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China Criticizes US For Its Human Rights Record

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That is just nonsense from someone who most likely have never even left his female scarce province in China. One third of the engineers I work with are mainland Chinese who have been in the US for at least five years. They bought houses in the US, send their children to American schools, and themselves be 'burger munchers', as some here have called Americans.

Am willing to bet yuan to rice cakes that one night at Sheri's Cabaret here in Las Vegas, motto: Our Business is Your Pleasure!, YOU would become an American toot-sweet...:lol:

At least we know anything while China know nothing. In the land of the blind, the one-eye man is king.

America has killed over 100 million humans over the last 230+ years. The US human rights record is worse than Nazi Germany, that's saying something.
America has killed over 100 million humans over the last 230+ years. The US human rights record is worse than Nazi Germany, that's saying something.
And yet sooooooo many Chinese want membership into this 'evil' society...:lol:

There are no reasons for the Chinese members here to take offense at our criticisms and no reasons for the Chinese government to take the same offense.

Looky here...What we believe to be 'universal' human rights are hardly provable to be 'universal'. I have no problems saying that. God never materialized and said anything about what rights and freedoms are according to His divine wisdom. So all China and Chinese have to do is come up with your own version of 'universal' human rights and that this set just so happened to make China look good. Nothing so difficult.

But the clincher is that since China and you Chinese took offense, it mean that tacitly deep inside your hearts you know the principles we believe in are far more attractive to you than the ones the Chinese government have been trying in vain to peddle, namely the failed communism and now it is about 'The Party'. So attractive those principles are that you have only one option: That you must try your best to drag US down to China's level because you have used those same standards to judge China and found China wanting.
@gambit you forget option 2 where they immigrate here and pretend that they were always fans. :pop:
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LOL. I love it. Keep doing that China.
Full text of report: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/world/2013-04/21/c_132327175.htm

A number of the yardsticks used aren't considered "human rights" in the Western sense at all. Nevertheless, it's interesting to read the report, both as an outsider's perspective of the U.S. and as a gedankenexperiment to apply the same standards the Chinese who wrote it used to Pakistan - or even China itself.
And yet sooooooo many Chinese want membership into this 'evil' society...:lol:

There are no reasons for the Chinese members here to take offense at our criticisms and no reasons for the Chinese government to take the same offense.

Looky here...What we believe to be 'universal' human rights are hardly provable to be 'universal'. I have no problems saying that. God never materialized and said anything about what rights and freedoms are according to His divine wisdom. So all China and Chinese have to do is come up with your own version of 'universal' human rights and that this set just so happened to make China look good. Nothing so difficult.

But the clincher is that since China and you Chinese took offense, it mean that tacitly deep inside your hearts you know the principles we believe in are far more attractive to you than the ones the Chinese government have been trying in vain to peddle, namely the failed communism and now it is about 'The Party'. So attractive those principles are that you have only one option: That you must try your best to drag US down to China's level because you have used those same standards to judge China and found China wanting.

We never claimed our human rights are perfect but American human rights are the worst of any country (including Nazi Germany). It's not even close when you look at all the wars and war crimes America has committed since 1776. Start with the extermination of the entire Native American race and work from there kiddo.
We never claimed our human rights are perfect but American human rights are the worst of any country (including Nazi Germany). It's not even close when you look at all the wars and war crimes America has committed since 1776. Start with the extermination of the entire Native American race and work from there kiddo.
Kiddo? :lol: Am old enough to be your father, kiddo.

And the US 'extermination of the entire Native American race'? Use the American invention called 'the Internet' and use keyword search 'american indian reservations'.

Now explain why do so many Chinese want to come to the US, at least to live a better life, and why do so many Chinese mothers want their children to have US citizenship.
That is just nonsense from someone who most likely have never even left his female scarce province in China. One third of the engineers I work with are mainland Chinese who have been in the US for at least five years. They bought houses in the US, send their children to American schools, and themselves be 'burger munchers', as some here have called Americans.
Yes that's how we train them to act ;)
Kiddo? :lol: Am old enough to be your father, kiddo.

And the US 'extermination of the entire Native American race'? Use the American invention called 'the Internet' and use keyword search 'american indian reservations'.

Now explain why do so many Chinese want to come to the US, at least to live a better life, and why do so many Chinese mothers want their children to have US citizenship.

Native American population is non-existent. They were exterminated by murderous killers like George Washington. American human rights are nothing short of appalling. It's heinous crimes committed against innocent people in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan are some of the worst crimes ever committed against the human race. The US remains the only country in history to have committed slavery. The US has a shameful history starting with serial killers like George Washington and Thomas Jefforson.
America is the most evil nation in the world. So evil that it'd make one's guts turn inside-out.
Native American population is non-existent. They were exterminated by murderous killers like George Washington. American human rights are nothing short of appalling. It's heinous crimes committed against innocent people in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan are some of the worst crimes ever committed against the human race. The US remains the only country in history to have committed slavery. The US has a shameful history starting with serial killers like George Washington and Thomas Jefforson.

Oh,Congratulations,You memorized the names of two American Presidents.Well done.Now lean to spell their names too.:lol:
Native American population is non-existent. They were exterminated by murderous killers like George Washington. American human rights are nothing short of appalling. It's heinous crimes committed against innocent people in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan are some of the worst crimes ever committed against the human race. The US remains the only country in history to have committed slavery. The US has a shameful history starting with serial killers like George Washington and Thomas Jefforson.
The anti-US script generator borked up?
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