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China could do Kargil on India

Wrong. It was India who backstabbed us in 1959, by hosting our largest separatist group, and it was them who conducted the Forward Policy in 1962.

Secondly, China today is the strongest it has ever been vis-a-vis India, ever since the founding of the PRC. Back then, our economies were the same size, and that continued up until 1990. Even in 1990, our economies were around the same size.

Then in the year 2000, China's economy was twice the size of India's. And in 2010, China's economy was four times the size of India's.

Since the PRC was founded in 1949, China has never had an economy that was four times the size of the Indian one. But today we have it. And we also happen to have the world's largest industrial base, which means we can pump endless numbers of weapon systems if we need to, while you guys have to import yours from overseas.

Possibly you could pump endless number of weapons. But you could only do if your industries will remain intact. Do you think that in a war India will let you make endless weapons in you factories and India will fold its hands and sit and watch. If that is the case then for whom are they making Agni missiles or other missiles for. It is not unlike US- Japan war. Where both countries where far of each other. Chinese could not under estimate India by being more economically sound. Possibly India buys some of its weapons from foreign countries. But you should know that India too have enough economy,weapons and arsenals to inflict considerable havoc to China and putting China a thousand years back. But the question is China stupid for a mutual destruction for a small piece of barren land. I think atleast till now the Chinese Govt is acting in sense and will in future too..;)
Not sure what is the intention of the Strategic thinker but such incendiary language only serves to fuel the Indo China Rivalry. Let me state cleanly and bluntly, if China decides to strike at India today, solely on account of it's numbers both on land and air, it will definitely upstage India in a conventional scenario. However the situation may change with the introduction of other players.

1. First things first. India is a democracy, China, a capitalist autocracy. Inspite of all the failings of our electorate, we still vote to elect our leaders and the vote of the common man still counts. Case in point being the cessation of communist rule after 34 years in WB, India. If India decides to go to NATO or US with request for assistance it will be difficult for them to deny India. China understands this and it is trying to hedge against this by increasing economic dependence of Europe on it's currency. How far it succeeds in this endeavor is worthy of analysis.

2. The very topography of India will make it difficult for China for a second mis-adventure. I am not aware of what transpired in 1962 but literature suggests that the Indian PM was short-sighted to neglect the Chinese buildup, which I suspect started since 1959 in order to teach arrogant India a lesson in humility. However this time round it is far more likely that Chinese will face a more resolute defence in terms of both aerial and infantry defence along the very sectors which it had trampled upon in the past. However if the conflict turns out to be a long-drawn out with considerable investment of personnel and resources it will only serve to deplete the economic march of both these giants of Asia, which really, will be a pity since the people of both these countries have endured enough to bring them to the point they are at today.
Another common misconception.

The early Chinese reforms were limited to only very small areas of the country. The reforms only went nation-wide in the 1990's.

In 1990, China and India had almost exactly the same GDP. We started out from the same place.

The reason our economy is much bigger, is because we were able to sustain double-digit growth for several decades, while India never managed to do that.

not at all bro not at all in 1990 60% of the Indian population lived under the poverty line 20 years later today it is only ~40% that lives under poverty you are fast to compare our 2 economies but realize that China did not face pervasive poverty or the socio-economic India faces and even today we facet these challenges majority of our poor are jungle dwellers or slum dwellers who are from the Adivasi group or from the Scheduled castes and tribe groups these people have been poor for decades and fortunately they won't stay that way

you guys are Han majority India is very diverse and because of this diversity faces different challenges compared to you guys but by 2050 we will be the worlds largest economy and by then the population living BPL will decrease to single digits Inshallah
China did not face pervasive poverty or the socio-economic India faces and even today we facet these challenges majority of our poor are jungle dwellers or slum dwellers who are from the Adivasi group or from the Scheduled castes and tribe groups these people have been poor for decades and fortunately they won't stay that way

Not true, Pervasive Poverty was everywhere in china, basic needs was however one of the first things the CCP tried to fix and was largely successful.
Not true, Pervasive Poverty was everywhere in china, basic needs was however one of the first things the CCP tried to fix and was largely successful.

What is the point of discussing the poverty levels 2 decades back. It is more than likely that where large numbers are concerned a lot of manipulation happens to improve the subject's perception of the governance. What was China's GDP in 1990 will scarcely serve to add weight to any side of the argument when the truth is that China was successful, albeith through Draconian measures, to control the population curve and thence improve it's numbers. The whole world knows about it.

Was reading an interesting article on 1962. What struck me was, the defiance of Nehru in accepting ground realities of substantial Chinese build-up then, compounded by the baffling decision making of the then defence minister Mr Menon. Why would you not re-inforce your advance troops with logstical support and alternative means of communication, is just beyond me. Case in point being the Chushul and Rezang La debacle of the Indian army. I mean if you have the higher position in combat then you are at a superior situation. To loose from such a tactical position is just baffling. Plus where was the intel on the ground? Expecting a force of mere 123 soldiers to defend against a 1000 plus troops is just pure arrogance and stupidity.
honestly the Indian media keeps coming up with China attack india threads they claimed China would attack india in 2008 then they moved it to 2010 then 2012 then 2014............. , India doesn't even get that much attention in our media.
if its report from TOI,Aaj Tak, NewsX etc it will probably have extended hyperbole a more fitting article would be like "China has capability & option to pull off Kargil style attack" rather than "China could do" theres a lot of things China can do but lets be real war will mess us up both its time we end this silly land dispute China recognizes Arunachal Pradesh as apart of India we recognize Aksai Chin as apart of China an old fashioned status quo agreement will even save face for both sides more importantly the Chinese authoritarian regime which cannot lose face in front of its people prior to 1962 and now we never really had control of Aksai Chin even the British did not do anything with that land it was barren territory from the start

and i think we are getting better end of this deal because Aksai Chin does not have sht except mountains and snow it would be a good tourist attraction for trekkers but Arunachal Pradesh is one of the major states to why the 7 sister states of India are called "paradise unexplored"
Another common misconception.

