa, paid tribute to China for centuries -- as did numerous other traditional Asian states -- often receiving favourable trading rights in return.

There has been Chinese presence on Okinawa for centuries. Okinawa is a lot closer to China than it is to Japan.

Therefore ?

Besides conveying a personal view of history, is anything else being attempted to be conveyed ?
I dont know what these guys are thinking? By this sense Mongols can claim half of China.. Now lets see the the replies..
I want to know if there any any territories which are under Chinese control but claimed by other countries? (I know Akshai Chin is one such place. but then Akshi Chin was taken by China by force so it was also Indian controlled area)

Seems like everything on which there is a dispute with China weather land, water or resources they are under control of other Countries and China is trying to steal them.

For me this is stupid. Like China other countries should lay claims to Chinese controlled areas.
China Affirms Japan Sovereignty Over Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands

China Affirms Japan Sovereignty Over Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands - China Real Time Report - WSJ

China doesn’t dispute Japan’s sovereignty over Okinawa and other islands in the Ryukyu chain, a senior Chinese military official said, dismissing recent commentary on the matter by state-backed academics as scholarly musings.

“Please be assured that China’s position has not changed [on Japan's sovereignty over the Ryukyu Islands],” Lt. Gen. Qi Jianguo, deputy chief of general staff of the People’s Liberation Army, told the Shangri-La Dialogue, an annual security conference in Singapore, Sunday.

His comments come after the Chinese Communist Party’s main propaganda organ, the People’s Daily newspaper, questioned Tokyo’s historical claim on the Ryukyu Islands, which stretch southwest from Japan’s home islands toward Taiwan. The chain includes Okinawa, a piece of land key to the U.S. defense strategy in the Asia Pacific.

“Scholars are free to put forward any ideas they want. It doesn’t represent the views of the Chinese government,” the general said in response to a question posed by a conference delegate.

Lt. Gen. Qi was the first senior Beijing official to affirm Japan’s sovereignty over the Ryukyu Islands after the People’s Daily published in May a lengthy commentary by scholars at a prominent state-run think tank that called for a “reconsideration” of “unresolved” historical questions over the status of the Ryukyu Islands, but stopped short of calling the chain a part of China.

The Japanese government has dismissed the commentary, saying there is “no doubt” about its sovereignty over the islands. In a Saturday interview on Nippon Television, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe noted the People’s Daily article but said that “despite all this, we are calling for dialogue. I hope China will understand our desire.”

The issue had come amid ongoing tensions between Tokyo and Beijing over the sovereignty of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea, called Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese, which sit astride key shipping routes. This long-running territorial dispute was reignited after Japan’s government decided to purchase the islands from private owners in September 2012. China has since repeatedly sent maritime surveillance vessels and aircraft to the waters near the islands, testing Tokyo’s control.

The People’s Daily is widely viewed as the most influential of China’s party-backed newspapers, and is seen as a useful gauge of the leadership’s sentiments on many domestic and international issues when read over extended periods of time.

But while Lt. Gen. Qi played down the significance of the People’s Daily commentary, he also stressed that “the issues over the Diaoyu Islands, the Ryukyu Islands and Okinawa are not the same.”

He reiterated his government’s claims over the islands it calls Diaoyu, and defended the deployment of Chinese naval and surveillance vessels to waters in the East China Sea and South China Sea that are claimed by Beijing.

“The patrolling activity by Chinese warships is totally legitimate,” Lt. Gen. Qi said. “It’s not controversial for us to be patrolling within our own territory.”

Okinawa, the largest of the Ryukyu Islands, emerged as a key base of U.S. military operations in the Asia-Pacific region after World War II, and it is a cornerstone of the longstanding U.S.-Japan security alliance. But the U.S. military has long faced local resistance from those who feel the island has shouldered too much of the burden for the U.S. presence in Japan. The U.S. and Japan have recently stressed the island’s defensive role to local residents, citing rising tensions with China and North Korea and the role it has long played in U.S. regional defense strategy.

The islands were an independent kingdom for part of their history and a vassal state of both China and Japan during the 19th century, though Japanese and Chinese historians bicker over the details. They were formally annexed by Japan in the late 19th century.
I want to know if there any any territories which are under Chinese control but claimed by other countries? (I know Akshai Chin is one such place. but then Akshi Chin was taken by China by force so it was also Indian controlled area)

Seems like everything on which there is a dispute with China weather land, water or resources they are under control of other Countries and China is trying to steal them.

For me this is stupid. Like China other countries should lay claims to Chinese controlled areas.

List of territorial disputes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

look at Asia section....they have around 11 disputes altogether...
I want to know if there any any territories which are under Chinese control but claimed by other countries? (I know Akshai Chin is one such place. but then Akshi Chin was taken by China by force so it was also Indian controlled area)

Seems like everything on which there is a dispute with China weather land, water or resources they are under control of other Countries and China is trying to steal them.

For me this is stupid. Like China other countries should lay claims to Chinese controlled areas.

How about Tibet water resource, don't you guys claim that belong to international too? :lol: now China has green lights to build 3 more dams, and not only that we will streal India monsoon when we dynamite the mountain to clair the passage of the monsoon, it will India worst nightmare...try to do something about it :pop:

Blowing Up A Mountain In China - YouTube

Japan has territorial disputes with every country in it proximity,including nuclear superpower China and Russia.it's aksing for its own demise.

Japan is tiny island country,but it has island disputes with China(PRC) China(ROC),S.Korea,N.Korea,Russia,what a country,all its neigbors are ganging up on it,but it just asked for it.
How about Tibet water resource, don't you guys claim that belong to international too? :lol: now China has green lights to build 3 more dams, and not only that we will streal India monsoon when we dynamite the mountain to clair the passage of the monsoon, it will India worst nightmare...try to do something about it :pop:

Blowing Up A Mountain In China - YouTube


Second Post of the week !!

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