The early Chinese reforms were limited to only very small areas of the country. The reforms only went nation-wide in the 1990's.

In 1990, China and India had almost exactly the same GDP. We started out from the same place.

The reason our economy is much bigger, is because we were able to sustain double-digit growth for several decades, while India never managed to do that.

we didnt start in the same time,china started reforms in 1978 the had a lot of time to set up policies and framework,india started reform in 1991 and didnt have any policies or framework during the time so its completely different
when china experienced accelerated growth there was no recession,the time india started gaining some ground it was hit by recession
and the chinese currency policy is not free which resulted in low cost of goods to be exported which gave much larger market for sale
True in normal cases, but remember that this is not a democratic government.

They cannot lose face in front of their own people, which means they have literally no choice but to respond if there is a severe enough provocation.

Actually not being a democratic government puts more pressure on the communist party. Politics of war becomes difficult to justify when the legitimacy of governance is not sourced from the population. For India it will be easier to respond with the will of the people and hence the resultant consequences behind it.

But all this talk is naive, China will not consider even a small skirmish over the border. The retailiation will not be one that could be controlled and the fear of the consequences getting out of hand will be enormous specially in these already trying and confusing economic times.

Only a country which has nothing to lose could take that step. China has evidently a lot to lose by committing this harakiri.

---------- Post added at 12:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 PM ----------

Not true, Pervasive Poverty was everywhere in china, basic needs was however one of the first things the CCP tried to fix and was largely successful.

No, CCP was only successful in compartmentalizing the prosperity brackets so that one does not overlap each other and different worlds do not step foot on each other. The policy continues to this day. Just the compartments are changing in nature.
honestly the Indian media keeps coming up with China attack india threads they claimed China would attack india in 2008 then they moved it to 2010 then 2012 then 2014............. , India doesn't even get that much attention in our media.

Honestly most of the war planners and strategist's here anticipate an imminent Chinese attack,call it our paranoia or whatever but this is a direct implication of the ever growing Chinese muscle flexing show.

About Indian coverage in Chinese media,its a truth that India is not covered much in Chinese media,but do u think most of the people here even care about it when most of the time people here even dont know a single Chinese media house,do u think India is trying to improve its popularity by advertising it in Chinese media,forget it my friend,forget it.
Wrong. It was India who backstabbed us in 1959, by hosting our largest separatist group, and it was them who conducted the Forward Policy in 1962.

Secondly, China today is the strongest it has ever been vis-a-vis India, ever since the founding of the PRC. Back then, our economies were the same size, and that continued up until 1990. Even in 1990, our economies were around the same size.

Then in the year 2000, China's economy was twice the size of India's. And in 2010, China's economy was four times the size of India's.

Since the PRC was founded in 1949, China has never had an economy that was four times the size of the Indian one. But today we have it. And we also happen to have the world's largest industrial base, which means we can pump endless numbers of weapon systems if we need to, while you guys have to import yours from overseas.

Have you heard of "diminishing marginal returns"? Once of certain size, size matters less.

Anyway, I am eagerly waiting for a war between India and China. Once and for all, it will put all debates on India vs China to rest and clean PDF of the trolls :D
Wrong. It was India who backstabbed us in 1959, by hosting our largest separatist group, and it was them who conducted the Forward Policy in 1962.

Secondly, China today is the strongest it has ever been vis-a-vis India, ever since the founding of the PRC. Back then, our economies were the same size, and that continued up until 1990. Even in 1990, our economies were around the same size.

Then in the year 2000, China's economy was twice the size of India's. And in 2010, China's economy was four times the size of India's.

Since the PRC was founded in 1949, China has never had an economy that was four times the size of the Indian one. But today we have it. And we also happen to have the world's largest industrial base, which means we can pump endless numbers of weapon systems if we need to, while you guys have to import yours from overseas.

And we also happen to have the world's largest industrial base, which means we can pump endless numbers of weapon systems if we need to, while you guys have to import yours from overseas.

Sino India war if happens will be over in just days.

ability to produce weapons on massive scale can be utilized fully when war lasts for years.

for example Germany USSR war.

USSR used its second largest industrial base to produce tanks, fighters , SPGs , tank destroyers , mines on vast numbers and produced more than 86,000 t 34 tanks.

but Sino India war will last , maximum , for month.

so your industrial base advantage though important, wont be decision maker.

BTW oil tankers for china come through Indian ocean.

what if IN destroys them and starve Chinese economy for oil?

Pakistan cant come to your help as it is busy on western border.
Why would china try a Kargil ? whats the objective ? all these china attack india threads.

Very simple
1)they are obsessed with china
2) We continuosly seeing india as though no such country exit
3) we are far ahead of them
4)The whole world is talking about china and ignor india
5) we are more smart.
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